How Sick Is Hillary?

Bill did a great job. But you can think as you like. At least for now. Maybe not in a few years the rate we are going in this country.
What Bill did was destroy the moral fiber of our youth, his sex affair destroyed all that was left of our
children's innocents
[ame=]Cheney on CFR, Council on Foreign Relations - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders - YouTube[/ame]

They don't get much sicker than this. . . .
Bill did a great job. But you can think as you like. At least for now. Maybe not in a few years the rate we are going in this country.
What Bill did was destroy the moral fiber of our youth, his sex affair destroyed all that was left of our
children's innocents


As a result of that whole affair we had two options, at least, to deal with the matter and then move on.

A. Make Bill the victim and collectively, as a nation, willingly lower our public morals to "that" level and making what he did, if not wonderful, at least be considered a private matter. We'd do that in order to allow Bill to continue to be admired by those who needed him to be admired. (For several reasons involving personal income, political power and legacy.)


B. Make that a teachable moment. Where we all would have realized there are certain things that just aren't done. And Bill cheapened the office and played unfairly with his wife and dishonored her in public. He lied and used every cunning strategy and tactic to avoid accountability for his actions. And last but certainly not least, he absolutely and coldly threw that poor girl under the bus. She didn't deserve it and will never outlive the infamy of it. And after suffering all of those negative consequences we'd have a whole generation of Americans who would have gotten an important and valuable set of lessons from Bill C. and the DNC.

And guess which one was chosen.

Of course it was A.
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Bill did a great job. But you can think as you like. At least for now. Maybe not in a few years the rate we are going in this country.

I will not think that. Philanderers don't do great jobs. It just defies my years of experience to think otherwise.
The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Isn't JB older? And his senility isn't going to be getting any better. I don't think the smart money is on him at all.

He looked and sounded pretty good on tonite's news.

[ame=]CBS News' Scott Pelley Discusses His Interview With Gov. Jerry Brown - YouTube[/ame]
The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Isn't JB older? And his senility isn't going to be getting any better. I don't think the smart money is on him at all.

He looked and sounded pretty good on tonite's news.

[ame=]CBS News' Scott Pelley Discusses His Interview With Gov. Jerry Brown - YouTube[/ame]

The word is that he's really spacy. He was just doing muscle memory answers to piddly questions. He'd have a hard time effectively running a presidential campaign.
Isn't JB older? And his senility isn't going to be getting any better. I don't think the smart money is on him at all.

He looked and sounded pretty good on tonite's news.

[ame=]CBS News' Scott Pelley Discusses His Interview With Gov. Jerry Brown - YouTube[/ame]

The word is that he's really spacy. He was just doing muscle memory answers to piddly questions. He'd have a hard time effectively running a presidential campaign.

If you watched the video you'll hear that he said he would not run. He's sufficiently challenged.

And don't you make the mistake of "misunderestimating" him the way the Libs treat Sarah Palin. Brown is smart as hell and as far as his being called, Gov. Moonbeam, I think no one with any knowledge of him believes he's spacey today.

Hell, that was 30+ years ago he last served as Governor.

Hillary is too moderate for Dems- they want a wingnut like Fauxahontas Warren.

You would think that reading some of the tripe on this board but the fact is that overwhelmingly Warren is disliked for a presidential bid.

Public Policy Polling: Elizabeth Warren

5%. That is it. Thank God that is it - not all of them have lost their minds. She is like for catch phrases and 5 second clips but certainly not for a shot at the big house just yet.
Mentally she is as sick as they come; new world order ideologue! We should all know how handicapped an ideology makes you - you simply cannot make effective decisions once your soul is sold to the fairness doctrine. See Barrack Husain Obama.

We need a president that puts America first - one who respects our sovereignty. Hillary will put the progressive agenda first - be damned with us all. She is just another elitist who feels we all need to be dictated to.

The Benghazi terrorist attack, the way it was handled; she shouldn't ever show her face again. Your dreams, aspirations, welfare, and those of your love ones - what difference does it make? They make no difference to that bitch!
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In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

Hillary won't run because there isn't going to be a 2016 election. At this rate we'll be in a war before the 2014 race and that may get put off as well. I do not see any possibility of a 2016 election. After everything that I've been witnessing lately - I'm amazed that people here truly believe we are going to say good bye to Obama and hello to a new president in 2016! I just cannot see ANY possibility of that happening.
Billary is a scandal ridden, coat tail riding, carpet bagging , ignorant leftist hag....of course liberals admire her...
How Sick Is Hillary?

in my OPINION.., very, very sick..., in the head, as for the rest of her body :puke3: she looks more like a :cow: ......... :clap:

i am pretty certain she really is brain sick and i hope it all gets a lot of public attention in the next 17 months, in her condition.., i believe Joe B. is more qualified.., health wise, he too is brain damaged and makes more sense most times than the old witch...., HITLERY !! :up: :lmao:
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

Yeah that damn McCain being a prisoner of war all those years what the hell is wrong with him. Didn't he realize that in so doing he would become the source of smear from those I am quite sure never served a moment of their life?

Palin certainly is smarter then a box of liberals.

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