How Sick Is Hillary?

Chicken Little with an AR-15 eh? And that's all just totally, totally nuts by the way.

No, it is well within the realm of possibility for someone so cavalier with our Constitutional guidelines and laws as to do the things he has done and gotten away with them.

He is a master manipulator and schemer.

For him to have gotten this far and to do all of the obviously anti-American things he has done and you STILL purport to doubt his Machiavellian wiles means you are not just a blind sheep.

You are a willing co-conspirator.

Even IF you have no official connection to him you are, nonetheless, working towards a common goal as he.

To make the USA less free, less prosperous and less strong.

You are as much an ally of Obama and his band of traitors as there can be.

If Obama is who you say he is, why did the election results look like this? That's not really that big a win, maybe 2 or 3%?

Shouldn't he have won by like 90%, if he really plans to take over that is? Wouldn't you be in prison by now?

Pretty simple. Obama won all the states, save a couple with large metropolitan areas where there are high concentrations of democrat voters.
Urban dwellers ( where most recipients of public assistance reside) vote in virtual lockstep for those who keep the steady flow of taxpayer provided goodies...Democrats.
The Santa Claus party.
Benghazi will be too much for her to overcome.

Yeah right. Nobody but Fox and the wingnut brigade even talk about Benghazi.

You guys are a delusional lot.

Fox News and the American people are like the Bailey Building and Loan Association and the good people of Bedford Falls in the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life."

George Bailey: This town needs this measly one-horse institution if only to have some place where people can come without crawling to Potter.

America needs Fox News if only to have an alternative to the Obama Government news bureau MSM sources.

And to make it even better, Fox News is fair and balanced and you HATE that!

You can't abide the truth being told by Fox News! Your entire scheme depends on the American sheeple being fed a line of B.S. of your manufacture and then your telling them what to think and how to think.

With Fox News the people are told the truth and are encouraged to come to their own conclusions from that truth being broadcast.

With Fox News around, Mr. Potter, you can't have a monopoly on the American people.

And you can't allow that.

So, you attack FNC with all the evil bitterness and contempt as Mr. Potter keeping Uncle Billy's $8,000 bank deposit.

Hillary is too moderate for Dems- they want a wingnut like Fauxahontas Warren.
Hillary is very solid actually. Does that concern you?

Solid? At what?...Please list her accomplishments.
What has DONE...Not interested in the offices she's held.
What qualifies her for POTUS?
She's got a (D) next her name? She's a flaming lib?
Is it because she loathes the military?
You do remember the stink she unearthed when she ordered that White House guards who were in uniform to not be in uniform?
You're hanging your hat on the wrong hook.
Is a 68 year old woman( her age at Inauguration should she win) the best your side can offer?
A person who bypassed the system so she could be "appointed" US Senator? a term she did not complete because democrat operatives wanted pushed aside to clear the road for Obama?
Her only other important post was another appointment?
Clinton has never faced public scrutiny. Not to the extent where she was involved in a 'real' election.
What should worry your side is the overconfidence...Because you libs view political office as a birthright, you've lulled yourselves into a false sense of security.
That's fine....And we're done.
If you thought I was debating this issue with you, then you thought wrong.

Isn't it past due to move this thread to the rubber room?

Maybe you can help Candycorn's shero, Sandra Fluck, to get her $3,000 worth of rubbers there in your rubber room.

That bike is prolly worth a couple grand.

No, it is well within the realm of possibility for someone so cavalier with our Constitutional guidelines and laws as to do the things he has done and gotten away with them.

He is a master manipulator and schemer.

For him to have gotten this far and to do all of the obviously anti-American things he has done and you STILL purport to doubt his Machiavellian wiles means you are not just a blind sheep.

You are a willing co-conspirator.

Even IF you have no official connection to him you are, nonetheless, working towards a common goal as he.

To make the USA less free, less prosperous and less strong.

You are as much an ally of Obama and his band of traitors as there can be.

If Obama is who you say he is, why did the election results look like this? That's not really that big a win, maybe 2 or 3%?

Shouldn't he have won by like 90%, if he really plans to take over that is? Wouldn't you be in prison by now?

Pretty simple. Obama won all the states, save a couple with large metropolitan areas where there are high concentrations of democrat voters.
Urban dwellers ( where most recipients of public assistance reside) vote in virtual lockstep for those who keep the steady flow of taxpayer provided goodies...Democrats.
The Santa Claus party.
The point is, if I really plan to never leave office, do I want a close election or do I want the election to show that something like 95% of the population want me to be there so there's no reason for me to leave office? Does a Ruler for Life want a close election or a Huge Landslide?
She is the one that authored the TPP and is against a raise in the minimum wage. Frankly, this pisses off most progressives these days.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

And Obama? His unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of another point of view except to disparage it, is an example of compromise?
Too often, liberals refer to Obstruction. As though they "expect" Obama's every whim to become policy or law.
She is the one that authored the TPP and is against a raise in the minimum wage. Frankly, this pisses off most progressives these days.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

And Obama? His unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of another point of view except to disparage it, is an example of compromise?
Too often, liberals refer to Obstruction. As though they "expect" Obama's every whim to become policy or law.
Tell me, do you remember just how long it took for Obama to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell? Did he do that on the first day he was President or did it take a while? Didn't he promise to close Guantanamo and yet it's still open? Was that maybe because people told him that would be a bad idea?
Hillary is too moderate for Dems- they want a wingnut like Fauxahontas Warren.
Hillary is very solid actually. Does that concern you?

Solid? At what?...Please list her accomplishments.
What has DONE...Not interested in the offices she's held.
What qualifies her for POTUS?
She's got a (D) next her name? She's a flaming lib?
Is it because she loathes the military?
You do remember the stink she unearthed when she ordered that White House guards who were in uniform to not be in uniform?
You're hanging your hat on the wrong hook.
Is a 68 year old woman( her age at Inauguration should she win) the best your side can offer?
A person who bypassed the system so she could be "appointed" US Senator? a term she did not complete because democrat operatives wanted pushed aside to clear the road for Obama?
Her only other important post was another appointment?
Clinton has never faced public scrutiny. Not to the extent where she was involved in a 'real' election.
What should worry your side is the overconfidence...Because you libs view political office as a birthright, you've lulled yourselves into a false sense of security.
That's fine....And we're done.
If you thought I was debating this issue with you, then you thought wrong.
Let us NOT forget the phoney story she told of sniperfire in Tuzla...

Or how about this barnburner....

Hillary fired for lies, unethical behavior from Congressional job: former boss

As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, one question that arose was whether she has engaged in a pattern of lying.
The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
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If Obama is who you say he is, why did the election results look like this? That's not really that big a win, maybe 2 or 3%?

Shouldn't he have won by like 90%, if he really plans to take over that is? Wouldn't you be in prison by now?

Pretty simple. Obama won all the states, save a couple with large metropolitan areas where there are high concentrations of democrat voters.
Urban dwellers ( where most recipients of public assistance reside) vote in virtual lockstep for those who keep the steady flow of taxpayer provided goodies...Democrats.
The Santa Claus party.
The point is, if I really plan to never leave office, do I want a close election or do I want the election to show that something like 95% of the population want me to be there so there's no reason for me to leave office? Does a Ruler for Life want a close election or a Huge Landslide?

I'd say the #1 matter of vital importance would have been simply to be re-elected.

After that he'd figure out how to manage just fine using whatever resources were available to him.

A long range recon team packs as much food, water and ammo as they can but beyond that they must make do with what nature provides them.

And still accomplish their mission and return safely.

Obama didn't depend on variables outside of his control. Whether it was a close vote or a landslide, it didn't matter.

Just as long as he was re-elected his mission was a "Go."

He could still orchestrate situations and events to make his staying in the oval office beyond Jan 2017 a reality.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

And Obama? His unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of another point of view except to disparage it, is an example of compromise?
Too often, liberals refer to Obstruction. As though they "expect" Obama's every whim to become policy or law.
Tell me, do you remember just how long it took for Obama to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell? Did he do that on the first day he was President or did it take a while? Didn't he promise to close Guantanamo and yet it's still open? Was that maybe because people told him that would be a bad idea?

And just like Liberals tend to be short term thinkers (when they can muster the neurons to think rationally at all) this advice didn't come to them until AFTER he'd campaigned on closing Gitmo and then winning the race.

You don't think he intentionally LIED about closing Gitmo just so he could get elected do you???

Heaven forbid he'd be that disingenuous!

I'd say the #1 matter of vital importance would have been simply to be re-elected.

After that he'd figure out how to manage just fine using whatever resources were available to him.

A long range recon team packs as much food, water and ammo as they can but beyond that they must make do with what nature provides them.

And still accomplish their mission and return safely.

Obama didn't depend on variables outside of his control. Whether it was a close vote or a landslide, it didn't matter.

Just as long as he was re-elected his mission was a "Go."

He could still orchestrate situations and events to make his staying in the oval office beyond Jan 2017 a reality.
If his plan was to take over the country, why wait? Didn't he have even more support when he was elected the first time? Weren't his number even better then? If I want something, the Presidency say, and I get it, wouldn't I be like Hitler and lock myself into that position as soon as possible?
And Obama? His unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of another point of view except to disparage it, is an example of compromise?
Too often, liberals refer to Obstruction. As though they "expect" Obama's every whim to become policy or law.
Tell me, do you remember just how long it took for Obama to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell? Did he do that on the first day he was President or did it take a while? Didn't he promise to close Guantanamo and yet it's still open? Was that maybe because people told him that would be a bad idea?

And just like Liberals tend to be short term thinkers (when they can muster the neurons to think rationally at all) this advice didn't come to them until AFTER he'd campaigned on closing Gitmo and then winning the race.

You don't think he intentionally LIED about closing Gitmo just so he could get elected do you???

Heaven forbid he'd be that disingenuous!

Maybe he did lie? Pols do that right? And what about DADT? Why did he wait so long? Why did he have the study down to see what the members of the military thought? Why didn't he just do it? Would a dictator ask for a survey? Did Hitler ask for a show of hands?
I'd say the #1 matter of vital importance would have been simply to be re-elected.

After that he'd figure out how to manage just fine using whatever resources were available to him.

A long range recon team packs as much food, water and ammo as they can but beyond that they must make do with what nature provides them.

And still accomplish their mission and return safely.

Obama didn't depend on variables outside of his control. Whether it was a close vote or a landslide, it didn't matter.

Just as long as he was re-elected his mission was a "Go."

He could still orchestrate situations and events to make his staying in the oval office beyond Jan 2017 a reality.
If his plan was to take over the country, why wait? Didn't he have even more support when he was elected the first time? Weren't his number even better then? If I want something, the Presidency say, and I get it, wouldn't I be like Hitler and lock myself into that position as soon as possible?

Nope. He wants to remain viable even AFTER he plays that card. So, he must make it look like something he simply had to do for the sake of the country and expediency's sake.

He still has dreams of being King of the World.

Or just setting his grand plan into motion and then slipping away and still be idolized and unscathed by any judicial body.

But if he emulated your role model, Hitler, he'd be attacked immediately and with no hold barred.


This might well be Obama's M.O.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

[ame=]The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]like that, its gone - YouTube[/ame]

"And like that, he's gone."
I'd say the #1 matter of vital importance would have been simply to be re-elected.

After that he'd figure out how to manage just fine using whatever resources were available to him.

A long range recon team packs as much food, water and ammo as they can but beyond that they must make do with what nature provides them.

And still accomplish their mission and return safely.

Obama didn't depend on variables outside of his control. Whether it was a close vote or a landslide, it didn't matter.

Just as long as he was re-elected his mission was a "Go."

He could still orchestrate situations and events to make his staying in the oval office beyond Jan 2017 a reality.
If his plan was to take over the country, why wait? Didn't he have even more support when he was elected the first time? Weren't his number even better then? If I want something, the Presidency say, and I get it, wouldn't I be like Hitler and lock myself into that position as soon as possible?

Nope. He wants to remain viable even AFTER he plays that card. So, he must make it look like something he simply had to do for the sake of the country and expediency's sake.

He still has dreams of being King of the World.

Or just setting his grand plan into motion and then slipping away and still be idolized and unscathed by any judicial body.

But if he emulated your role model, Hitler, he'd be attacked immediately and with no hold barred.


This might well be Obama's M.O.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"And like that, he's gone."
So you believe that Obama is that smart huh? He's just acting like an elected official until he can take over the country, maybe even the world, for life?
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

So I'm curious on that one, is a "box" of retarded moneys actually dumber than just one retarded monkey?

Sarah isn't a rocket scientist, but she's smarter than most of the Democrats are. You dim bulbs don't even know the difference between Tina Fey skits and things she actually said.
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

So I'm curious on that one, is a "box" of retarded moneys actually dumber than just one retarded monkey?

Sarah isn't a rocket scientist, but she's smarter than most of the Democrats are. You dim bulbs don't even know the difference between Tina Fey skits and things she actually said.
Remember, one of her skits was exactly what she said, word for word. Good Old Sarah can be that funny.
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

So I'm curious on that one, is a "box" of retarded moneys actually dumber than just one retarded monkey?

Sarah isn't a rocket scientist, but she's smarter than most of the Democrats are. You dim bulbs don't even know the difference between Tina Fey skits and things she actually said.
Remember, one of her skits was exactly what she said, word for word. Good Old Sarah can be that funny.

Which one was that? The one that's always quoted is the seeing Russia from her porch and that one wasn't it.

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