How the American right became aligned with Hungary and its authoritarian leader

Nationalists are authoritarian.
Globalists educate people for propaganda. So, the word Nationalists has become evil. The United States was just that for most of its existence. Combined with total accusations of anything White and not Prog being promoted as evil, it just must be authoritarian. And when Progs successfully killed Christianity as the backbone of a humanity to bring their own godless demonic political globalism into power, the writing was on the wall. Joe Biden entered the Senate when this began. The emasculation of Western men with the help of other men who know not what they do. On both sides. On all other sides. As not just nationally, but regionally and locally, in power in any way is clouded or frustrated, they will screw each other over to make the final result worse. Women have become more violent in many areas affected. The men do not even put up with them as much more than a fuck. And it affects many more who are not that way. But the whole group gets the blame. And the downward trend continues as the agendas must be achieved.
He's transferring property to the State by nationalizing it. He's very conservative and nationalistic.

Libs don't like Prime Minister Orban because the man has the guts to stand up to their hero, Soros- who is a native of his beloved Hungary.

And they don't like Orban because he had the guts to stand up to the influx of Illegals coming up from Syria and Turkey, building fortifications on the Hungarian frontier much to the chagrin of Germany.
Libs don't like Prime Minister Orban because the man has the guts to stand up to their hero, Soros- who is a native of his beloved Hungary.

And they don't like Orban because he had the guts to stand up to the influx of Illegals coming up from Syria and Turkey, building fortifications on the Hungarian frontier much to the chagrin of Germany.

Soros was a child. The war was over when he turned 14.
Globalists educate people for propaganda. So, the word Nationalists has become evil. The United States was just that for most of its existence. Combined with total accusations of anything White and not Prog being promoted as evil, it just must be authoritarian. And when Progs successfully killed Christianity as the backbone of a humanity to bring their own godless demonic political globalism into power, the writing was on the wall. Joe Biden entered the Senate when this began. The emasculation of Western men with the help of other men who know not what they do. On both sides. On all other sides. As not just nationally, but regionally and locally, in power in any way is clouded or frustrated, they will screw each other over to make the final result worse. Women have become more violent in many areas affected. The men do not even put up with them as much more than a fuck. And it affects many more who are not that way. But the whole group gets the blame. And the downward trend continues as the agendas must be achieved.

Who exactly emasculated you?
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's administration has rewritten Hungary's constitution to consolidate his power. U.S. conservatives are taking note.

“This kind of like the definition of illiberal democracy. It looks like a democracy from the outside. There's voting. There's courts. There's a parliament. But if you look at the details, one party runs it, one man runs the party, and it's pretty authoritarian.”

Conservatives in the United States have the advantage of advancing their illiberal, anti-democratic agenda by corrupting the mechanics of the American political process where the presidency, control of the Senate, and control of the courts are determined by the states, not the people.

From the outside it looks like a ‘democracy’ – there’s voting, functioning courts, the façade of ‘political opposition’ – but it’s fundamentally the authoritarianism of Republican minority rule.

"Banal" is such an understatement for such tiresome dreck.

You sniveling asshats should thank whatever deity you genuflect to that they GOP isn't patterning themselves after Don Augusto.


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