Zone1 How the entire Earth is being prepared for the Anti Christ.!?

I fully agree. And it wouldn't even be a topic of conversation here if surada wasn't around. She is the one who constantly brings it up, every day, on every religion thread (and even on other threads for that matter) :lol: even though most of the Christians here realize full preterism is a heresy, and a completely idiotic one at that. Too dumb to even argue about.
what is preterism?
I quit reading after your first sentence. That sentence is a complete lie. The Gospel teaches that Jesus Christ's atonement bridges the gap between what we do with our moral agency and what is expected with keeping the commandments of our Father in Heaven as Jesus Christ said to do. Why do so-called Christians complain about keeping Father's commandments? Maybe you should stop calling The fulness of the Gospel "Mormonism." We have named the Church after the the Lord himself. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Saints meaning members who have been baptized and confirmed members with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus said "DO" all things in His name. You so-called Christians can't even name your churches in his name. Should I then call you Satanism religions?
You have obviously never read the Book of Mormon or would not say such ignorant stuff about what is taught in it. The Book is another testament of Jesus Christ. That's all it teaches from beginning to end is about the great atonement of Jesus Christ. Does your Bible teach you to lie about what others teach?
Jesus said "It is finished" when He died on the Cross. No, that didn't mean that nothing else was left to be done.. He said that He would build HIS Church and that Church began to be built when He was still on Earth, Peter being given the primacy in said Church as the first pope. Yeh, I know, dismiss that like u always do. But your "church" does not go back to the Beginning. Smith was born in.. what? the 1800s? And of course we are to believe that there was NO Christian Church on earth for 1800 years before he came along? Please.

It is a man made religion like all of them are that are not the Original.

the Original Church was called Catholic as early as 107 AD and probably sooner (it's just that ancient writings have not always been preserved, and yet 107 is very early)
That's what they were teaching in the first century... False teachers and all that.

an antiChrist is anyone who rejects Christ and His ways and His Church.

Whether someone is knowingly rejecting His Church or not is something known only to the Father. But once someone is aware they are persecuting the real Church Christ founded... well.. nuff said..
All with 72 virgins?

there is no sex in Heaven. Jesus as much as said exactly that. He said that those who are found "worthy" of Heaven (my word.. can't recall verbatim)

neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the angels (virtually verbatim)
an antiChrist is anyone who rejects Christ and His ways and His Church.

Whether someone is knowingly rejecting His Church or not is something known only to the Father. But once someone is aware they are persecuting the real Church Christ founded... well.. nuff said..

Did you read the link?

John says they are false teachers... Like Hal Lindsey or the prosperity gospel... Like the Dominionists and Dispensationists.
Jesus said "It is finished" when He died on the Cross. No, that didn't mean that nothing else was left to be done.. He said that He would build HIS Church and that Church began to be built when He was still on Earth, Peter being given the primacy in said Church as the first pope. Yeh, I know, dismiss that like u always do. But your "church" does not go back to the Beginning. Smith was born in.. what? the 1800s? And of course we are to believe that there was NO Christian Church on earth for 1800 years before he came along? Please.

It is a man made religion like all of them are that are not the Original.

the Original Church was called Catholic as early as 107 AD and probably sooner (it's just that ancient writings have not always been preserved, and yet 107 is very early)
You also have trouble understanding what the Kingdom of God is and what The Church of Jesus Christ represents. The Church of Jesus Christ is an earthly representation of the Heavenly Kingdom of God. When the people committed the falling away or apostasy as Paul stated, the authority of the Church also disappeared as well. The RCC was and still is just an empty shell with no authority of the Priesthood. Oh, it has a Priesthood. But, it's really Priestcrafts because it has no authority including the Pope. And, the Lord was not going to restore the Priesthood authority in a dead shell of a church.

As far as "Original" doesn't matter one iota without authority of the true Priesthood or power of God given to man to do God's work on Earth. And, you yourself said "Catholic" wasn't used until 74 years after the death of Jesus Christ and at least 7 years after the death of the last Apostle, John the Revelator. And, Peter was never called a Pope. He was an Apostle and most likely the Prophet of the Church as well as it's "President." But, he was not the CEO or Chairman of the Board. The Father and Son were. So, 107 A.D. is early but also late. Too late to avoid the apostasy. And, where is it stated that the true Church today has to be in line from the Church established in 30 - 33 A.D.? It doesn't. Just in your mind. And, that's okay for you to believe this even if it has no bearing on if the True Church of Jesus Christ even exists. However, if the true Church does exist, it would have to be through revelation to Prophets and Apostles from Jesus Christ and His Servants, the Original Prophets and Apostles. Joseph Smith received the Authority of the Priesthood by the Original Prophets and Apostles of the Old and New Testaments, John the Baptist Prophet, Elijah the Prophet, Peter, James and John the Apostles. Directly from the Original cast of the Original Church.
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I know full well what you don't believe.
There have been many who serve the Spirit of the Antichrist. The Son of Perdition has yet to be revealed. I have some thoughts but no way to prove anything.

I am however starting to believe that you see yourself (like many others do) as god, that is you are your own highest authority.

That's silly. Read the revelation letter to the 7 churches.
He's talking about the New Jerusalem. Not the Old Jerusalem. And, eventually, there will be a temple there as there will be thousands all over the world to do the work for the dead. You can look in the OT like Zechariah chapter 9 and Ezekiel chapters 38-48. And, of course, we have latter day Prophets who have cleared up much confusion about this. The Church of Jesus Christ will assist in the building of the Temple in Old Jerusalem.

I think new Jerusalem is spiritual. He says there's no temple because Jesus is the temple.
You do realize that the Anti-Christ was the roman emperor Nero and that John the Revelator was writing to the actual church at that time? Right? Caesar Nero, when spelled out in Hebrew using Hebrew numerology is 666. John wasn't talking about some unknown future date. That wouldn't make sense since he was writing the very specific churches who would expect those things he was writing about to soon occur, which John says in Revelation 1:1 "...which must soon take place". John sets the time frame right there. So why be somewhat specific if the church is still waiting over 2000 years later? It doesn't make sense.
John wrote in Hebraic code, that would be understood by first century Jews, and confusing for others.... like many Christians today who try and make Revelation fit some future date and future characters.

Unfortunately, dispensationalism is the root cause for this poor hermeneutic espoused today and popularized in the 19th century by Darby. Why in the world would we think that God would cloud proper interpretation for almost 2000 years. It doesn't make sense.

Great post.

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