Zone1 How the entire Earth is being prepared for the Anti Christ.!?

I always think of the poor Millerites. They were convinced by a maniac that Jesus was returning in 1843.

They gave away all their goods and stood on a hill in ecclesiastical glee at the appointed hour and...nothing.

Then Miller chased after them. "I forgot to carry the 1!" and convinced a smaller number of a new date.

This group became the foundation of the Seventh Day Adventists and that church has predicted The End I don't know how many times since then.

In the mid 1800s you got the millerites, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons.

Sorry kid, that was dealt with a few days ago between us as I just pointed out. You're the child not keeping up.

Your futurism has become popular since the 1950s.. boosted by Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.

Historicity and partial preterism are traditional.

All through history some have claimed Napoleon or Adolph Hitler etc were predicted in Revelation.
Ezekiel was writing about rebuilding the temple after the Babylonian exile. Read it for yourself. Does the Mormon Bible say otherwise?
Well, no he wasn't. He was talking about the last days when the book of Judah will be joined with the book of Joseph and be one in thine hand as it is with Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Bible and Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ. But again, you didn't respond to your confusion about New Jerusalem as whether or not it's a real city or just spiritual. I'm glad that I follow a true prophet of God and know the fulness about the last days and what the Bible actually means.
Well, no he wasn't. He was talking about the last days when the book of Judah will be joined with the book of Joseph and be one in thine hand as it is with Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Bible and Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ. But again, you didn't respond to your confusion about New Jerusalem as whether or not it's a real city or just spiritual. I'm glad that I follow a true prophet of God and know the fulness about the last days and what the Bible actually means.

I'm pretty sure the New Jerusalem is spiritual and there's no temple because Jesus is the temple.

Book of Judah and book of Joseph? Did Joseph Smith write that?
Well, no he wasn't. He was talking about the last days when the book of Judah will be joined with the book of Joseph and be one in thine hand as it is with Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Bible and Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ. But again, you didn't respond to your confusion about New Jerusalem as whether or not it's a real city or just spiritual. I'm glad that I follow a true prophet of God and know the fulness about the last days and what the Bible actually means.

Your futurism has become popular since the 1950s.. boosted by Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.

Historicity and partial preterism are traditional.

All through history some have claimed Napoleon or Adolph Hitler etc were predicted in Revelation.

Preterism is a very small sect and there is nothing "mainstream" about it.
How did you arrive at the conclusion that Jesus isn't coming a second time?
Preterism is a very small sect and there is nothing "mainstream" about it.
How did you arrive at the conclusion that Jesus isn't coming a second time?

Partial preterism and historism are traditional Christian beliefs until the Dallas Theological Seminary and Moody institute happened.
Partial preterism and historism are traditional Christian beliefs until the Dallas Theological Seminary and Moody institute happened.

No, Preterists like yourself need (as you have stated) to remove anything can't rationally understand from your belief system. God by His very nature is Supernatural or He isn't God.
You didn't answer the question, how did you conclude Jesus isn't coming a second time?
No, Preterists like yourself need (as you have stated) to remove anything can't rationally understand from your belief system. God by His very nature is Supernatural or He isn't God.
You didn't answer the question, how did you conclude Jesus isn't coming a second time?

I don't know. Revelation says it will happen soon within a generation. I don't know more than what it says in the letter to the 7 churches. it is a series of visions steeped in symbols that they understood.
I've been a member 45 years. This stuff is just old stuff brought up again and again and again with the thought it will change the fact that the Stick of Joseph is in the hand of Ephraim. "And when the children of your people shall speak to you, saying: Will you not tell us what you mean by these? say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them with him together with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in My hand. And the sticks on which you write shall be in your hand before their eyes. And say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all." Today, the "Stick of Joseph" was given to a descendent of Ephraim, Joseph Smith, and most of those who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are some offshoots of the Church that also use The Book of Mormon like the Community of Christ. The Stick of Joseph has nothing to do with Lehi's lineage. Lehi is of the tribe of Joseph. But, the Stick of Joseph was entrusted to an Ephraimite, Joseph Smith and the Church. I hope that puts some prospective to the dumb claim once more.

A little bit more clarification that the low IQ author has. The one nation is better understood as one Church or people. The Book of Mormon (Stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim) is first to the Gentiles and then to the Jews. When will the Jews in full accept Jesus Christ as their Lord God? When the enemies of Israel will come upon them from the North and almost ready to subdue Israel, Jehovah will part the Mt. of Olives and stand in the midst showing the wounds he receive in Israel when he was crucified. You can read Zechariah 12 and 14. At that point, the two kingdoms will become one nation or people. But, not just in Jerusalem in Israel. But, also in New Jerusalem, in Jackson County, Missouri. And, all over the world for there are descendants of Joseph all over the world from the first attack by the Assyrians. They became the Gentiles. Ephraimites settled mostly in Europe and thus how Joseph Smith ended up a descendant of Ephraim. As for Manasseh, they are those in the America's when the Ephraim descendants came over to America and settled here in the America's. They too are descendants of Joseph who was scattered when taken away from Israel. The HIspanic people and American Indians are of Joseph, not Judah. So, their DNA would not match up with Judah, who stayed in Jerusalem or the Southern Kingdom and have come back since their exiles from Israel by many nations. Thus, DNA proves The Book of Mormon true, not false.

As far as what "Sticks" mean, Old Testament materials many. This sheds a light: Upon What Materials Were the Books of the Bible Originally Written? by Don Stewart
We see the tablets of wood were used. How they were made or constructed isn't specifically mentioned. But, writings on wood could have been a source in the beginning. But, once again, the key component isn't the design of the the materials to write on. It simply meant write down the history as you go from Jerusalem to the New World. Write them down for those in latter days to fulfill the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is to come. To be a second witness of Jesus Christ's divinity so that the Gentiles don't get too distracted by those who claim Jehovah is not Jesus. The confused Jehovah Witnesses.
I've been a member 45 years. This stuff is just old stuff brought up again and again and again with the thought it will change the fact that the Stick of Joseph is in the hand of Ephraim. "And when the children of your people shall speak to you, saying: Will you not tell us what you mean by these? say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them with him together with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in My hand. And the sticks on which you write shall be in your hand before their eyes. And say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all." Today, the "Stick of Joseph" was given to a descendent of Ephraim, Joseph Smith, and most of those who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are some offshoots of the Church that also use The Book of Mormon like the Community of Christ. The Stick of Joseph has nothing to do with Lehi's lineage. Lehi is of the tribe of Joseph. But, the Stick of Joseph was entrusted to an Ephraimite, Joseph Smith and the Church. I hope that puts some prospective to the dumb claim once more.

A little bit more clarification that the low IQ author has. The one nation is better understood as one Church or people. The Book of Mormon (Stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim) is first to the Gentiles and then to the Jews. When will the Jews in full accept Jesus Christ as their Lord God? When the enemies of Israel will come upon them from the North and almost ready to subdue Israel, Jehovah will part the Mt. of Olives and stand in the midst showing the wounds he receive in Israel when he was crucified. You can read Zechariah 12 and 14. At that point, the two kingdoms will become one nation or people. But, not just in Jerusalem in Israel. But, also in New Jerusalem, in Jackson County, Missouri. And, all over the world for there are descendants of Joseph all over the world from the first attack by the Assyrians. They became the Gentiles. Ephraimites settled mostly in Europe and thus how Joseph Smith ended up a descendant of Ephraim. As for Manasseh, they are those in the America's when the Ephraim descendants came over to America and settled here in the America's. They too are descendants of Joseph who was scattered when taken away from Israel. The HIspanic people and American Indians are of Joseph, not Judah. So, their DNA would not match up with Judah, who stayed in Jerusalem or the Southern Kingdom and have come back since their exiles from Israel by many nations. Thus, DNA proves The Book of Mormon true, not false.

As far as what "Sticks" mean, Old Testament materials many. This sheds a light: Upon What Materials Were the Books of the Bible Originally Written? by Don Stewart
We see the tablets of wood were used. How they were made or constructed isn't specifically mentioned. But, writings on wood could have been a source in the beginning. But, once again, the key component isn't the design of the the materials to write on. It simply meant write down the history as you go from Jerusalem to the New World. Write them down for those in latter days to fulfill the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is to come. To be a second witness of Jesus Christ's divinity so that the Gentiles don't get too distracted by those who claim Jehovah is not Jesus. The confused Jehovah Witnesses.

Do Jewish people believe the writings of Joseph Smith?
Your futurism has become popular since the 1950s.. boosted by Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.

Historicity and partial preterism are traditional.

All through history some have claimed Napoleon or Adolph Hitler etc were predicted in Revelation.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was said to be the Antichrist because there were six letters in his first, middle, and last name.
Do Jewish people believe the writings of Joseph Smith?
I do. And, I converted. So, there is some connecting of nations going on. But, that is just a red herring you threw up in. I'm correct on all points. That was just another bad attempt to discredit The Book of Mormon. The Book is true. Therefore, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the Church is true with all the gospel doctrines as well.
Your futurism has become popular since the 1950s.. boosted by Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.

Historicity and partial preterism are traditional.

All through history some have claimed Napoleon or Adolph Hitler etc were predicted in Revelation.
preterism is a lie from hell.

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