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How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day

You all keep thinking this is the Gop imploding..what it's really doing is shining a light on the Democrat party and how it wants to become OUR dictators..
THE PEOPLE are watching

It's pretty obvious they are....

Obama's number are rising and his lead over the GOP candidates is widening.


yeah sure they are.
you all keep with that Hope and Change if it makes you feel better.
and your crush on the man is sorta creepy
Can anyone point out when the GOP actually left the 50s?

Yeah I can

In the 1950s the GOP was AGAINST FREE TRADE!!

In the 1950s the GOP was unabashedly pro-AMERICA.

In the 1950's the GOP supported investing in USA infrastructure.

In the 1950s the GOP was pro public educational investments.

The botton line, RW, is that in the 1950s the GOP leadership still CARED ABOUT THIS NATION

Those days are done, dude.

Now all they care about his taking care of the rich no matter where the rich live, their natiponality etc. Those folks are citizens in the international land the RICH, not in the home of the free or the brave.

Today the GOP leadership certainly doesn't give a tinker's damn about this nation.

so when did the Democratic Party start putting Party over Nation?....
Are you fucking kidding? You left wing jack offs tore Sarah Palin apart, she could fart the wrong way and we heard about it from the asshat left. The day you went after a strong minded woman that's the day the democrats moved America back to the 50's.

Yes. Remember how they went after Palin's daughter because she had a baby without being married? Now they are wailing like banshees about contraception. The hypocrisy is so thick you couldn't cut it with knife.

went after her?

You mean pointed out the results of abstinance only education?

Now tell me how nice you would be about it if one of Obamas daughters were to get pregnant?

Lets all remember what you guys did to a 12 year old Chelsea Clinton who had done nothing wrong.

i work with a lot of Democrats/Liberals......many of the guys were making fun of how she looked right along with the Republicans/Conservatives there.....so stick that up your ass...
It's funny -- progressives, who want the US to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1958, are bitching that the GOP wants to take the US to the US in the Fifties. :lol:

Really? Is that the only answer you have to the current insanity on the right? Oh, of course it is, you are one of the insane.:cuckoo:

what about the insanity on the Left?......

By Evan McMorris-Santoro

Very neatly, and on three separate fronts, conservatives in America turned the clock back to the 1950s with their rhetoric about women’s rights Thursday, according to women in politics on both sides of the aisle. This could be a big problem for the GOP when the calendar reaches November.

Let’s take a look at Thursday, February 16, 2012, the day Washington fell into a time-warp.

• On Capitol Hill, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) held hearings on contraception and religious freedom that produced the now-famous picture of a table full of men called to weigh in on access to contraceptives. Democrats wanted a woman — a Georgetown law student with a friend who lost an ovary because the university doesn’t cover birth control — to say her piece at the hearing, but Issa wouldn’t let her on the panel. He said she wasn’t “appropriate or qualified” to discuss the topic at hand.

Jaws dropped in the women’s rights community.

“She didn’t have the right credentials?” NOW President Terry O’Neill scoffed. “I’m thinking to myself, ‘Buddy, you and your little panel over there don’t have the right anatomy to talk about birth control.’”

• Politico published a story about a right wing firestorm that had been burning for days: Did the young women who attended this year’s CPAC wear skirts that were too short? The days following the massive conservative conference, which closed Saturday, were filled with tweets and blog posts weighing in on what conservative pundit Melissa Clouthier called outfits that made the college-age women at CPAC look either “frumpish” or “like two-bit whores.” CPAC needs these women to survive — 55% of attendees at the 2011 conference were under 25 — but apparently conservatives want to make sure they don’t show too much of their legs lest they detract from the solemnity of the proceedings. The general agreement among conservatives after days of debate: a CPAC dress code would go too far — but ladies, please.

• Foster Friess, the billionaire backer of Rick Santorum’s campaign, became an instant celebrity when he went on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC show and said, “Back in my day, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” Here’s what that looked like:

More: How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day | TPM2012

The typical democrat message,

We are too cheap of bastards to pay for simple things ourselves.
Would that be a bad thing?

In the 1950's, we were at the height of our power as a nation. I'd love to go back to the 1950's.

We had a viable middle class, and our products were the envy of the world.

you go....ill stay here with all the advancements made in Science,Medicine and Technology since then....

By Evan McMorris-Santoro

Very neatly, and on three separate fronts, conservatives in America turned the clock back to the 1950s with their rhetoric about women’s rights Thursday, according to women in politics on both sides of the aisle. This could be a big problem for the GOP when the calendar reaches November.

Let’s take a look at Thursday, February 16, 2012, the day Washington fell into a time-warp.

• On Capitol Hill, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) held hearings on contraception and religious freedom that produced the now-famous picture of a table full of men called to weigh in on access to contraceptives. Democrats wanted a woman — a Georgetown law student with a friend who lost an ovary because the university doesn’t cover birth control — to say her piece at the hearing, but Issa wouldn’t let her on the panel. He said she wasn’t “appropriate or qualified” to discuss the topic at hand.

Jaws dropped in the women’s rights community.

“She didn’t have the right credentials?” NOW President Terry O’Neill scoffed. “I’m thinking to myself, ‘Buddy, you and your little panel over there don’t have the right anatomy to talk about birth control.’”

• Politico published a story about a right wing firestorm that had been burning for days: Did the young women who attended this year’s CPAC wear skirts that were too short? The days following the massive conservative conference, which closed Saturday, were filled with tweets and blog posts weighing in on what conservative pundit Melissa Clouthier called outfits that made the college-age women at CPAC look either “frumpish” or “like two-bit whores.” CPAC needs these women to survive — 55% of attendees at the 2011 conference were under 25 — but apparently conservatives want to make sure they don’t show too much of their legs lest they detract from the solemnity of the proceedings. The general agreement among conservatives after days of debate: a CPAC dress code would go too far — but ladies, please.

• Foster Friess, the billionaire backer of Rick Santorum’s campaign, became an instant celebrity when he went on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC show and said, “Back in my day, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” Here’s what that looked like:

More: How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day | TPM2012

The typical democrat message,

We are too cheap of bastards to pay for simple things ourselves.

I'm just surprised at the sheep in the party. they fall right in line and post crap articles like this thread.
You all keep thinking this is the Gop imploding..what it's really doing is shining a light on the Democrat party and how it wants to become OUR dictators..
THE PEOPLE are watching

It's pretty obvious they are....

Obama's number are rising and his lead over the GOP candidates is widening.


yeah sure they are.
you all keep with that Hope and Change if it makes you feel better.
and your crush on the man is sorta creepy

It takes an OG USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade member to be in this kind of denial.
You all keep thinking this is the Gop imploding..what it's really doing is shining a light on the Democrat party and how it wants to become OUR dictators..
THE PEOPLE are watching

i think they BOTH want to become our Dictators....true story....
You all keep thinking this is the Gop imploding..what it's really doing is shining a light on the Democrat party and how it wants to become OUR dictators..
THE PEOPLE are watching

i think they BOTH want to become our Dictators....true story....

You may be right, but we the People seem to still be able to have SOME SAY over the Republicans.

This bunch in there now with Obama as their Dear Leader...scary people to me

By Evan McMorris-Santoro

• Foster Friess, the billionaire backer of Rick Santorum’s campaign, became an instant celebrity when he went on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC show and said, “Back in my day, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.”

More: How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day | TPM2012
I especially liked his bullshit excuse....that this was a joke, before birth-control was available.....and, anyone (else) old-enough to remember those days, knows that, as well!

This was a joke...."What's the best form of birth-control?".....after birth-control (in pill form) was made available.

This is hardly (that's not-hardly, for you Bush-fans) '50s trivia. But, it is symptomatic of how dismissive male-politicians were, on the issue of birth-control, in the early-'60s. Why their input is still part of the equation is what's so troubling.

Really? Is that the only answer you have to the current insanity on the right? Oh, of course it is, you are one of the insane.:cuckoo:

Yeah, saying the Gop wants to take us back to the 50's is damn SANE.

Of course it is. Let's put them ******* at the back of the bus again.

Well, the fact is that Dwight Eisenhower got 39% of the black vote in 1956. Of course, Eisenhower today would be a Colin Powell/Jon Huntsman type Republican,

and thus of no value to the current GOP.
Are you fucking kidding? You left wing jack offs tore Sarah Palin apart, she could fart the wrong way and we heard about it from the asshat left. The day you went after a strong minded woman that's the day the democrats moved America back to the 50's.

Yes. Remember how they went after Palin's daughter because she had a baby without being married? Now they are wailing like banshees about contraception. The hypocrisy is so thick you couldn't cut it with knife.

How is believing that Bristol Palin might have been wiser to use contraception then conflict with believing that contraception is a wise choice now?

By Evan McMorris-Santoro

Very neatly, and on three separate fronts, conservatives in America turned the clock back to the 1950s with their rhetoric about women’s rights Thursday, according to women in politics on both sides of the aisle. This could be a big problem for the GOP when the calendar reaches November.

Let’s take a look at Thursday, February 16, 2012, the day Washington fell into a time-warp.

• On Capitol Hill, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) held hearings on contraception and religious freedom that produced the now-famous picture of a table full of men called to weigh in on access to contraceptives. Democrats wanted a woman — a Georgetown law student with a friend who lost an ovary because the university doesn’t cover birth control — to say her piece at the hearing, but Issa wouldn’t let her on the panel. He said she wasn’t “appropriate or qualified” to discuss the topic at hand.

Jaws dropped in the women’s rights community.

“She didn’t have the right credentials?” NOW President Terry O’Neill scoffed. “I’m thinking to myself, ‘Buddy, you and your little panel over there don’t have the right anatomy to talk about birth control.’”

• Politico published a story about a right wing firestorm that had been burning for days: Did the young women who attended this year’s CPAC wear skirts that were too short? The days following the massive conservative conference, which closed Saturday, were filled with tweets and blog posts weighing in on what conservative pundit Melissa Clouthier called outfits that made the college-age women at CPAC look either “frumpish” or “like two-bit whores.” CPAC needs these women to survive — 55% of attendees at the 2011 conference were under 25 — but apparently conservatives want to make sure they don’t show too much of their legs lest they detract from the solemnity of the proceedings. The general agreement among conservatives after days of debate: a CPAC dress code would go too far — but ladies, please.

• Foster Friess, the billionaire backer of Rick Santorum’s campaign, became an instant celebrity when he went on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC show and said, “Back in my day, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” Here’s what that looked like:

More: How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day | TPM2012

Are you fucking kidding? You left wing jack offs tore Sarah Palin apart, she could fart the wrong way and we heard about it from the asshat left. The day you went after a strong minded woman that's the day the democrats moved America back to the 50's.

So you're saying that for all the time the Right tore Hillary Clinton apart, that was sexism.
Could you believe that? Issa's panel with NO women and no women allowed to speak. "Back to the Future"? This should help Republicans get the "women's" vote. A time when women were "happy". When they "knew their place". When they happily sang when they cooked and cleaned. Ahh, the days of the "little women".
Yeah.....what're the chances.....


....such airheads still exist?
The Republican party of the 1950's, led by Dwight Eisenhower, was a party presiding over a balanced budget and led by a president who was warning us about letting the defense lobby spend us into bankruptcy (aka the military industrial complex).

The GOP's downfall was the election of Ronald Reagan, who abandoned the principles of Eisenhower, and started us down the road to bankruptcy.

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