Zone1 How the entire Earth is being prepared for the Anti Christ.!?

None of them make me feel I need to be armed.

I'm still not understanding the need to be armed.
Who said anything about being armed with anything other than the actual content of the Word of God? :dunno: Those who preach such a thing clearly have not studied the Word of God in order to be approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15)......instructed to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH.

Those who claim to have pre-knowledge of the 2n coming of the Lord Jesus and the final judgment have never studied the word that declares, "But concerning THAT DAY (the supposed ending of the last days) and hour NO ONE KNOWS, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son (Jesus Himself), but THE FATHER (GOD) ONLY." -- Matthew 24:36. It will come like a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43, 2 Peter 3:10, 1 Thess. 5:2, Rev. 3:3)
Who said anything about being armed with anything other than the actual content of the Word of God? :dunno:

I must submit to you all that God loving and fearing people are be brainwashed and preped for the coming Anti Christ.
This preparation has already begun. Homosexual marriage, beastiality, child pedofiles. are running rampant in our society. These activities are being ignored by the State, local and Federal governments of some states. Many politicians are being corrupted, and are involved with this Anti christ conspiracy. Christians must begin to arm themselves now. The government knows that people are arming themselves , thus the attack on 2nd amendment rights by many politicians.
Christians must be aware of what is going on, and whats coming down the road in the not to distant future. Your thoughts.?!
And what part of only the "ignorant" attempt to prepare for something that will never happen did you fail to comprehend? There will be no warning, no final battle, the heavens and the elements shall melt with a great noise, that day will come like a thief in the night. -- 2 Peter 3:10 Makes ya wonder and think that our sun/star will simply go Nova.....without warning. One instant you are here, the next........your eternity awaits. What can man do to prepare for such an event? -0-

The scriptural answer as to what course of action to take in preparation for "THAT DAY" (the end.......the final judgment)? Live day to day, living each day as if it were your last in the attempt to live by the revealed words of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Scriptures (which are all inspired by God -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Live each day as your last. "Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord doth come.........but know this, if the goodman of the house would have known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man (Jesus) cometh." -- Matthew 24:42-44

There is only ONE WAY TO by the words of Jesus as those words will be your final judge. "He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not MY WORDS; has one that judgeth him; the Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." -- John 12:48

Judgment by the BOOKS. Both the quick (living) and the dead in hades (the realm of the dead spirits awaiting final judgment -- Luke 16) will be judged by the content of the Books. One.........the words of Jesus will judge, they can be found in the Holy Scriptures.......the other Book? The Book of life.....your life, that book will be compared against the content of the Books that contain the words of Jesus, those Books will be your final judge. (Rev. 20:13).........the wicked along with the Old Dragon/Satan will be cast into eternal lake of fire......the righteous will ascend into the realm of God.........Heaven. The living at the final judgement will be changed in the "blink of an eye" and will meet Jesus in the heavens/sky (1 Cor. 15:52)
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I don't know... Revelation says there is no temple because Jesus is the temple. Maybe your Bible says something different.

He's talking about the New Jerusalem. Not the Old Jerusalem. And, eventually, there will be a temple there as there will be thousands all over the world to do the work for the dead. You can look in the OT like Zechariah chapter 9 and Ezekiel chapters 38-48. And, of course, we have latter day Prophets who have cleared up much confusion about this. The Church of Jesus Christ will assist in the building of the Temple in Old Jerusalem.
I must submit to you all that God loving and fearing people are be brainwashed and preped for the coming Anti Christ.
This preparation has already begun. Homosexual marriage, beastiality, child pedofiles. are running rampant in our society. These activities are being ignored by the State, local and Federal governments of some states. Many politicians are being corrupted, and are involved with this Anti christ conspiracy. Christians must begin to arm themselves now. The government knows that people are arming themselves , thus the attack on 2nd amendment rights by many politicians.
Christians must be aware of what is going on, and whats coming down the road in the not to distant future. Your thoughts.?!
Nothing more needs to happen in order for the Rapture of the Church to occur. After G-ds people, the Church, the Bride of Christ is removed from the world, the period known as "Daniel's Seventieth Week" will unfold.
Nothing more needs to happen in order for the Rapture of the Church to occur. After G-ds people, the Church, the Bride of Christ is removed from the world, the period known as "Daniel's Seventieth Week" will unfold.
Daniel was speaking of an event that would come during the reign of the 4th great empire on earth. Why attempt to apply an O.T. prophecy that has already been fulfilled to events of today........thousands of years later? Daniel refers to 4 Empires/Kingdoms (Daniel 7:1-7).......with the destruction (Abomination of Desolation) coming in the 4th great Emprie timeframe. Fourth Empire - Wikipedia

This is false symoblism.....when you attempt to apply Daniel to some EVIL person from the 21st century. Read Daniel 9:20-27. The 70 years? Are historically explained in clear unambious text of the O.T.
Israel had greatly sinned before the God of Heaven. Because of her (Israel's) apostasy....Jeremiah foretold that the Jews would be held captive in Babylon for 70 years (Jer. 25:12, 29:10). The prophecy came true and is confirmed by Daniel who actually lived to see the end of the captivity. (Daniel 9:1-2)

Daneil is actually standing at the midway point of Historical events for the nation of Biblical Israel. In Daniel 9:1-2, he is looking backwards some 490 years to the beginning of Israel's captivity in Babylon.....he lived to see the end to the captivity. Beginning in (Daniel 9:20) Daniel is LOOKING FORWARD some 490 years in relaying the Message given to him by "Gabirel".....Daniel records his vision (9:20-27). Gabriel speaks of the annointed one coming during that time period.....Jesus was that annointed one. History informs us that it was exactly 490 years when Jesus was born into His generation. Daniel first asked God to forgive the sins of himself and Israel and directly asked God to restore Jerusalem and rebuild the temple (Daniel 9:16-17) While Daniel prayed God sent the angel Gabirel and answered Daniel. Daniel was told that a decree would come forth to restore Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. (Daniel 9:25)

History tells us that Jerusalem's temple was first built during the reign of King Solomon era......10 B.C. it was destroyed the 1st time in 587/586 by the Neo- Babylonian empire under the 2nd king "Nebuchadnezzar ll". The Temple was then rebuilt with construction beginning around 520 B.C. after the Neo-Babylonian empire was destroyed by king "CYRUS" of Persia.

But "Gabeil" declared that the coming of the "annoited One" was of more importance..........the Messiah would come.

Daniel was warned of the destruction of Jerusalem when they rejected the Messiah. Daneil called this time period "Desolation" (Danile 9:26-27). Israel did reject the Messiah (John 1:11) Jesus foretold of this coming destruction and declared that it would come in THAT GENERATION (Matthew 23:36) in the 1st century (Matthew 24:1-34) Jesus directly declares that this coming event was "The Abomination of Desolation" spoken of by the prophet Daniel (Matthew 24:15).
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He's talking about the New Jerusalem. Not the Old Jerusalem. And, eventually, there will be a temple there as there will be thousands all over the world to do the work for the dead. You can look in the OT like Zechariah chapter 9 and Ezekiel chapters 38-48. And, of course, we have latter day Prophets who have cleared up much confusion about this. The Church of Jesus Christ will assist in the building of the Temple in Old Jerusalem.

New Jerusalem is spiritual. Follow the timeline.
It's actually quite fascinating.

I always think of the poor Millerites. They were convinced by a maniac that Jesus was returning in 1843.

They gave away all their goods and stood on a hill in ecclesiastical glee at the appointed hour and...nothing.

Then Miller chased after them. "I forgot to carry the 1!" and convinced a smaller number of a new date.

This group became the foundation of the Seventh Day Adventists and that church has predicted The End I don't know how many times since then.

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