How soon will Time and now Newsweek be labeled "fake news"???

In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


Look to the right on the above, right wingers......

SIX months in office 40 days golfing....and ZERO....ZERO pieces of major legislation........THAT is why the magazines calls the orange fuck head, LAZY....LOL
I love it when right wing imbeciles go ape-shit in defending the orange clown....

Your hurt is coming, Trump ass kissers....... LOL

Oh, is that why YOU started a thread to spew your seething hatred? :dunno:

You fucking Nazis are insane.
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

Well, the National Enquirer is financially sound, and has a better accuracy rate than the NY Times. While they do tend to focus on celebrity scandals, the NE is about the most honest publication there is.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


Already are.
Time and Newsweek are leftist rags, not even worth reading the covers at checkouts in supermarkets

Yep --- remember when they did this?


Oh wait...........

Yanno, I love the way the sophomoric shithead brought the name of the mag to the front over the image (which the real mag never does) just so he could have the word ME in a big orange splash.
Could you name the "sophomoric shithead" who did that, jackass?

Nope, I can't name him. He was already named at birth so it's too late.

But here's a hint ---- he's on the FAKE cover of a magazine in this thread.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

By tradition, parents name their children when they're born. They kind of have to.
This is kind of basic stuff.

I really don't post to sail over people's heads. Y'all duck.
Of course you have absolutely no evidence that Trump made a fake cover. Zero, zip, nada.

None of you idiotic jackasses do.
Time was a loooonnnnng time ago.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL

Time and Newsweek are leftist rags, not even worth reading the covers at checkouts in supermarkets

Yep --- remember when they did this?


Oh wait...........

Yanno, I love the way the sophomoric shithead brought the name of the mag to the front over the image (which the real mag never does) just so he could have the word ME in a big orange splash.

Want a Kleenex for your sniffling and tears?

A Kotex is what she needs.

more like a maxi pad


Do they make them that big?

good point
You actually don't know about the FAKE Rump cover? The one that was FAKED by Rump and put up in his self-sevice wank lobbies?

When you do that biannual crawl out of whatever cave you live in, check this thread from several weeks ago. It's not a secret.

What's that? No, I'm afraid it does not become a secret retroactively by virtue of your going :lalala:

It was faked by CRACK moron, and yes Trump put it up, why not?

You don't learn, you are such a fucking hack that you fail to grasp even the most simple concepts that challenge your partisan idiocy.
These idiots think a poster of a fake magazine cover from a spoof cite is the equivalent of CNN reporting the grossest slanders and lies imaginable.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL

A majority of Americans didn’t want the likes of Trump to be president to begin with.
What could be funnier that Nat accusing others of "going ape-shit?"

I really don't give a crap whether you believe me or not.....BUT I am having a great time bashing both Trump and you moronic sheep who actually believe the clown.

As Trumphimself stated: "I love the poorly educated".......(aka, YOU idiots.......LOL)

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