Zone1 How the entire Earth is being prepared for the Anti Christ.!?

I feel simultaneously sad for and repulsed by doomsday death cult adherents. The biblical End Times, Planet X, the Mayan calendar, etc.

How terrible their lives must be that they hate the whole world so much they want to see it all end.

That's the sad part.

The repulsive part is they see themselves sitting on some special reserved holier-than-thou perch as they watch with sick glee as the world suffers.
Been like this for ten thousand years…
Yep. That's what is Episcopalians believe.

I feel simultaneously sad for and repulsed by doomsday death cult adherents. The biblical End Times, Planet X, the Mayan calendar, etc.

How terrible their lives must be that they hate the whole world so much they want to see it all end.

That's the sad part.

The repulsive part is they see themselves sitting on some special reserved holier-than-thou perch as they watch with sick glee as the world suffers.

So you don't believe your Bible either, there is a lot of that going around.
So you don't believe your Bible either, there is a lot of that going around.
Where does the Bible say these are the End Times?

I've read it cover to cover a few times and I don't recall a date being given. In fact, it says something about no one knowing the day or the hour.

No, the End Times death cult people are just miserable, sad, repulsive people.

Occam's Razor.
Where does the Bible say these are the End Times?

I've read it cover to cover a few times and I don't recall a date being given. In fact, it says something about no one knowing the day or the hour.

No, the End Times death cult people are just miserable, sad, repulsive people.

Occam's Razor.

It speaks about THE end times over and over. Are they now? I don't know, but they will come.
It speaks about THE end times over and over. Are they now? I don't know, but they will come.
The End Times come when you die. The whole world ends.

But these people who think we are in the End Times right now, like the OP author, are sad little people.
I must submit to you all that God loving and fearing people are be brainwashed and preped for the coming Anti Christ.
This preparation has already begun. Homosexual marriage, beastiality, child pedofiles. are running rampant in our society. These activities are being ignored by the State, local and Federal governments of some states. Many politicians are being corrupted, and are involved with this Anti christ conspiracy. Christians must begin to arm themselves now. The government knows that people are arming themselves , thus the attack on 2nd amendment rights by many politicians.
Christians must be aware of what is going on, and whats coming down the road in the not to distant future. Your thoughts.?!
That's not what THE Antichrist is about.

He will be a COUNTERFEIT christ not the OPPOSITE of THE Christ. A COUNTERFEIT is LIKE the real thing, but worthless because it is not the real thing. When he comes, most professing Christians will worship him.
The End Times come when you die. The whole world ends.

But these people who think we are in the End Times right now, like the OP author, are sad little people.
Of course YOU know better than Jesus who spoke of the END TIMES just before His return
If it happened it would simply be Bible prophesy fulfilled. I'm not sure why you feel the need to arm yourself over that.
The problem......those who promote such false doctrines as the antichirst being one particular person, place or thing......have never actually studied the Word of God in relation to the term "antichrist". AntiChrist is a doctrine that denies the deity of Jesus being the Son of God and the predicted "Messiah" of prophecy........such a doctrine has existed since the 1st century A.D., its not a single person, its anyone that denies the Christian Doctrine that exists within the contents of the Word of God that would propagte such as false doctrine as being true.

There are many such "cults" that exist today. Ranging from a doctrine of "human secularism" to the latest false doctrines of modern times such as Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism (which promotes the false ideology that everyone can become gods).......etc., Basically anyone or any religion that denies Jesus as the Christ, the only begotten of the Father, anyone that denies "There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called in the ONE HOPE that belongs to your call..........One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all who over all and through all and in all." -- Eph. 4:4-6 ESV.

First......and most important. The word ANTICHRIST does not exist in the Book of where is there mention of the term ANTICHRIST. Yet.........this is where the false doctrine draws its false ideology in the attempt to combine a Single AntiChrist (person) with the supposed last battle on earth "Armageddon". Its false symbolism.

The only place the actual term "antichirst" exists in the Holy Scriptures are in the writings of John. The word antichirst comes from a Greek word that literally means, "against Christ" or "fake/subsituted Christ". Jesus used a similiar Greek word in His warning that translates to FALSE CHRISTS in Mark 13:21-33 in reference to frauds pretending to be the risen Christ during the Fall of Jerusalem when Rome would destroy the city in the 1st century.

1 John 2:18 proves that the term is not an individual person, but a classification of any group or groups of pepole that would deny Jesus. This same passage explains that "AntiChrists" already existed in the 1st century, which matches Jesus' proophecy about the apperance of FALSE CHRISTS during the fall of Jerusalem.

Any person that is not with Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30). John details a test to locate those with an antichrist false doctrine. They would not listen to that actual teachings of Jesus. (1 John 4:1,6). Anyone who loves the world is against God. (James 4:4). To spot the antichrist.....they deny Jesus is the Christ of prophecy (1 John 2:22-23). They deny that Jesus is deity, the Son of God (1 John 2:22-23). They deny there is only one path to the Father.....though Jesus (John 14:6, Acts 4:12) They deny that Jesus came in the flesh as God incarnate (1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 7)

Many attempt to justify their false doctrine by quoting from and attempting to apply the prophecies from the Book of Daniel in the O.T., order to create this EVIL SUPER HUMAN that would come thousands of years in the future (Daniel 7:7-8, 11-12) Yet history actual proves that the 4th empire on earth existed with the Roman Empire of Jesus' time period on earth in the 1st century. Daneil is prophesying about that Generation that existed during the 4th great empire on earth. (Daniel 7:23).
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The problem......those who promote such false doctrines as the antichirst being one particular person, place or thing......have never actually studied the Word of God in relation to the term "antichrist". AntiChrist is a doctrine that denies the deity of Jesus being the Son of God and the predicted "Messiah" of prophecy........such a doctrine has existed since the 1st century A.D., its not a person, its anyone that denies the Christian Doctrine that exists within the contents of the Word of God propagtes such as false doctrine as being true. There are many such "cults" that exist today. Ranging from a doctrine of "human secularism" to the latest false doctrines of modern times such as Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism (which promotes the false ideology that everyone can become gods).......etc., Basically anyone or any religion that denies Jesus as the Christ, the only begotten of the Father, anyone that denies there is only "There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called in the ONE HOPE that belongs to your call..........One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all who over all and through all and in all." -- Eph. 4:4-6 ESV.

None of them make me feel I need to be armed.

First......and most important. The word ANTICHRIST does not exist in the Book of where is there mention of the term ANTICHRIST. Yet.........this where the false doctrine draws its false ideology in the attempt to combine a Single AntiChrist (person) with the supposed last battle on earth "Armageddon". Its false symbolism.

The only place the actual term "antichirst" exists in the Holy Scriptures are in the writings of John. The word antichirst comes from a Greek word that literally means, "against Christ" or "fake/subsituted Christ". Jesus used a similiar Greek word in His warning that translates to FALSE CHRISTS in Mark 13:21-33 in reference to frauds pretending to be the risen Christ during the Fall of Jerusalem when Rome would destroy the city in the 1st century.

1 John 2:18 proves that the term is not an individual person, but a classification of any group or groups of pepole that would deny Jesus. This same passage explains that "AntiChrists" already existed in the 1st century, which matches Jesus' proophecy about the apperance of FALSE CHRISTS during the fall of Jerusalem.

Any person that is not with Christ is against Him (Matt. 12:30). John details a test to locate those with an antichrist false doctrine. They would not listen to that actual teachings of Jesus. (1 John 4:1,6). Anyone who loves the world is against God. (James 4:4). To spot the antichrist.....they deny Jesus is the Christ of prophecy (1 John 2:22-23). They deny that Jesus is deity, the Son of God (1 John 2:22-23). They deny there is only one path to the Father.....though Jesus (John 14:6, Acts 4:12) They deny that Jesus came in the flesh as God incarnate (1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 7)

Many attempt to justify their false doctrine by quoting from and attempting to apply the prophecies from the Book of Daniel in the O.T., order to create this EVIL SUPER HUMAN that would come thousands of years in the future (Daniel 7:7-8, 11-12) Yet history actual proves that the 4th empire on earth existed with Roman Empire of Jesus' time period on earth in the 1st century. Daneil is prophesying about that Generation that existed during the 4th great empire on earth.

I'm still not understanding the need to be armed.

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