How the late Sun Myug Moon's ideas on marriage are relevant today


Aug 5, 2018
While the late Sun Myung Moon and his ideas on marriage are often maligned, there are many which are relevant in the decrepit modern world today - and were the state to take a more vested role in marriage, it would solve many problems in society;

First of all, here are some myths which society believes about marriage and their corrections:

1. Anyone who is a consenting "adult" understands what is good for them romantically and sexually:

*This is actually false - "adult" is a social construct defined only by an arbitrary age of 18 - many people are physically "adult" but mentally and spiritually children - and therefore not capable of deciding who and when to marry effectively without the aid of authority figures.

If the state was run by Godly men and women, and therefore played a role in deciding marriage, this would alleviate the problem of unqualified people presuming themselves.

2. Sodomite "marriage" is equal to natural marriage

*This of course is false, a sodomite or gay "marriage" is an oxymoron and something which exists in only degenerate, unsophisticated and materialistic societies.

Likewise, the myth that any "gay" person is capable of being "in love" or undersanding love is false - in reality, most out and proud sodomites are merely evil or sexually deviant individuals with an inclination to prey on children - the primary impetus between sodomy in males is not "love", but merely sexual addiction (with anal sex providing less "risk" than natural sex, due to impossibility of pregnancy).

Likewise, the other primary impetus behind gay or sodomite relations is coprophilia, or a fetish for sex acts involving human dung. (This is all well-documented in the writings of the atheist notorious sodomite Marquis de Sade, and dispells all modern myths invented by the LGBT cult to hide its deviant and pedophilic origins).

Much as it is dogs which lick up their own vomit, rather than civilized humans - this of course proves are mentally diseased individuals, incapable of - but rather a type of individual who should be either imprisoned, or confined to a mental hospital depending on the nature of their perversion, rather than allowed the pretense of being "equal" to a healthy human.

3. People get married because they are "in love"

*This is also false, the reality is that "true love" does not exist for the majority of couples since love is a spiritual concept, not a physical one - with many people who 'get married' doing so merely for financial convenience - which is why so many marriages, especially gay "marriages", end in divorce, abuse, or problems for children.


Essentially, the notion therefore that the state should not have a role in other's bedroom activities or in regulating marriage or types of marriage, is actually rather false - given that many individuals are too immature or otherwise debased to properly appreciate marriage and its meaning in society

ideally the state would have an active role in curating marriage, akin to the vision of Sun Myung Moon which he refined for his followers, and would require couples to perform a series of tests to prove they are mentally and spiritually capable of understanding the purpose of the rite, rather than marriage be essentially unregulated, or denigrated into a means for sodomite filth to make a pretense to "equality" as it has become in modern America and Europe.
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.
While the late Sun Myung Moon and his ideas on marriage are often maligned, there are many which are relevant in the decrepit modern world today - and were the state to take a more vested role in marriage, it would solve many problems in society;

First of all, here are some myths which society believes about marriage and their corrections:

1. Anyone who is a consenting "adult" understands what is good for them romantically and sexually:

*This is actually false - "adult" is a social construct defined only by an arbitrary age of 18 - many people are physically "adult" but mentally and spiritually children - and therefore not capable of deciding who and when to marry effectively without the aid of authority figures.

If the state was run by Godly men and women, and therefore played a role in deciding marriage, this would alleviate the problem of unqualified people presuming themselves.

2. Sodomite "marriage" is equal to natural marriage

*This of course is false, a sodomite or gay "marriage" is an oxymoron and something which exists in only degenerate, unsophisticated and materialistic societies.

Likewise, the myth that any "gay" person is capable of being "in love" or undersanding love is false - in reality, most out and proud sodomites are merely evil or sexually deviant individuals with an inclination to prey on children - the primary impetus between sodomy in males is not "love", but merely sexual addiction (with anal sex providing less "risk" than natural sex, due to impossibility of pregnancy).

Likewise, the other primary impetus behind gay or sodomite relations is coprophilia, or a fetish for sex acts involving human dung. (This is all well-documented in the writings of the atheist notorious sodomite Marquis de Sade, and dispells all modern myths invented by the LGBT cult to hide its deviant and pedophilic origins).

Much as it is dogs which lick up their own vomit, rather than civilized humans - this of course proves are mentally diseased individuals, incapable of - but rather a type of individual who should be either imprisoned, or confined to a mental hospital depending on the nature of their perversion, rather than allowed the pretense of being "equal" to a healthy human.

3. People get married because they are "in love"

*This is also false, the reality is that "true love" does not exist for the majority of couples since love is a spiritual concept, not a physical one - with many people who 'get married' doing so merely for financial convenience - which is why so many marriages, especially gay "marriages", end in divorce, abuse, or problems for children.


Essentially, the notion therefore that the state should not have a role in other's bedroom activities or in regulating marriage or types of marriage, is actually rather false - given that many individuals are too immature or otherwise debased to properly appreciate marriage and its meaning in society

ideally the state would have an active role in curating marriage, akin to the vision of Sun Myung Moon which he refined for his followers, and would require couples to perform a series of tests to prove they are mentally and spiritually capable of understanding the purpose of the rite, rather than marriage be essentially unregulated, or denigrated into a means for sodomite filth to make a pretense to "equality" as it has become in modern America and Europe.

thanks for your input-----have a potato chip
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.

I saw in your other thread that you were quoting '120 Days of Sodom' as your evidence and documentation? That is simply HILARIOUS!!
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.

"This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with." I would love to see any evidence you have of this claim.

"*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children." So you would make premarital sex illegal? And you think that would stop it? And what of the "accidental" pregnancies? You know, those people who were not approved to have children. Would you want them aborted?
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.

"This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with." I would love to see any evidence you have of this claim.

"*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children." So you would make premarital sex illegal? And you think that would stop it? And what of the "accidental" pregnancies? You know, those people who were not approved to have children. Would you want them aborted?
You miss point - you argue that marriage is a "dead institution" due to divorce rates and whatnot.

My argument is that the solution is to raise the standards so that not just anyone can "get married" or have children with state approval, for the sake of quality control.

Obviously there is no way to stop people from having sex, but if marriage was only granted to couples approved by committe of experts, and there was punishment for having children illegitimately which society cannot support, it would create an de-incentive toward it.
While the late Sun Myung Moon and his ideas on marriage are often maligned, there are many which are relevant in the decrepit modern world today - and were the state to take a more vested role in marriage, it would solve many problems in society;

First of all, here are some myths which society believes about marriage and their corrections:

1. Anyone who is a consenting "adult" understands what is good for them romantically and sexually:

*This is actually false - "adult" is a social construct defined only by an arbitrary age of 18 - many people are physically "adult" but mentally and spiritually children - and therefore not capable of deciding who and when to marry effectively without the aid of authority figures.

If the state was run by Godly men and women, and therefore played a role in deciding marriage, this would alleviate the problem of unqualified people presuming themselves.

2. Sodomite "marriage" is equal to natural marriage

*This of course is false, a sodomite or gay "marriage" is an oxymoron and something which exists in only degenerate, unsophisticated and materialistic societies.

Likewise, the myth that any "gay" person is capable of being "in love" or undersanding love is false - in reality, most out and proud sodomites are merely evil or sexually deviant individuals with an inclination to prey on children - the primary impetus between sodomy in males is not "love", but merely sexual addiction (with anal sex providing less "risk" than natural sex, due to impossibility of pregnancy).

Likewise, the other primary impetus behind gay or sodomite relations is coprophilia, or a fetish for sex acts involving human dung. (This is all well-documented in the writings of the atheist notorious sodomite Marquis de Sade, and dispells all modern myths invented by the LGBT cult to hide its deviant and pedophilic origins).

Much as it is dogs which lick up their own vomit, rather than civilized humans - this of course proves are mentally diseased individuals, incapable of - but rather a type of individual who should be either imprisoned, or confined to a mental hospital depending on the nature of their perversion, rather than allowed the pretense of being "equal" to a healthy human.

3. People get married because they are "in love"

*This is also false, the reality is that "true love" does not exist for the majority of couples since love is a spiritual concept, not a physical one - with many people who 'get married' doing so merely for financial convenience - which is why so many marriages, especially gay "marriages", end in divorce, abuse, or problems for children.


Essentially, the notion therefore that the state should not have a role in other's bedroom activities or in regulating marriage or types of marriage, is actually rather false - given that many individuals are too immature or otherwise debased to properly appreciate marriage and its meaning in society

ideally the state would have an active role in curating marriage, akin to the vision of Sun Myung Moon which he refined for his followers, and would require couples to perform a series of tests to prove they are mentally and spiritually capable of understanding the purpose of the rite, rather than marriage be essentially unregulated, or denigrated into a means for sodomite filth to make a pretense to "equality" as it has become in modern America and Europe.
Moon's dead? Bummer. How'd I miss that happy news?
Gay people cannot be in love or understand love. What a hysterical load of bullshit.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.

"This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with." I would love to see any evidence you have of this claim.

"*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children." So you would make premarital sex illegal? And you think that would stop it? And what of the "accidental" pregnancies? You know, those people who were not approved to have children. Would you want them aborted?
You miss point - you argue that marriage is a "dead institution" due to divorce rates and whatnot.

My argument is that the solution is to raise the standards so that not just anyone can "get married" or have children with state approval, for the sake of quality control.

Obviously there is no way to stop people from having sex, but if marriage was only granted to couples approved by committe of experts, and there was punishment for having children illegitimately which society cannot support, it would create an de-incentive toward it.

I have not argued that marriage is a dead institution. Quite the contrary, in other places and threads I have argued that the gov't has no place in that particular institution except for divorce. And then only to see that there is an equitable division of marital property and that children are taken care of.

And your idea of punishing people who have sex out of wedlock is laughable.
Most gay "people" are merely sexual deviants and addicts who prefer anal sex and acts involving feces to natural intercourse, same-sex attraction is merely by-product of a deviant mind and correlates with other deviances, such as pedophilia.

So no, they are mentally diseased and should consider themselves privileged enough to be allowed to exist without incarceration or other punishment, let alone pretend they're "equal" to healthy variety of people.

Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.

"This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with." I would love to see any evidence you have of this claim.

"*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children." So you would make premarital sex illegal? And you think that would stop it? And what of the "accidental" pregnancies? You know, those people who were not approved to have children. Would you want them aborted?
You miss point - you argue that marriage is a "dead institution" due to divorce rates and whatnot.

My argument is that the solution is to raise the standards so that not just anyone can "get married" or have children with state approval, for the sake of quality control.

Obviously there is no way to stop people from having sex, but if marriage was only granted to couples approved by committe of experts, and there was punishment for having children illegitimately which society cannot support, it would create an de-incentive toward it.

I have not argued that marriage is a dead institution. Quite the contrary, in other places and threads I have argued that the gov't has no place in that particular institution except for divorce. And then only to see that there is an equitable division of marital property and that children are taken care of.

And your idea of punishing people who have sex out of wedlock is laughable.
Punishing sex out of wedlock is a traditional method of population control and preventing disaster we see today, such as "welfare families" who grow up with no parents or education due to no restrictions on promiscuity.

Is actual evidence of how "theocratic" states are more effective at regulating many social issues than "democracies" are, since one does not encounter debased situations such as this in a theocratic state, such as story of woman with "15 kids and 3 baby daddies".
Absolute nonsense.

I know a number of gays that have married. They did so, not because of fecal sex, but because they love their partner. Yes, the DO know what love means.

Straights have a divorce rate of around 50%. The rate of cheating is higher than that. YOur claims are nonsense.
This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with.

They're primarily just convenience arrangements for sex addicts who have no desire to attempt anything monogamous to begin with, yet want the legal benefits of "marriage", which is why I consider it a degenerate institution.

I agree that many "marriages", straight or otherwise, are bad or illegitimate since the state makes no attempt to ensure couples are moral or competent - which is why divorce rates, and rates of children on welfare are so extreme.

The point of the topic is that - if there was method of the state having better control over marriage and reproductive rights in the modern world, then this would alleviate this problem. (This is what Moon is often accused of in regards to being leader of "cult", however if the state embraced these ideas, it would likely end many social problems.)

This might involve:

*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children.

*Criminal penalties for having children outside of state-approved marriages - possibly enacting population control methods (e.x. chemical castration) for serial offenders - this would discourage unqualified couples from reproducing if they could not meet the minimum state qualifications.

*Criminal penalties for being openly gay, transgender, or promoting any deviation from natural marriage and sexuality in any public place, media, institution, etc

I believe many social ills such as crime, poverty, and diease would be eliminated if modern nations embraced these agendas.

"This is because most homosexual "marriages" are "open marriages", and there is no expectation of monogamous fidelity to begin with." I would love to see any evidence you have of this claim.

"*Having panel of qualified officials review and approve all marriages - couples would have to demonstrate physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual competency before being allowed to be married or reproduce children." So you would make premarital sex illegal? And you think that would stop it? And what of the "accidental" pregnancies? You know, those people who were not approved to have children. Would you want them aborted?
You miss point - you argue that marriage is a "dead institution" due to divorce rates and whatnot.

My argument is that the solution is to raise the standards so that not just anyone can "get married" or have children with state approval, for the sake of quality control.

Obviously there is no way to stop people from having sex, but if marriage was only granted to couples approved by committe of experts, and there was punishment for having children illegitimately which society cannot support, it would create an de-incentive toward it.

I have not argued that marriage is a dead institution. Quite the contrary, in other places and threads I have argued that the gov't has no place in that particular institution except for divorce. And then only to see that there is an equitable division of marital property and that children are taken care of.

And your idea of punishing people who have sex out of wedlock is laughable.
Punishing sex out of wedlock is a traditional method of population control and preventing disaster we see today, such as "welfare families" who grow up with no parents or education due to no restrictions on promiscuity.

Is actual evidence of how "theocratic" states are more effective at regulating many social issues than "democracies" are, since one does not encounter debased situations such as this in a theocratic state, such as story of woman with "15 kids and 3 baby daddies".

And, of course, birth control and disease prevention will not be available because it is illegal to have sex outside of a monogamous marriage.

Theocratic states don't have women getting pregnant out of wedlock? Really? Or do they simply murder the ones that do? Funny how the women in those states seem to pay the price for what is done by both a man and a woman.

You are welcome to your theocracy. I prefer, and will defend, free societies.
You claim that Moon's ideas of marriage are superior. I would say they are pure manipulation.

If, as a believer or a moonie, you see that those who follow Rev Moon's laws and are loyal, get rewarded with wives, and those who question things are not rewarded, what do you do?

That sort of control over the most basic part of human life, the selection of a mate, is not something that should ever be surrendered to a gov't or cult leader. Allowing a "higher authority" to pick your mate is the fantasy of boys who can't compete.

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