Zone1 How the entire Earth is being prepared for the Anti Christ.!?

I do. And, I converted. So, there is some connecting of nations going on. But, that is just a red herring you threw up in. I'm correct on all points. That was just another bad attempt to discredit The Book of Mormon. The Book is true. Therefore, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the Church is true with all the gospel doctrines as well.
Mormonism binds its own people with a gospel that is so unobtainable that no one could accomplish it. As true Christian believers we recognize our utter and total failure to live the whole law or to reach a point where we can stop sinning in this life. While Christians strive for righteousness and holiness, we have to rely and trust on God's mercy at Jesus' expense of His life to give us the righteousness of Christ in order to dwell with our Heavenly Father forever and forever. To the Truth seeking Mormon this is the good news that Jesus died for you and that by one offering he has perfected you for all time. That His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness and transgressions, for righteousness (right standing with God) could not come by keeping God's commandments, if so Jesus died in vain.
To the Mormon, you can have the righteousness of Christ, that perfect righteousness and not of your own in order to be able to stand before God on the Day of Judgment. This righteousness that is pure and holy which is through faith in Jesus Christ that is imputed to you as taught in the Bible and not in Mormonism or the Book of Mormon. I hope you realize the impossibility of obtaining eternal life by the standard set forth by Mormonism and understand the wickedness' of your rebellion against a Holy God if you think you can obtain a righteousness on your own, by your works. Trying to come any other way to God except in the righteousness of Christ, Jesus says that you are a thief and a robber. Accept God's free gift (Christ Righteousness and Sinlessness) and leave the bondage of this false religion behind you and come to a Peace that will pass all understanding when you let Jesus give you His righteousness as the free gift of God and not of your works.
preterism is a lie from hell.

I fully agree. And it wouldn't even be a topic of conversation here if surada wasn't around. She is the one who constantly brings it up, every day, on every religion thread (and even on other threads for that matter) :lol: even though most of the Christians here realize full preterism is a heresy, and a completely idiotic one at that. Too dumb to even argue about.
I must submit to you all that God loving and fearing people are be brainwashed and preped for the coming Anti Christ.
This preparation has already begun. Homosexual marriage, beastiality, child pedofiles. are running rampant in our society. These activities are being ignored by the State, local and Federal governments of some states. Many politicians are being corrupted, and are involved with this Anti christ conspiracy. Christians must begin to arm themselves now. The government knows that people are arming themselves , thus the attack on 2nd amendment rights by many politicians.
Christians must be aware of what is going on, and whats coming down the road in the not to distant future. Your thoughts.?!

And nothing much has changed in the last 2000 years.... so why now?
Like historism, partial preterism is traditional.
Does historicism have any traction any more? And isn't partial preterism just amillenialism? Maybe I don't know amillenialism; I never got into that nonsense built on one sole passage in the Bible that futurists love to stake their "reputations" on. At any rate, it's all just convoluted conjecture; some prophecy is fulfilled, some is not, blah, blah, blah.
I must submit to you all that God loving and fearing people are be brainwashed and preped for the coming Anti Christ.
This preparation has already begun. Homosexual marriage, beastiality, child pedofiles. are running rampant in our society. These activities are being ignored by the State, local and Federal governments of some states. Many politicians are being corrupted, and are involved with this Anti christ conspiracy. Christians must begin to arm themselves now. The government knows that people are arming themselves , thus the attack on 2nd amendment rights by many politicians.
Christians must be aware of what is going on, and whats coming down the road in the not to distant future. Your thoughts.?!
You do realize that the Anti-Christ was the roman emperor Nero and that John the Revelator was writing to the actual church at that time? Right? Caesar Nero, when spelled out in Hebrew using Hebrew numerology is 666. John wasn't talking about some unknown future date. That wouldn't make sense since he was writing the very specific churches who would expect those things he was writing about to soon occur, which John says in Revelation 1:1 "...which must soon take place". John sets the time frame right there. So why be somewhat specific if the church is still waiting over 2000 years later? It doesn't make sense.
John wrote in Hebraic code, that would be understood by first century Jews, and confusing for others.... like many Christians today who try and make Revelation fit some future date and future characters.

Unfortunately, dispensationalism is the root cause for this poor hermeneutic espoused today and popularized in the 19th century by Darby. Why in the world would we think that God would cloud proper interpretation for almost 2000 years. It doesn't make sense.
Mormonism binds its own people with a gospel that is so unobtainable that no one could accomplish it. As true Christian believers we recognize our utter and total failure to live the whole law or to reach a point where we can stop sinning in this life. While Christians strive for righteousness and holiness, we have to rely and trust on God's mercy at Jesus' expense of His life to give us the righteousness of Christ in order to dwell with our Heavenly Father forever and forever. To the Truth seeking Mormon this is the good news that Jesus died for you and that by one offering he has perfected you for all time. That His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness and transgressions, for righteousness (right standing with God) could not come by keeping God's commandments, if so Jesus died in vain.
To the Mormon, you can have the righteousness of Christ, that perfect righteousness and not of your own in order to be able to stand before God on the Day of Judgment. This righteousness that is pure and holy which is through faith in Jesus Christ that is imputed to you as taught in the Bible and not in Mormonism or the Book of Mormon. I hope you realize the impossibility of obtaining eternal life by the standard set forth by Mormonism and understand the wickedness' of your rebellion against a Holy God if you think you can obtain a righteousness on your own, by your works. Trying to come any other way to God except in the righteousness of Christ, Jesus says that you are a thief and a robber. Accept God's free gift (Christ Righteousness and Sinlessness) and leave the bondage of this false religion behind you and come to a Peace that will pass all understanding when you let Jesus give you His righteousness as the free gift of God and not of your works.
I quit reading after your first sentence. That sentence is a complete lie. The Gospel teaches that Jesus Christ's atonement bridges the gap between what we do with our moral agency and what is expected with keeping the commandments of our Father in Heaven as Jesus Christ said to do. Why do so-called Christians complain about keeping Father's commandments? Maybe you should stop calling The fulness of the Gospel "Mormonism." We have named the Church after the the Lord himself. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Saints meaning members who have been baptized and confirmed members with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said "DO" all things in His name. You so-called Christians can't even name your churches in his name. Should I then call you Satanism religions?
You have obviously never read the Book of Mormon or would not say such ignorant stuff about what is taught in it. The Book is another testament of Jesus Christ. That's all it teaches from beginning to end is about the great atonement of Jesus Christ. Does your Bible teach you to lie about what others teach?
The actual content of the book of Revelation. You do, as does most that propagate the false doctrine of a "1000" year reign, incorrectly pull text from other protions of the Holy Scriptures (cherry picking, selected words and phrases) and use those to pad words that actually do not exist in the book of Revelation. You attempt to apply "literal" text from other sections of the Holy Scriptures and attempt to define a book (Revelation) that is presented in "symbolic" text.

"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants.......THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY TAKE PLACE. And he "signified" (in Greek text it means to indicate something by signs/symbols....there are hidden meanings to the text) it by His angel to His servant John." -- Revelation 1:1 Notice "....must shortly take place..." preceeds the "signified" messages of prophecy.

The same Greek word signified is used several times in the Holy Scritpures.....such as in the gospel of John, "And I (Jesus), if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw peoples to Myself.....this He said "signifying" by what death He would die." -- John 12:32-33. Jesus did not directly say that He would be crucified, but the meaning is hinted at in the text, "if I am lifted up..". Unlike revelation, John actually explains the meaning of the hint.

Thus, the book of revelation is written in a serious of hints that only the most learned can seacrh the scriptures to define the proper menaing (SIGN). But.....still, people attempt to place literal meanings to signified language without searching the scriptures for a literal meaning.

You must ignore the literal text in this book of symbolism that self explains. No where is the time frame hinted at at being symbolism.....its stated in literal text. A literal example, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hears the words of this prophecy........for THE TIME IS NEAR." -- Revelation 1:3

The so called thousand year reign.........began in the 1st century when Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father in control of His kingdom/church (Acts 1, 2). Jesus Christ's reign cannot begin when He returns for that is when the END COMES (2 Peter 3:10). When Jesus comes back it will be to defeat DEATH for His bride/church/kingdom .........when this is accomplished, when Hades gives up its dead (Rev. 20:13) for judgment.........the kingdom of God will be returned from Jesus to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24) The kingdom of God that Christ rules is not a literal kingdom but a "spiritual kingdom" that exists in the heart of the citizens of that kingdom/church (John 18:36-37)

Where does the 1000 year false doctrine come from? It comes when they "cherry pick" passages from the O.T. such as (Deut. 7:9).......where a 1000 generations is used in symbolism. Or.........2 Peter 3:8 that is actually referencing symbolism from the O.T text..........Moses in Pslam 90 speaking about God's eternal nature where time does not apply when there is no beginning or ending. Peter is attempting to explain that God is not slack in keeping His promises as men consider time.

No where can "symoblic text" contradict literal........"unambigous text"........if you read symoblism to contradict other portions of the scriptures such as, "must shortly take plalce" -- Rev. 1:1, or ".........the time is near" -- Rev. 1:3. You are not "rightly dividing the word of truth, as the Holy Spirit of Truth who inspired all scripture (2 Tim 3:16-17) would never contradict Himself. Therefore you must "study to show yourself approved unto God.........rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15
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The actual content of the book of Revelation. You do, as does most that propagate the false doctrine of a "1000" year reign, incorrectly pull text from other protions of the Holy Scriptures (cherry picking, selected words and phrases) and use those to pad words that actually do not exist in the book of Revelation. You attempt to apply "literal" text from other sections of the Holy Scriptures and attempt to define a book (Revelation) that is presented in "symbolic" text.

"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants.......THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY TAKE PLACE. And he "signified" (in Greek text it means to indicate something by signs/symbols....there are hidden meanings to the text) it by His angel to His servant John." -- Revelation 1:1 Notice "....must shortly take place..." preceeds the "signified" messages of prophecy.

The same Greek word signified is used several times in the Holy Scritpures.....such as in the gospel of John, "And I (Jesus), if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw peoples to Myself.....this He said "signifying" by what death He would die." -- John 12:32-33. Jesus did not directly say that He would be crucified, but the meaning is hinted at in the text, "if I am lifted up..". Unlike revelation, John actually explains the meaning of the hint.

Thus, the book of revelation is written in a serious of hints that only the most learned can seacrh the scriptures to define the proper menaing (SIGN). But.....still, people attempt to place literal meanings to signified language without searching the scriptures for a literal meaning.

You must ignore the literal text in this book of symbolism that self explains. No where is the time frame hinted at at being symbolism.....its stated in literal text. A literal example, "Blessed is he who reads and those who hears the words of this prophecy........for THE TIME IS NEAR." -- Revelation 1:3

The so called thousand year reign.........began in the 1st century when Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father in control of His kingdom/church (Acts 1, 2). Jesus Christ's reign cannot begin when He returns for that is when the END COMES (2 Peter 3:10). When Jesus comes back it will be to defeat DEATH for His bride/church/kingdom .........when this is accomplished, when Hades gives up its dead (Rev. 20:13) for judgment.........the kingdom of God will be returned from Jesus to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24) The kingdom of God that Christ rules is not a literal kingdom but a "spiritual kingdom" that exists in the heart of the citizens of that kingdom/church (John 18:36-37)

Where does the 1000 year false doctrine come from? It comes when they "cherry pick" passages from the O.T. such as (Deut. 7:9).......where a 1000 generations is used in symbolism. Or.........2 Peter 3:8 that is actually referencing symbolism from the O.T text..........Moses in Pslam 90 speaking about God's eternal nature where time does not apply when there is no beginning or ending. Peter is attempting to explain that God is not slack in keeping His promises as men consider time.

No where can "symoblic text" contradict literal........"unambigous text"........if you read symoblism to contradict other portions of the scriptures such as, "must shortly take plalce" -- Rev. 1:1, or ".........the time is near" -- Rev. 1:3. You are not "rightly dividing the word of truth, as the Holy Spirit of Truth who inspired all scripture (2 Tim 3:16-17) would never contradict Himself. Therefore you must "study to show yourself approved unto God.........rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

Nope. Too funny, I have never mentioned the 1000 year reign.
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Nope. Too funny, I have never mentioned the 1000 year reign.
No?.........therefore you must agree there will be no 1000 year reign as I mentioned with the false doctrine of the 1000 year reign? No.......antichrist evil person? :abgg2q.jpg:

I pointed to the fact that Revelation was a book of prophecy presented by John as a message from Jesus pointing out the upcoming struggles of the young church.....which will take place SHORTLY, from the time of this books authorship. Yet you are attempting to declare the information was not written to give the infant church of the 1st and early 2nd century HOPE (as stated in Rev. 1:3).....but God intended the prophecy for some generation 2000 years removed from John's generation.

Why do you "ignore" the text, "of things that will shortly take place", and "the time is near"? -- Rev. 1:1,3 And then pretend that it was written for future generations some 2000 years removed when the text tells you that the book was written for the 7 churches in Asia Minor in the 1st century? "John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace be to you, and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne." -- Rev. 1:4
No?.........therefore you must agree there will be no 1000 year reign as I mentioned with the false doctrine of the 1000 year reign? No.......antichrist evil person? :abgg2q.jpg:

I pointed to the fact that Revelation was a book of prophecy presented by John as a message from Jesus pointing out the upcoming struggles of the young church.....which will take place SHORTLY, from the time of this books authorship. Yet you are attempting to declare the information was not written to give the infant church of the 1st and early 2nd century HOPE (as stated in Rev. 1:3).....but God intended the prophecy for some generation 2000 years removed from John's generation.

Why do you "ignore" the text, "of things that will shortly take place", and "the time is near"? -- Rev. 1:1,3 And then pretend that it was written for future generations some 2000 years removed when the text tells you that the book was written for the 7 churches in Asia Minor in the 1st century? "John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace be to you, and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne." -- Rev. 1:4

I always say what I mean, don't add or subtract from it. I said; "I never mentioned it".
The Democrat Party is pushing for the collapse of the U.S. Government and Constitution with all the Bill of Rights. Communists do this. They help tear down countries and then promise to the the people's savior with socialism instead of capitalism. Except this time, these are the last days before the 2nd coming of Christ. The world governments will eventually collapse and those spiritually prepared will be saved.

The revelation letter to the 7 churches says it will happen soon within that generation. Did the Mormons rewrite revelation?
My thoughts are not allow in the section of the board because of the stringent rules!

Anyhoo, anti-Christ?

That was Nero!

Any other questions or thoughts?
Even now there are many anti-Christs in the world (New Testament)

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