How soon will Time and now Newsweek be labeled "fake news"???

In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL

A majority of Americans didn’t want the likes of Trump to be president to begin with.

They voted otherwise.
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

--- Then why would Rump want to be on it so badly that he FAKED an entire cover and then hung it up, framed?

>> At a speech at the CIA headquarters in January, he said, “Time magazine—and I have been on their cover, like, 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine. Like, if Tom Brady is on the cover, it's one time, because he won the Super Bowl or something, right? I’ve been on it for 15 times this year. I don’t think that's a record, Mike, that can ever be broken.” (He’s been on it 14 times, but the record is held by Nixon, with 55 covers). It’s a weird boast, and a small one compared to many of his outright lies—but the obsession with Time magazine apparently goes much further than anyone even guessed. <<

---- from the ironically named Vanity Fair
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Yep --- remember when they did this?


Oh wait...........

Yanno, I love the way the sophomoric shithead brought the name of the mag to the front over the image (which the real mag never does) just so he could have the word ME in a big orange splash.
Could you name the "sophomoric shithead" who did that, jackass?

Nope, I can't name him. He was already named at birth so it's too late.

But here's a hint ---- he's on the FAKE cover of a magazine in this thread.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

By tradition, parents name their children when they're born. They kind of have to.
This is kind of basic stuff.

I really don't post to sail over people's heads. Y'all duck.
Of course you have absolutely no evidence that Trump made a fake cover. Zero, zip, nada.

None of you idiotic jackasses do.

You're a flaming idiot. The whole world has known about this for over a month.

The Time cover is a fake.

There was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.

In fact, the cover on display at Trump’s clubs, observed recently by a reporter visiting one of the properties, contains several small but telling mistakes. Its red border is skinnier than that of a genuine Time cover, and, unlike the real thing, there is no thin white border next to the red. The Trump cover’s secondary headlines are stacked on the right side — on a real Time cover, they would go across the top.

And it has two exclamation points. Time headlines don’t yell.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka, a spokeswoman for Time Inc., wrote in an email to The Washington Post. <<

It's also got the name of the magazine pushed to the front, which the real magazine also doesn't do.

Time itself published a primer on the telltale signs of a fake cover last June 27, specifically because of this FAKE news magazine Rump has framed on his walls. What size rock must you be living under to not know about this?

>> There are more than 4,800 "real" covers of TIME magazine that have been designed over the past 94 years. That’s certainly a lot of history, but it may well be dwarfed by all of the "fake" TIME covers that have been produced over the years. Occasionally, these knockoff covers generate real news.The latest to do so is a fake one from March 1, 2009 featuring an image of President Donald Trump and headline calling his reality TV show “The Apprentice,” a “smash.” The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the fake cover has been displayed in at least four of President Trump’s golf clubs. In fact, there was no cover of TIME on March 1, 2009 and Trump has only been on one cover of TIME (Jan. 16, 1989) prior to running for president. <<

There are secondary headlines on the Trump cover that tout stories on President Barack Obama, climate change and the financial crisis. Two of those are taken from a real March 2, 2009, issue of Time, which featured actress Kate Winslet on the cover. But the issue makes no mention of Trump.

That's why the two covers keep appearing side by side. The Kate Winslet cover was used to mine actual Time headlines. They're ripped directly from the Winslet cover.


Then there's that fake bar code on the bottom right. An identical bar code shows up online in a graphic-design tutorial posted in 2010, in which a Peruvian designer laid out how to make a fake Time cover — complete with this bar code.

I mean ---- this shit is freaking pathetic.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.
Here's the secret-decoder-ring answer to posts 102 and 104 --- so secret in fact, that we've only been screaming the blatantly obvious from the rooftops for a little over two fucking years...........

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
--- DSM-5 characteristics for diagnosing Narcissistic Personality Disorder. "DSM-5" means that five symptoms should be present to qualify such a diagnosis.

No word on what it means when ALL of the symptoms are present.............
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Nope, I can't name him. He was already named at birth so it's too late.

But here's a hint ---- he's on the FAKE cover of a magazine in this thread.

You know, Cracked.Com (a low budget Mad Magazine) is probably the most accurate source any of you Nazi scum have used in years..

BUT it's still parody, you fucking retard. :eusa_whistle:
Get this: They don't have a problem with some magazine making up a fake version of a Time Magazine cover, but if Trump puts it on his wall it's somehow illegal!


Fingerboy chimes in with the desperation that Time Mag itself FAKED its own cover, and then innocent tinyfingered Rump just put it up on the wall because he's naive.

Life on Planet Self-Delusion............ SMFH

No retard, Crack.Com produced the fake cover. You and your fellow Nazis are losing your shit because Trump, he that you seethe with rage and hatred against, dared put up what was meant to be slander.

You fucking Nazis are small minded turds who get showed up by Trump every time.

Cracked only picked up on this in the last week or so. It's been known worldwide since June when a WaPo reporter named David Farenthold exposed it. And that article was already linked. For you. Get your remedial reading teacher to read it for you and explain how the fuck a calendar works. And then go see all the parody covers posted since June in that other thread I also linked and essplain to the class how everybody knew this joke before Cracked did.

You're actually so dense that not only did you know nothing about this, not only did you not bother to read any of those links already posted --- but you actually put a thanks on post 78, which links directly to Time's own archives, which PROVE it's a fake. Not to be outdone by your own negative number IQ, you actually propose to foist yet another Rumpian mental illness artifact onto a comedy site, oblivious to the fact that there's nothing comedic in the fake cover at all. Cracked would have nothing to gain from it, except to mock what already existed --- which is exactly what it did in the sidebar of the image I linked. They, like everybody else, are mocking Rump for his helpless tiny-fingered Narcissism in plastering his walls with FAKE news. That mental illness thing.

Just like all those other fake covers in that other thread were mocking the same pathetic narcissism.

Congratulations Pothead. You've officially achieved more dense than the winner of a demolition derby.
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Could you name the "sophomoric shithead" who did that, jackass?

Nope, I can't name him. He was already named at birth so it's too late.

But here's a hint ---- he's on the FAKE cover of a magazine in this thread.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

By tradition, parents name their children when they're born. They kind of have to.
This is kind of basic stuff.

I really don't post to sail over people's heads. Y'all duck.
Of course you have absolutely no evidence that Trump made a fake cover. Zero, zip, nada.

None of you idiotic jackasses do.

You're a flaming idiot. The whole world has known about this for over a month.

The Time cover is a fake.

There was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.

In fact, the cover on display at Trump’s clubs, observed recently by a reporter visiting one of the properties, contains several small but telling mistakes. Its red border is skinnier than that of a genuine Time cover, and, unlike the real thing, there is no thin white border next to the red. The Trump cover’s secondary headlines are stacked on the right side — on a real Time cover, they would go across the top.

And it has two exclamation points. Time headlines don’t yell.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka, a spokeswoman for Time Inc., wrote in an email to The Washington Post. <<

It's also got the name of the magazine pushed to the front, which the real magazine also doesn't do.

Time itself published a primer on the telltale signs of a fake cover last June 27, specifically because of this FAKE news magazine Rump has framed on his walls. What size rock must you be living under to not know about this?

>> There are more than 4,800 "real" covers of TIME magazine that have been designed over the past 94 years. That’s certainly a lot of history, but it may well be dwarfed by all of the "fake" TIME covers that have been produced over the years. Occasionally, these knockoff covers generate real news.The latest to do so is a fake one from March 1, 2009 featuring an image of President Donald Trump and headline calling his reality TV show “The Apprentice,” a “smash.” The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the fake cover has been displayed in at least four of President Trump’s golf clubs. In fact, there was no cover of TIME on March 1, 2009 and Trump has only been on one cover of TIME (Jan. 16, 1989) prior to running for president. <<

There are secondary headlines on the Trump cover that tout stories on President Barack Obama, climate change and the financial crisis. Two of those are taken from a real March 2, 2009, issue of Time, which featured actress Kate Winslet on the cover. But the issue makes no mention of Trump.

That's why the two covers keep appearing side by side. The Kate Winslet cover was used to mine actual Time headlines. They're ripped directly from the Winslet cover.


Then there's that fake bar code on the bottom right. An identical bar code shows up online in a graphic-design tutorial posted in 2010, in which a Peruvian designer laid out how to make a fake Time cover — complete with this bar code.

I mean ---- this shit is freaking pathetic.
And yet you still produce zero evidence that Trump made the fucking cover. Hell, you and the rest of your silly TDS sufferers have not even shown any evidence that Trump has ever used a photo editing program in his entire life.

You jackasses are extremely gullible fools.
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Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

--- Then why would Rump want to be on it so badly that he FAKED an entire cover and then hung it up, framed?

>> At a speech at the CIA headquarters in January, he said, “Time magazine—and I have been on their cover, like, 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine. Like, if Tom Brady is on the cover, it's one time, because he won the Super Bowl or something, right? I’ve been on it for 15 times this year. I don’t think that's a record, Mike, that can ever be broken.” (He’s been on it 14 times, but the record is held by Nixon, with 55 covers). It’s a weird boast, and a small one compared to many of his outright lies—but the obsession with Time magazine apparently goes much further than anyone even guessed. <<

---- from the ironically named Vanity Fair
Puhleeze. It's a fucking poster on a wall. You snowflake shit stains are always trying to twist every little thing into some diabolical plot.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.

So I take it you can prove your post with legitimate facts, instead of Trumpster talking points based on Lying Donald Trump defensive conjecture?
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

--- Then why would Rump want to be on it so badly that he FAKED an entire cover and then hung it up, framed?

>> At a speech at the CIA headquarters in January, he said, “Time magazine—and I have been on their cover, like, 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine. Like, if Tom Brady is on the cover, it's one time, because he won the Super Bowl or something, right? I’ve been on it for 15 times this year. I don’t think that's a record, Mike, that can ever be broken.” (He’s been on it 14 times, but the record is held by Nixon, with 55 covers). It’s a weird boast, and a small one compared to many of his outright lies—but the obsession with Time magazine apparently goes much further than anyone even guessed. <<

---- from the ironically named Vanity Fair
Puhleeze. It's a fucking poster on a wall. You snowflake shit stains are always trying to twist every little thing into some diabolical plot.

Naturally, Bripat leaves out Trumps lies about his record appearances on Time magazine.
Question. Do use a snorkel to breath, being as your head is that far up Trump's ass?
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

--- Then why would Rump want to be on it so badly that he FAKED an entire cover and then hung it up, framed?

>> At a speech at the CIA headquarters in January, he said, “Time magazine—and I have been on their cover, like, 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine. Like, if Tom Brady is on the cover, it's one time, because he won the Super Bowl or something, right? I’ve been on it for 15 times this year. I don’t think that's a record, Mike, that can ever be broken.” (He’s been on it 14 times, but the record is held by Nixon, with 55 covers). It’s a weird boast, and a small one compared to many of his outright lies—but the obsession with Time magazine apparently goes much further than anyone even guessed. <<

---- from the ironically named Vanity Fair
Puhleeze. It's a fucking poster on a wall. You snowflake shit stains are always trying to twist every little thing into some diabolical plot.

Naturally, Bripat leaves out Trumps lies about his record appearances on Time magazine.
Question. Do use a snorkel to breath, being as your head is that far up Trump's ass?
It appears they aren't lies. Pogo even admitted he was on the cover 14 times in one year.
Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post for a couple of years and the magazine was doing so poorly around 2010 that rather than go bankrupt it was sold for a freaking dollar with the understanding that the buyer would assume the liabilities. Newsweek is a dying rag and no better (maybe worse) than tabloids like the National Inquirer.

--- Then why would Rump want to be on it so badly that he FAKED an entire cover and then hung it up, framed?

>> At a speech at the CIA headquarters in January, he said, “Time magazine—and I have been on their cover, like, 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine. Like, if Tom Brady is on the cover, it's one time, because he won the Super Bowl or something, right? I’ve been on it for 15 times this year. I don’t think that's a record, Mike, that can ever be broken.” (He’s been on it 14 times, but the record is held by Nixon, with 55 covers). It’s a weird boast, and a small one compared to many of his outright lies—but the obsession with Time magazine apparently goes much further than anyone even guessed. <<

---- from the ironically named Vanity Fair
Puhleeze. It's a fucking poster on a wall. You snowflake shit stains are always trying to twist every little thing into some diabolical plot.

Naturally, Bripat leaves out Trumps lies about his record appearances on Time magazine.
Question. Do use a snorkel to breath, being as your head is that far up Trump's ass?
It appears they aren't lies. Pogo even admitted he was on the cover 14 times in one year.

Including this one??? LOL

Nope, I can't name him. He was already named at birth so it's too late.

But here's a hint ---- he's on the FAKE cover of a magazine in this thread.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

By tradition, parents name their children when they're born. They kind of have to.
This is kind of basic stuff.

I really don't post to sail over people's heads. Y'all duck.
Of course you have absolutely no evidence that Trump made a fake cover. Zero, zip, nada.

None of you idiotic jackasses do.

You're a flaming idiot. The whole world has known about this for over a month.

The Time cover is a fake.

There was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.

In fact, the cover on display at Trump’s clubs, observed recently by a reporter visiting one of the properties, contains several small but telling mistakes. Its red border is skinnier than that of a genuine Time cover, and, unlike the real thing, there is no thin white border next to the red. The Trump cover’s secondary headlines are stacked on the right side — on a real Time cover, they would go across the top.

And it has two exclamation points. Time headlines don’t yell.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka, a spokeswoman for Time Inc., wrote in an email to The Washington Post. <<

It's also got the name of the magazine pushed to the front, which the real magazine also doesn't do.

Time itself published a primer on the telltale signs of a fake cover last June 27, specifically because of this FAKE news magazine Rump has framed on his walls. What size rock must you be living under to not know about this?

>> There are more than 4,800 "real" covers of TIME magazine that have been designed over the past 94 years. That’s certainly a lot of history, but it may well be dwarfed by all of the "fake" TIME covers that have been produced over the years. Occasionally, these knockoff covers generate real news.The latest to do so is a fake one from March 1, 2009 featuring an image of President Donald Trump and headline calling his reality TV show “The Apprentice,” a “smash.” The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the fake cover has been displayed in at least four of President Trump’s golf clubs. In fact, there was no cover of TIME on March 1, 2009 and Trump has only been on one cover of TIME (Jan. 16, 1989) prior to running for president. <<

There are secondary headlines on the Trump cover that tout stories on President Barack Obama, climate change and the financial crisis. Two of those are taken from a real March 2, 2009, issue of Time, which featured actress Kate Winslet on the cover. But the issue makes no mention of Trump.

That's why the two covers keep appearing side by side. The Kate Winslet cover was used to mine actual Time headlines. They're ripped directly from the Winslet cover.


Then there's that fake bar code on the bottom right. An identical bar code shows up online in a graphic-design tutorial posted in 2010, in which a Peruvian designer laid out how to make a fake Time cover — complete with this bar code.

I mean ---- this shit is freaking pathetic.
And yet you still produce zero evidence that Trump made the fucking cover. Hell, you and the rest of your silly TDS sufferers have not even shown any evidence that Trump has ever used a photo editing program in his entire life.

You jackasses are extremely gullible fools.

"Made" the cucking fover? :rofl:

I have yet to see any evidence that Rump has ever done a lick of work in his life, outside of bucket-brigading a case of Play-Doh for flood victims who needed bottled water and dry clothes. Who gives a fuck who did the work this time, and prolly got stiffed?

**WHO** decides what's on the walls of Rump's dumps? Tinker Belle?

Desperate deflection detected. Fucking :lame2:
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.

So I take it you can prove your post with legitimate facts, instead of Trumpster talking points based on Lying Donald Trump defensive conjecture?

Oh he's right that Fake News has been rampant in, say, the last year. He just fails to note what it looks like....

Here's one that I first read right here on this site --- complete with fake news logo:


This and the attendant stories flooding the Twitterverse and Nosebookistan, you know, those bastions of authentic vetted information --- are where the term "Fake News" originated, a fact Rump tries to steamroll out of existence, because it worked to his benefit. An old saying attributed to H. L. Mencken advises, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

---- Here's one that actually claims Hillary Clinton literally did not exist at her own campaign event:

I have never heard of CGI technology or Green Screens until today. After reading a thread on USMB today that questioned why Hillary Clinton's image failed to appear on the smart phones of audience members - I looked up some theories about what is going on and if it is true? Well, that is the it true? And could CGI technology glitch explain what is seen on these images? For the record, I disagree with the author of this news story, if it is CGI Imagery - it doesn't necessarily mean that Hillary Clinton is either dead or in jail. She could be hospitalized, she could be home resting, there are other possibilities as to where she is but I did find it strange to find out that she has just canceled her fundraiser in NC. I would think there would be no way to pretend an appearance at a fundraiser where you are shaking hands with people and walking around. As for the appearance in NC, I do not know. The story of North Carolina is either a baseless conspiracy story or a possible (real) conspiracy against the American people. Time will tell.

| Hillary Did Not Appear In North Carolina

Hillary Did Not Appear In North Carolina
Posted on September 16, 2016 by Katie
Jim Stone Freelance

She is a CGI generated image, and the CGI glitched repeatedly. In the video these frames were pulled from, Hillary, (AND ONLY HILLARY) glitches repeatedly while the rest of the screen stays clear. In two frames out of the video the glitches are so bad she vanishes entirely in one, and almost completely vanishes in another. This can only happen if she is a CGI drop in. FACT: Hillary is DEAD or IN PRISON. Take a look at this:


Another news source wrote this:

Is Hillary Clinton Faking Speeches With A Green Screen? | We Are Change


I work in technology at a company that does tons of video. I have years of experience doing video transcoding professionally.

You can see from the following photo album, screencapped from still frames of ABC15’s video of Hillary Clinton’s Greensboro “rally,” that she DOES NOT appear on the cell phone screens of people filming, but those same screens DO capture flags and backdrop directly behind her. It’s not impossible to superimpose someone’s image on a background, or even in a crowd. It is implausible that anyone would intentionally neglect to superimpose the same image on a cell phone screen in the foreground, damaging consistency.

Hillary Clinton was using a video stream overlay of herself at Greensboro rally.

Hillary Clinton was not physically present at the rally – this was a chroma key overlay transcoded into a live broadcast in layers. Later, Clinton disappears entirely, and is replaced in the broadcast feed as “she” exits the stage.

Hillary was using a video stream overlay of herself at Greensboro rally.

Least paranoid theory: they are transposing a “good” video stream over one in an uncontrolled environment so they can make sure no one sees her having a coughing fit, or seizure, or freezing. The good stream overlays the real “Sick Hillary” stream. Since Google sucks at live linear streaming, it glitches a lot.

Most paranoid theory: she died of a pulmonary embolism on or after September 11 related to side effects from L-Dopa treatment for late stage Parkinson’s and aspiration pneumonia. A white hearse arrived from Montefiore Medical Center at her Chappaqua home (30 minutes away). Everything since has been staged.

I do not even own a smart phone. This is all news to me. CGI's, Green Screens, (I have heard of holograms before) The second news source also posted these videos:

As high tech as CGI's, Green Screens, holograms and body doubles may be - I don't believe a public appearance at a fund raiser with hundreds of people in attendance could be faked.

:lmao: :wtf:

Clinton was the point of reference for a steady barrage of fake news stories --- that she had Parkinson's and/or dementia and/or cancer, etc etc. Even Bill Clinton got a revival of an old "fathered an illegitimate black child" meme even though he wasn't running for office. Obviously fake news generators knew which political side was gullible.

Not that all fake news was about the election ----


Such gullibility was not a new phenomenon --- well before last year's election campaign, revisionist historians have been trying to sell "Hitler was a letist", "FDR caused the Depression", "O'bama caused the other Depression", "Obama is a Muslim", "Obama born in Kenya" and on and on despite evidence to the contrary placed smack dab in front of their proverbial nose. That could be considered the minor league training ground to test the waters to determine exactly how far the Gullible would suspend reality in order to keep engaging in the confirmation bias they wished to cocoon themselves in.

Apparently that limit was never established. Right here in this thread we have Gullibles actually going on record saying that Rump the classic narcissist somehow did not festoon his wank rooms with a fake wank news magazine and attribute it to a comedy site that picked it up a month later. Apparently linear time has no meaning, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Hell, I started a whole thread just for the purpose of archiving such Fake News -- Threads Based on Bullshit. It was way too ambitious a task. Would have required literally 24 hours a day and it would have listed possibly half the entire USMB output. Exactly why Gullibles are willing to suspend reality in spite of refuting evidence, as if they're living in a giant movie, is something I'm not qualified to answer, being neither a psychiatrist nor a brain surgeon. But there's no question it's a clear and present danger.

Of course as also noted, "three million illegals voted" and "thousands of people dancing on rooftops" and "Obama has an Arabic inscription on his ring" and "John MIller" and "John Barron" and the recently-posted "I've been on the cover of Time Magazine more than anybody" ere all Fake News too. The propagation of Fake News has exploited each new media platform as it arrived, from gossip mags to TV to Twitter.

The plan seems to be that, once the Gullibility Factor is established as unlimited, one can create one's own reality via simply declaring it to be so, especially via Twitter, and via the Big Lie syndrome it assumes a cloak of plausibility (aided of course by YUGE dollops of the aforementioned confirmation bias --- "I believe it's true because I WANT TO believe it's true"). Once those lines of reality are blurred, one can not only control what reality is and is not, in a grand game of projected self-delusion, but one can use that very dynamic to undermine the reality itself --- the actual legitimate News ---- by dismissing as "fake" anything one doesn't like, and thereby accomplish the feat of not only having altered reality, but turned around and accused actual Reality of the very Fakery one just got called on.

Now that's what I call Doublethink.
>> How does the fake news process work?

First I would get an idea based off what people already believed. Like how big Pizzagate has been. That's something I bridged off of to make the Obama stories, because you already have a bunch of people who believe these things. That makes it a bit easier, I was just adding an element to a story that was already there. Some I did make up from thin air.

Then I tried to come up with a good headline and get a good picture. A lot of times the success of a story is based more on that the content. I really didn't worry about the content that much. I just scribbled through it. I didn't revise anything, I'm sure there are lots of grammar and punctuation typos in some of the stories. It didn't seem to matter, as long as I had a good picture and headline.

For one Obama story, I had a picture of Julian Assange on Hannity. And I put the story out on Sunday night. Hannity's show doesn't run on Sunday night, but my readers didn't care. I said how Assange was on Hannity talking about how Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the White House. People just eat it up.

So I write the story, publish it, and share it in a few Trump groups on Facebook. Some of them are really big – Trump Friends has more than 100,000 members. And beyond that, everyone else does the work for me, when they believe it and they want to share.<<​


--- A Fake News Writer Explains How Easy it Is to Con Rump Supporters Into Believing Literally Anything
Typical. This is simply exploiting the power of suggestion. And exploiting it minimally -- as the interviewee notes, all he has to to is upload it to the Twittersphere. Confirmation Bias takes it from there.

>> I did two Hillary Clinton stories where I typed up a fake email. The second I did was hilarious. It was Hillary writing Huma Abedin asking her to stop by her office to pick up her hammer and her toy and her inhaler, because she's going to Comet [the pizzeria in Pizzagate] for the sacrifice tonight. That got 30,000 shares on Facebook. <<

Of course, writers who generate shit like this are dishonest. But readers on the other end have got to get up off their lazy reading glasses asses and start asking pointed questions about veracity and reliable sources and multiple reliable sources. So a sin of commission is aided and abetted by a complicit sin of omission.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.

So I take it you can prove your post with legitimate facts, instead of Trumpster talking points based on Lying Donald Trump defensive conjecture?

Oh of course. In the past week, CNN has been caught editing a Prez photo Op to make it look like he outright DISSED a handicapped wheelchair boy.. When he did not. And you got the Newsweek cover in the OP which even Mad Magazine would have more integrity than to run that hit piece.

I'm not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him. Don't want him as Prez.. But the ENTIRE mainstream media have chucked any PRETENSE of reporting and journalism. And instead are DAILY working to feed the resistance of babies still hurt by Nov. election night with hope of constructing a literal Coup in America.

We are literally "circling the drain" as a functional country. And Putin is laughing his ass off. All it took was some High School level pranks to set this country ablaze. We're doomed. I think the media knows this and doing a Dr Strangelove stage exit.. Because they are GONE. They pissed their cred down the toilet. And they want to take us ALL with them..
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.

So I take it you can prove your post with legitimate facts, instead of Trumpster talking points based on Lying Donald Trump defensive conjecture?

Oh of course. In the past week, CNN has been caught editing a Prez photo Op to make it look like he outright DISSED a handicapped wheelchair boy.. When he did not. And you got the Newsweek cover in the OP which even Mad Magazine would have more integrity than to run that hit piece.

I'm not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him. Don't want him as Prez.. But the ENTIRE mainstream media have chucked any PRETENSE of reporting and journalism. And instead are DAILY working to feed the resistance of babies still hurt by Nov. election night with hope of constructing a literal Coup in America.

We are literally "circling the drain" as a functional country. And Putin is laughing his ass off. All it took was some High School level pranks to set this country ablaze. We're doomed. I think the media knows this and doing a Dr Strangelove stage exit.. Because they are GONE. They pissed their cred down the toilet. And they want to take us ALL with them..

I'm not even familiar with your citation above (link?) but from the description I'll assume it's a case of slanting the news. That has always existed, since the medium of choice was the pamphlet.

"Fake" news, however, means making up entire actions and/or quotations that never happened. "Three million illegals voted". "Thousands of people dancing on rooftops". "Three million Amish to vote for Rump" and several others I've already dissected.

There's a Yuge difference between taking something that did happen and implying a different meaning, and making something up that never happened at all. You seem to be deliberately conflating the two.

I don't disagree at all with the characterization that we are circling the drain, but I wouldn't point the finger at the media doing what it's always done, or even at the actual purveyors of fake news, irresponsible as both are. I'd point it at the lazy collective mind that swallows everything it hears that it likes without vetting it. The fault lies not in our media but in ourselves.
In late April, the president confessed that he was both overwhelmed and frustrated. “I loved my previous life,” he said. “I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

Well, Mr. Trumpster, many of us would love for you to return to your "previous life"....LOL


The entire Mainstream Media has forgone journalism and news for about a year now. They are literally tossing a Toddler Tantrum daily with FAKE NEWS.. It's ALL fake -- ALL the time.

They will never recover from this. It's irreparable damage to their reputations. They LOST their place as the 4th branch of American Govt. They are now parodies of "news organizations"..

The Onion has more informative, hard hitting journalism than Time or Newsweek on politics.

So I take it you can prove your post with legitimate facts, instead of Trumpster talking points based on Lying Donald Trump defensive conjecture?

Oh of course. In the past week, CNN has been caught editing a Prez photo Op to make it look like he outright DISSED a handicapped wheelchair boy.. When he did not. And you got the Newsweek cover in the OP which even Mad Magazine would have more integrity than to run that hit piece.

I'm not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him. Don't want him as Prez.. But the ENTIRE mainstream media have chucked any PRETENSE of reporting and journalism. And instead are DAILY working to feed the resistance of babies still hurt by Nov. election night with hope of constructing a literal Coup in America.

We are literally "circling the drain" as a functional country. And Putin is laughing his ass off. All it took was some High School level pranks to set this country ablaze. We're doomed. I think the media knows this and doing a Dr Strangelove stage exit.. Because they are GONE. They pissed their cred down the toilet. And they want to take us ALL with them..

I'm not even familiar with your citation above (link?) but from the description I'll assume it's a case of slanting the news. That has always existed, since the medium of choice was the pamphlet.

"Fake" news, however, means making up entire actions and/or quotations that never happened. "Three million illegals voted". "Thousands of people dancing on rooftops". "Three million Amish to vote for Rump" and several others I've already dissected.

There's a Yuge difference between taking something that did happen and implying a different meaning, and making something up that never happened at all. You seem to be deliberately conflating the two.

I don't disagree at all with the characterization that we are circling the drain, but I wouldn't point the finger at the media doing what it's always done, or even at the actual purveyors of fake news, irresponsible as both are. I'd point it at the lazy collective mind that swallows everything it hears that it likes without vetting it. The fault lies not in our media but in ourselves.

If you're referring to the CNN Felonious Editing with the Handicapped kid -- it's all out there. And it's NOT JUST SLANTING. This became HOURS of analysis and commentary about how Trump hates kids and especially handicapped ones. With PANELS of "experts" and everything. Played over and over all day.

Except -- the ENTIRE THING WAS FICTION. Didn't happen. FICTION = FAKE.. Make Believe. Pretend.
ESPECIALLY when it's vindictive and petty and CALCULATED and abuse of "journalist privilege".

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