How stoopid are Climate Change Predictions? Heres how stoopid......

Things no one in his right mind should give a fuck about: the Duggars, the Spokane NAACP Lady with black cheekbones, manmade global climate warming change
That wasn't "liberals". That was tea-party loving Bob Woodruff on the very conservative ABC network. So, another failure of our conservative media, it would seem.

Given that actual climate science has been so spot-on correct, yelling about Bob Woodruff or what some nobody said in 1970 is the best deniers can do now. That's why global warming science has such credibility, because it's been getting everything right for decades. In contrast, all the deniers here are total 'effin retards, reduced to yammering idiot conspiracy theories about a vast secret global socialist conspiracy.

So deniers, how does it feel to have the whole planet constantly laughing at you? It's not going to get any better. I hope the emotional affirmation you get from your fellow cultists is worth the lifetime of humiliation you've signed on for.
Given that actual climate science has been so spot-on correct

Really? You're just a troll here, right?

Not one single prediction made by the AGW cult has come true. Not one data set hasn't been fucked with in order to promote the cause.

Not spot on anything but stupid and fraudulent.
spot on his or hers ass maybe
Really? You're just a troll here, right?

I'm the guy who gets the cultists so upset because he keeps pointing out that they're conspiracy cult nutters.

Not one single prediction made by the AGW cult has come true.

Temperature predictions
Stratospheric cooling
Outgoing longwave decrease
Backradiation increase.
Increased rate of sea level rise
Ocean acidifcation.
Polar amplification.
Loss of glacier and arctic sea ice
Increase in antarctic sea ice

We can keep going, if you'd like. The point is that you only know what your liars' cult spoonfed to you, so you're completely ignorant of all the real science.

Not one data set hasn't been fucked with in order to promote the cause.

No data sets have been fucked with, and only the most shamelessly dishonest cult pissguzzlers try to pass off that idiot conspiracy theory.

Again, the whole planet says you're wrong. That's not because the whole planet is engaged in a secret socialist plot against you. It's because you're part of a tiny lunatic fringe conspiracy cult.
you should therefore watch out for your cultist friends on here. Oops....
Every single climate alarmist nutter in this forum is the first to jump on the next bomb thrower prediction.....then in a few years time, they cant run away from it fast enough!! Fifteen years ago they were :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:ALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: pounding the drum on the whole "arctic ice will be gone by 2013". Now? "We never said that!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:
Every single climate alarmist nutter in this forum is the first to jump on the next bomb thrower prediction.....then in a few years time, they cant run away from it fast enough!! Fifteen years ago they were :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:ALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: pounding the drum on the whole "arctic ice will be gone by 2013". Now? "We never said that!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:
it will always be their response. They will never say the prediction failed. They will even state that ABC is a conservative broadcasting channel. I had to get off the floor with that one.
Every single climate alarmist nutter in this forum is the first to jump on the next bomb thrower prediction.....then in a few years time, they cant run away from it fast enough!! Fifteen years ago they were :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:ALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: pounding the drum on the whole "arctic ice will be gone by 2013". Now? "We never said that!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:
it will always be their response. They will never say the prediction failed. They will even state that ABC is a conservative broadcasting channel. I had to get off the floor with that one.

You only say this because you've never bothered to read peer reviewed scientific work.
Every single climate alarmist nutter in this forum is the first to jump on the next bomb thrower prediction.....then in a few years time, they cant run away from it fast enough!! Fifteen years ago they were :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:ALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: pounding the drum on the whole "arctic ice will be gone by 2013". Now? "We never said that!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:
it will always be their response. They will never say the prediction failed. They will even state that ABC is a conservative broadcasting channel. I had to get off the floor with that one.

You only say this because you've never bothered to read peer reviewed scientific work.
I will say it because it is true. I don't need any peer anything, I know when someone claims ABC is conservative, they are ashamed to be associated with it. it is funny though.
This chart says it all when it comes to AGW and their predictions:

That says that deniers will proudly use data which they know to be fraudulent.

But then, we already knew that. Their fraud is all they have.

Again, here's the summary on all the fudging Spencer did. It's been posted before.

HotWhopper How Roy Spencer and John Christy trick Anthony Watts and his deniers once again

You cite the left wing hack Miriam O'Brian aka Slandering Sou... That site has NO credibility in any form or fashion. she is a lying whore. Its why that Fraud Todd Peterson went straight to her site, in violation of federal law, when he couldn't back up his willful fraud in Karl Et Al..

Funny how fraudsters will pack up with other lying fraudsters...
That says that deniers will proudly use data which they know to be fraudulent.

But then, we already knew that. Their fraud is all they have.

Again, here's the summary on all the fudging Spencer did. It's been posted before.

HotWhopper How Roy Spencer and John Christy trick Anthony Watts and his deniers once again


LOL.....the IPCC and NASA admit to rigging the data.........links provided in this thread!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

( links NOT from!! :boobies: )
Discuss the topic kiddo's - the genetic deficiencies of your various sides is not relevant to the discussion.
Every single climate alarmist nutter in this forum is the first to jump on the next bomb thrower prediction.....then in a few years time, they cant run away from it fast enough!! Fifteen years ago they were :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:ALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: pounding the drum on the whole "arctic ice will be gone by 2013". Now? "We never said that!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::fu:
it will always be their response. They will never say the prediction failed. They will even state that ABC is a conservative broadcasting channel. I had to get off the floor with that one.

You only say this because you've never bothered to read peer reviewed scientific work.
The peer review process is rigged when the IPCC gets to decide which peers do the review.

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