How the November Election was probably stolen...without a trace

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
Some say this coup might have had a better chance of being pulled off if the lawyers were slicker. So I reminds me of when trump said he would surround himself with the best and brightest.

And it’s not just Rudy and a couple other cooky loyers. Trump has had falling outs with hundreds of people in four years. If he only surrounds himself with the best why all the falling outs and firings?
Psychopaths seem wonderful from a distance. Hanging around one on a regular basis will cause you to stop liking them.

Hey, you spelled "licking" wrong.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
Deep state. Anyone who didn’t go along was deep state. Pence almost got hung for it. The Georgia governor voted for trump. His entire family voted for trump. Still trump supporters made death threats to anyone who doesn’t go along.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
A fraud case that big would've attracted better lawyers than Sidney and Rudy.

Better lawyer than Rudy? Idiot, do you realize that Rudy was mayor of NYC who once put away half the mob there? Of course you don't.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
Yeah keep copy and pasting that. It’s a very compelling argument.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.

Get over it you bunch of candy-assed losers.
And learn to find facts instead of fiction.

From Business Insider, updated:

Trump and his allies filed more than 40 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. All of them failed.
""".....Here's a list of the lawsuits and where they stand

Direct appeals to the Supreme Court — 3 losses

  • Several Republican politicians, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, asked the US Supreme Court to block the certification of Pennsylvania's election results. The court turned down the case.
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court seeking to overturn their election results. The Supreme Court rejected the case.
  • The Trump campaign asked the US Supreme Court to overturn three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over various technical rules regarding absentee and mail-in ballots. The court rejected the case on February 22, declaring it moot.
Pennsylvania — 13 losses

Nevada — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit requesting that ballots stop being counted in the state over concerns about signature-matching technology and election observers' claims that they weren't being allowed to watch ballots being processed closely enough. The Nevada Supreme Court denied the request.
  • The Trump campaign and the RNC filed a lawsuit in state court asking to stop ballot counting in Clark County — a heavily Democratic area — until GOP officials could observe the process. A district judge rejected the request on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have evidence to back up their allegations. Republicans appealed the case to the Nevada Supreme Court, which said on November 5 that the campaign and Republican officials had reached a settlement that allowed expanded ballot observation. They later withdrew the case.
  • A group of Republicans dropped a lawsuit in Clark County challenging mail-in ballots, including those sent by members of the military.
  • The Trump campaign filed a different lawsuit in Carson City District Court alleging multiple irregularities that the campaign claimed, without providing specific evidence, would be enough to overturn the election results in Nevada and flip the state to Trump. It failed.
Georgia — 5 losses

Michigan — 5 losses

Arizona — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign joined a lawsuit brought by two Republicans in Maricopa County claiming that a substantial number of GOP ballots were invalidated because voters used Sharpies to fill in their choices. There is no evidence that using Sharpies leads to issues with scanning ballots, and, in fact, officials have said using Sharpies is preferred. The Post also reported that the Maricopa County attorney's office said no ballots were rejected and that if they are, voters have an opportunity to cast another one. A Republican-aligned group abandoned the legal fight after Maricopa County officials challenged the factual basis for the lawsuit, and the Trump campaign lost the fight soon afterward.
  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in state court alleging that Maricopa County was improperly rejecting ballots cast by some voters. The lawsuit was dismissed after an audit found no problems with the votes.
  • Arizona's Supreme Court unanimously rejected a case from the state GOP chair Kelli Ward, saying the facts she presented were incorrect and that she "fails to present any evidence of misconduct."
  • Powell filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn election results as well, based on a conspiracy theory about voting machines used in the state. A judge dismissed the case.
Wisconsin — 7 losses

New Mexico — one loss

  • The Trump campaign sued the state over what it claims was the illegal use of ballot drop boxes after the state had already certified its results and sent them to the Electoral College. It dropped the claim in January.

Key cases and Supreme Court rulings before Election Day


In Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court ruled that election officials could receive mail-in ballots until November 6 as long as they are postmarked by Election Day. Republicans requested an immediate stay from the US Supreme Court that would have blocked the state Supreme Court's ruling.
But the US Supreme Court was deadlocked at 4-4, leaving the lower court's ruling in place. Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito voted to grant Republicans' request, while Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett declined to participate in the case "because of the need for a prompt resolution of it and because she has not had time to fully review the parties' filings," the court said in a statement. However, Barrett has not recused herself, meaning she could cast a decisive fifth vote when the Supreme Court takes up the case again.
North Carolina

In a similar case brought by Republicans in North Carolina, the Supreme Court ruled that ballots received up to nine days after November 3 could be counted as long as they are postmarked by Election Day.

The decision came after the Trump campaign and Republicans asked in two separate cases for the high court to put back in place a June statute from the state's Republican-controlled Legislature that would have allowed ballots to be counted only if they were received up to three days — not nine — after Election Day.
Five justices — Roberts, Kavanaugh, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — ruled against reinstating the statute. Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas dissented, while Barrett did not participate in the North Carolina case.

Republicans notched a victory in a case involving the deadline to receive ballots in Wisconsin. The US Supreme Court ruled against reviving an appeals court decision that would have allowed election officials to receive absentee ballots up to six days after Election Day.
The court's five conservative justices — Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito — ruled against reviving the lower court's ruling, while the three liberals — Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — dissented.

The Wisconsin case made headlines because of Kavanaugh's and Kagan's dueling opinions.
Kavanaugh, a Trump-appointed justice who was confirmed to the high court in 2018, wrote in a concurring opinion that all ballots should be received by Election Day.
"Those States want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election," he wrote. "And those States also want to be able to definitively announce the results of the election on election night, or as soon as possible thereafter."
Kagan fired back in a sharp dissent, taking issue with Kavanaugh's assertion that the arrival of absentee ballots after Election Day could "flip" the results of the race.

"Justice Kavanaugh alleges that 'suspicions of impropriety' will result if 'absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election,'" she wrote. "But there are no results to 'flip' until all valid votes are counted. And nothing could be more 'suspicio[us]' or 'improp[er]' than refusing to tally votes once the clock strikes 12 on election night. To suggest otherwise, especially in these fractious times, is to disserve the electoral process."

A federal court in Texas and the state's Supreme Court denied two Republican requests to throw out nearly 130,000 ballots that were cast via drive-thru polling sites in Harris County, one of Texas' most heavily Democratic areas.
The Texas Supreme Court rejected a request from Republican candidates and activists to toss the ballots. US District Judge Andrew Hanen, appointed by President George W. Bush, reached the same conclusion and denied the second request from GOP candidates and a right-wing radio host.
Hanen ruled that the plaintiffs did not have the standing to sue and ask that ballots that were legally cast be discounted. However, he ordered the county to set aside the 127,000 ballots in case an appeals court disagreed with him and ultimately threw those votes out."""""

There was massive fraud.

Uh-huh. And you live in La-La Land.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
The reason was no one had the balls to challenge the organized crime syndicate known as the establishment or Deep State. They were threatened or paid off. Being a real patriot is a no no.
The problem wasn't Trump's claims. The problem was the resolutions. Courts had no interest in tossing out any legitimate votes along with any illegitimate votes. What Trump should have sued for was clarification and verification of votes in any state in which the rules were changed or election laws violated by officials.
Like mailing everyone an absentee ballot? Come on it was during a pandemic. You wanted long lines? With trump supporters who refuse to wear masks?

I'm talking about the verification/certification of those absentee ballots. If anyone was paying attention, it was the very swing states in which decided the election that just happened to change/violate their election laws, and none of them purged their voter rolls. Oddly enough, there were statistical anomalies in large urban areas in those very same swing states. The cheating was out in the open, particularly given the fact that duplicate ballots are not investigated, we know people went to vote in person only to be told they had already voted by mail.
Prove that.
Prove what? That election laws were violated in every swing state? That duplicate ballots are not investigated? That voter rolls were not purged? What exactly are you trying to dispute here?
All of it. Any of it.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.

Amazing how angry and dissonant the left become when the author systematically shoots down the claim that Trump's fraud claims were baseless, debunked or ever proven wrong. In truth, the entire court system punted the issue protecting Biden and their own election officials from any scrutiny at all.


The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.

Get over it you bunch of candy-assed losers.
And learn to find facts instead of fiction.

From Business Insider, updated:

Trump and his allies filed more than 40 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. All of them failed.
""".....Here's a list of the lawsuits and where they stand

Direct appeals to the Supreme Court — 3 losses

  • Several Republican politicians, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, asked the US Supreme Court to block the certification of Pennsylvania's election results. The court turned down the case.
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court seeking to overturn their election results. The Supreme Court rejected the case.
  • The Trump campaign asked the US Supreme Court to overturn three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over various technical rules regarding absentee and mail-in ballots. The court rejected the case on February 22, declaring it moot.
Pennsylvania — 13 losses

Nevada — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit requesting that ballots stop being counted in the state over concerns about signature-matching technology and election observers' claims that they weren't being allowed to watch ballots being processed closely enough. The Nevada Supreme Court denied the request.
  • The Trump campaign and the RNC filed a lawsuit in state court asking to stop ballot counting in Clark County — a heavily Democratic area — until GOP officials could observe the process. A district judge rejected the request on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have evidence to back up their allegations. Republicans appealed the case to the Nevada Supreme Court, which said on November 5 that the campaign and Republican officials had reached a settlement that allowed expanded ballot observation. They later withdrew the case.
  • A group of Republicans dropped a lawsuit in Clark County challenging mail-in ballots, including those sent by members of the military.
  • The Trump campaign filed a different lawsuit in Carson City District Court alleging multiple irregularities that the campaign claimed, without providing specific evidence, would be enough to overturn the election results in Nevada and flip the state to Trump. It failed.
Georgia — 5 losses

Michigan — 5 losses

Arizona — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign joined a lawsuit brought by two Republicans in Maricopa County claiming that a substantial number of GOP ballots were invalidated because voters used Sharpies to fill in their choices. There is no evidence that using Sharpies leads to issues with scanning ballots, and, in fact, officials have said using Sharpies is preferred. The Post also reported that the Maricopa County attorney's office said no ballots were rejected and that if they are, voters have an opportunity to cast another one. A Republican-aligned group abandoned the legal fight after Maricopa County officials challenged the factual basis for the lawsuit, and the Trump campaign lost the fight soon afterward.
  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in state court alleging that Maricopa County was improperly rejecting ballots cast by some voters. The lawsuit was dismissed after an audit found no problems with the votes.
  • Arizona's Supreme Court unanimously rejected a case from the state GOP chair Kelli Ward, saying the facts she presented were incorrect and that she "fails to present any evidence of misconduct."
  • Powell filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn election results as well, based on a conspiracy theory about voting machines used in the state. A judge dismissed the case.
Wisconsin — 7 losses

New Mexico — one loss

  • The Trump campaign sued the state over what it claims was the illegal use of ballot drop boxes after the state had already certified its results and sent them to the Electoral College. It dropped the claim in January.

Key cases and Supreme Court rulings before Election Day


In Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court ruled that election officials could receive mail-in ballots until November 6 as long as they are postmarked by Election Day. Republicans requested an immediate stay from the US Supreme Court that would have blocked the state Supreme Court's ruling.
But the US Supreme Court was deadlocked at 4-4, leaving the lower court's ruling in place. Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito voted to grant Republicans' request, while Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett declined to participate in the case "because of the need for a prompt resolution of it and because she has not had time to fully review the parties' filings," the court said in a statement. However, Barrett has not recused herself, meaning she could cast a decisive fifth vote when the Supreme Court takes up the case again.
North Carolina

In a similar case brought by Republicans in North Carolina, the Supreme Court ruled that ballots received up to nine days after November 3 could be counted as long as they are postmarked by Election Day.

The decision came after the Trump campaign and Republicans asked in two separate cases for the high court to put back in place a June statute from the state's Republican-controlled Legislature that would have allowed ballots to be counted only if they were received up to three days — not nine — after Election Day.
Five justices — Roberts, Kavanaugh, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — ruled against reinstating the statute. Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas dissented, while Barrett did not participate in the North Carolina case.

Republicans notched a victory in a case involving the deadline to receive ballots in Wisconsin. The US Supreme Court ruled against reviving an appeals court decision that would have allowed election officials to receive absentee ballots up to six days after Election Day.
The court's five conservative justices — Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito — ruled against reviving the lower court's ruling, while the three liberals — Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — dissented.

The Wisconsin case made headlines because of Kavanaugh's and Kagan's dueling opinions.
Kavanaugh, a Trump-appointed justice who was confirmed to the high court in 2018, wrote in a concurring opinion that all ballots should be received by Election Day.
"Those States want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election," he wrote. "And those States also want to be able to definitively announce the results of the election on election night, or as soon as possible thereafter."
Kagan fired back in a sharp dissent, taking issue with Kavanaugh's assertion that the arrival of absentee ballots after Election Day could "flip" the results of the race.

"Justice Kavanaugh alleges that 'suspicions of impropriety' will result if 'absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election,'" she wrote. "But there are no results to 'flip' until all valid votes are counted. And nothing could be more 'suspicio[us]' or 'improp[er]' than refusing to tally votes once the clock strikes 12 on election night. To suggest otherwise, especially in these fractious times, is to disserve the electoral process."

A federal court in Texas and the state's Supreme Court denied two Republican requests to throw out nearly 130,000 ballots that were cast via drive-thru polling sites in Harris County, one of Texas' most heavily Democratic areas.
The Texas Supreme Court rejected a request from Republican candidates and activists to toss the ballots. US District Judge Andrew Hanen, appointed by President George W. Bush, reached the same conclusion and denied the second request from GOP candidates and a right-wing radio host.
Hanen ruled that the plaintiffs did not have the standing to sue and ask that ballots that were legally cast be discounted. However, he ordered the county to set aside the 127,000 ballots in case an appeals court disagreed with him and ultimately threw those votes out."""""

There was massive fraud.

Uh-huh. And you live in La-La Land.

Address the OP or STFU.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.

Amazing how angry and dissonant the left become when the author systematically shoots down the claim that Trump's fraud claims were baseless, debunked or ever proven wrong. In truth, the entire court system punted the issue protecting Biden and their own election officials from any scrutiny at all.

Sounds just like we said in 2000 when we believed gore got robbed. It was a lot closer in 2000 when gore got screwed
How the November Election was probably stolen...without a trace


  1. Biden golf in the dead of winter when he cancels public affairs with DC leaders over a mere 2-inches of snow?
  2. Biden doesn't know how to tweet and has no one to tweet to who would care to read a word he has to say.
  3. Even Little Kim wants no part of Biden. Biden simply has no international affairs! Nor SOTU address or anything else. Few people even get to see him in the WH period.
  4. First Joe broke his foot tripping over a dog then sent it home for biting him. Animals have good instincts.
  5. The whole Jan.6 revolt was over Biden's illegal and immoral (s)election.
  6. We now have a real (full-blooded gungho radical far left socialist democrat) president in the WH.
And he will have the shortest presidency likely in history. Meds can only carry you so far.
The problem wasn't Trump's claims. The problem was the resolutions. Courts had no interest in tossing out any legitimate votes along with any illegitimate votes. What Trump should have sued for was clarification and verification of votes in any state in which the rules were changed or election laws violated by officials.
Like mailing everyone an absentee ballot? Come on it was during a pandemic. You wanted long lines? With trump supporters who refuse to wear masks?

I'm talking about the verification/certification of those absentee ballots. If anyone was paying attention, it was the very swing states in which decided the election that just happened to change/violate their election laws, and none of them purged their voter rolls. Oddly enough, there were statistical anomalies in large urban areas in those very same swing states. The cheating was out in the open, particularly given the fact that duplicate ballots are not investigated, we know people went to vote in person only to be told they had already voted by mail.
Prove that.
Prove what? That election laws were violated in every swing state? That duplicate ballots are not investigated? That voter rolls were not purged? What exactly are you trying to dispute here?
All of it. Any of it.
That's common knowledge, publicly available for months. I'm not here to fix your ignorance.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.

Get over it you bunch of candy-assed losers.
And learn to find facts instead of fiction.

From Business Insider, updated:

Trump and his allies filed more than 40 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. All of them failed.
""".....Here's a list of the lawsuits and where they stand

Direct appeals to the Supreme Court — 3 losses

  • Several Republican politicians, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, asked the US Supreme Court to block the certification of Pennsylvania's election results. The court turned down the case.
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court seeking to overturn their election results. The Supreme Court rejected the case.
  • The Trump campaign asked the US Supreme Court to overturn three decisions from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court over various technical rules regarding absentee and mail-in ballots. The court rejected the case on February 22, declaring it moot.
Pennsylvania — 13 losses

Nevada — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit requesting that ballots stop being counted in the state over concerns about signature-matching technology and election observers' claims that they weren't being allowed to watch ballots being processed closely enough. The Nevada Supreme Court denied the request.
  • The Trump campaign and the RNC filed a lawsuit in state court asking to stop ballot counting in Clark County — a heavily Democratic area — until GOP officials could observe the process. A district judge rejected the request on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have evidence to back up their allegations. Republicans appealed the case to the Nevada Supreme Court, which said on November 5 that the campaign and Republican officials had reached a settlement that allowed expanded ballot observation. They later withdrew the case.
  • A group of Republicans dropped a lawsuit in Clark County challenging mail-in ballots, including those sent by members of the military.
  • The Trump campaign filed a different lawsuit in Carson City District Court alleging multiple irregularities that the campaign claimed, without providing specific evidence, would be enough to overturn the election results in Nevada and flip the state to Trump. It failed.
Georgia — 5 losses

Michigan — 5 losses

Arizona — 4 losses

  • The Trump campaign joined a lawsuit brought by two Republicans in Maricopa County claiming that a substantial number of GOP ballots were invalidated because voters used Sharpies to fill in their choices. There is no evidence that using Sharpies leads to issues with scanning ballots, and, in fact, officials have said using Sharpies is preferred. The Post also reported that the Maricopa County attorney's office said no ballots were rejected and that if they are, voters have an opportunity to cast another one. A Republican-aligned group abandoned the legal fight after Maricopa County officials challenged the factual basis for the lawsuit, and the Trump campaign lost the fight soon afterward.
  • The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in state court alleging that Maricopa County was improperly rejecting ballots cast by some voters. The lawsuit was dismissed after an audit found no problems with the votes.
  • Arizona's Supreme Court unanimously rejected a case from the state GOP chair Kelli Ward, saying the facts she presented were incorrect and that she "fails to present any evidence of misconduct."
  • Powell filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn election results as well, based on a conspiracy theory about voting machines used in the state. A judge dismissed the case.
Wisconsin — 7 losses

New Mexico — one loss

  • The Trump campaign sued the state over what it claims was the illegal use of ballot drop boxes after the state had already certified its results and sent them to the Electoral College. It dropped the claim in January.

Key cases and Supreme Court rulings before Election Day


In Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court ruled that election officials could receive mail-in ballots until November 6 as long as they are postmarked by Election Day. Republicans requested an immediate stay from the US Supreme Court that would have blocked the state Supreme Court's ruling.
But the US Supreme Court was deadlocked at 4-4, leaving the lower court's ruling in place. Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito voted to grant Republicans' request, while Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett declined to participate in the case "because of the need for a prompt resolution of it and because she has not had time to fully review the parties' filings," the court said in a statement. However, Barrett has not recused herself, meaning she could cast a decisive fifth vote when the Supreme Court takes up the case again.
North Carolina

In a similar case brought by Republicans in North Carolina, the Supreme Court ruled that ballots received up to nine days after November 3 could be counted as long as they are postmarked by Election Day.

The decision came after the Trump campaign and Republicans asked in two separate cases for the high court to put back in place a June statute from the state's Republican-controlled Legislature that would have allowed ballots to be counted only if they were received up to three days — not nine — after Election Day.
Five justices — Roberts, Kavanaugh, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — ruled against reinstating the statute. Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas dissented, while Barrett did not participate in the North Carolina case.

Republicans notched a victory in a case involving the deadline to receive ballots in Wisconsin. The US Supreme Court ruled against reviving an appeals court decision that would have allowed election officials to receive absentee ballots up to six days after Election Day.
The court's five conservative justices — Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito — ruled against reviving the lower court's ruling, while the three liberals — Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor — dissented.

The Wisconsin case made headlines because of Kavanaugh's and Kagan's dueling opinions.
Kavanaugh, a Trump-appointed justice who was confirmed to the high court in 2018, wrote in a concurring opinion that all ballots should be received by Election Day.
"Those States want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election," he wrote. "And those States also want to be able to definitively announce the results of the election on election night, or as soon as possible thereafter."
Kagan fired back in a sharp dissent, taking issue with Kavanaugh's assertion that the arrival of absentee ballots after Election Day could "flip" the results of the race.

"Justice Kavanaugh alleges that 'suspicions of impropriety' will result if 'absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election,'" she wrote. "But there are no results to 'flip' until all valid votes are counted. And nothing could be more 'suspicio[us]' or 'improp[er]' than refusing to tally votes once the clock strikes 12 on election night. To suggest otherwise, especially in these fractious times, is to disserve the electoral process."

A federal court in Texas and the state's Supreme Court denied two Republican requests to throw out nearly 130,000 ballots that were cast via drive-thru polling sites in Harris County, one of Texas' most heavily Democratic areas.
The Texas Supreme Court rejected a request from Republican candidates and activists to toss the ballots. US District Judge Andrew Hanen, appointed by President George W. Bush, reached the same conclusion and denied the second request from GOP candidates and a right-wing radio host.
Hanen ruled that the plaintiffs did not have the standing to sue and ask that ballots that were legally cast be discounted. However, he ordered the county to set aside the 127,000 ballots in case an appeals court disagreed with him and ultimately threw those votes out."""""

There was massive fraud.

Uh-huh. And you live in La-La Land.
The La La contingent believes there was no fraud or does not care that the election was stolen. I do not what is worse. Either way you are not an American in any way shape or form.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
Yeah keep copy and pasting that. It’s a very compelling argument.
When you keep evading it, it shows that you do not dispute it. Just like how you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.

The linked article is quite detailed and assumes that the reader has both a three-digit IQ and an attention span greater than that of a common housefly, but it outlines and clearly explains the phoniness of the "no evidence" and "80 courts have spoken" Narratives about this past Presidential election.

There are ultimately three or four different lines of legitimate inquiry - all involving apparent election wrongdoing - in which various courts chose, either through cowardice (USSC) or political expediency (PA Supreme Court), to reject cases and possible serious inquiries into activities that very easily could have reversed the electoral results in enough states to shift the ultimate result to President Trump.

The main question quickly shifts from "why is 40% of the electorate convinced that the election was fixed?" to "Why is there not an armed rebellion over this electoral travesty?"

I don't expect the Leftists here to read this; they are blinded by whatever-it-is, but the facts are what they are, and this election was stolen. Sorry.
Not stolen. You’re all just pathetic sore losers. That kind of immaturity and childishness goes with being republican.
The opening post called you out before you even saw the thread. You have failed to demonstrate that you even read and understood the opening post and article.
You people post from the same stupid right wing blogs saying the same shit. Here’s what matters:

1) ALL of the lawsuits got nowhere including in front of judges appointed by Trump and the Supreme Court. There is literally nothing you can say that rationalizes this into some kind of stupid conspiracy theory.

2) If ANY of these lawsuits had merit, it would have attracted some high quality independent attorneys. Instead, all Trump could get were incompetent morons like Rudy and Sydney who, by the way, are Trumptard supporters.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
We both know I did. All the lawsuits got thrown out for a reason.
I am glad to see that you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
Yeah keep copy and pasting that. It’s a very compelling argument.
When you keep evading it, it shows that you do not dispute it. Just like how you do not dispute anything from the article that the thread is about. That is a great endorsement of the article.
Lol I didn’t evade it. This article is about the merit of the lawsuits and irrelevant polls from republicans about their feelings toward the election. I explained why those lawsuits have no merit.

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