How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

I would agree why aren't the non-left wingers being allowed to be heard? One has to question the motives and agenda when such glaring omissions are being made.
Dang...I'm hearing non-left wing people all day long! Why aren't you? Everything is out there for everyone, these days.

It seems to me that many in the Alt/right circles are invested in being the 'victim'. The evill MSM ignores them..huh? I think you want affirmation..and not information, IMO.

Oh did the MSM finally give them "leave" to speak to the public? I haven't seen a shred of that personally, in fact I've seen the opposite thus far, they were actively prevented from saying their opinions by the media. I'll be curious what they have to say and suggest about the problem, though I do assume it'll be at least somewhat similar to my kidos commentary. (He's 19 though so there might be some deviance.)
Is the media the only place one may speak and be heard? I think not--I think the issue is more that the public..for whatever reason..seems to be obsessed with the killings---and not in swelling the NRA coffers.

Ah so you play semantics rather than admit it - can't say I'm surprised.

how is that "semantics". the media are not required to repeat your lies. nor are they required to give a forum to your lies. so I'm not sure what you're whining about.

you seem confused.

Uhm... I was not a Parkland shooting victim so it's nothing I have to say, much less "lie" about dumbass.

Perhaps you should know what you're talking about before replying; you can do so by expanding the quotes. Doing so will save you from looking like an idiot in the future.
Sheep can't comprehend how YOUTH is used to push stripping freedom. They're that stupid. Hitler did it we see where their idiots ended up. It doesn't matter what is put in front of them such as historical facts etc it just doesn't matter.

They really prove how UNEDUCATED they are because they've been fed what liberal public schools and colleges wanted them to learn.

View attachment 184992

The Plague of American Authoritarianism

The SHIT you post shames you .. nothing further required Gomer
This entire thread and its source,the W Post, using kids as political pawns — again — in order to propagate their Marxist agenda.

Yo ASSHOLIO - Can't find any OP's of yours lately


That was a pathetically weak "Rebuttal".

His point stands. It is the Left that is using these kids, not us.

NO - Therefore STFU!!

Except that, obviously, YES, it is you lefties that are using, and thus abusing these kids, not us cons.

YOU put them forward as spokesmen, to have them take the heat that you can't.

This is on you and yours.
Lefties create a dangerous environment for our kids at school...refusing to protect them while inviting MS13 and violent, organically brain damaged lunatics into the classrooms....then pretend it's OUR fault when they die?

But wait..there's more.

Then, after asserting that our school children are at risk as long as people living in the hinterlands of Idaho and New Hampshire have weapons..they trot all the kids out to parade them around outside the schools, while advertising their unarmed status along with dates, locations, and times they will be out in the open.

If you think the kids are at risk of being shot..why are you pushing them in front of you?

Because you're cowardly scumbags who hide behind children. You hope and plan on them being shot. You turned them into targets, and now you maintain that the people who want to protect them from the killers YOU have created are the problem.

Fuck off. I'm getting an AR15 this weekend, and it's going everywhere I go from here on out.
It is
You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!
It is
No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

When children are being put in front of adults who are using them as a shield, the kids are going to get hurt.

Talk to your masters and tell them to stop hiding behind children.


When terrorists use children, children get hurt.

"Despite children's physical and psychological underdevelopment relative to adults, there are many reasons why state- and non-state military organizations seek them out. Cited examples include:
  • Peter Singer has suggested that the global proliferation of light automatic weapons, which children can easily handle, has made the use of children as direct combatants more viable.[37]
  • Roméo Dallaire has pointed to the role of overpopulation in making children a cheap and accessible resource for military organizations.[38]
  • Roger Rosenblatt has suggested that children are more willing than adults to fight for non-monetary incentives such as honor, prestige, revenge and duty.[39]
  • Several commentators, including Bernd Beber, Christopher Blattman, Dave Grossman, Michael Wessels, and McGurk and colleagues have argued that since children are more obedient and malleable than adults, they are easier to control, deceive and indoctrinate.[8][9][2][10]"
If you are going to use children as your front line when it comes to taking guns away, you are deliberately putting them in the line of fire. It's a lefty thing. You people love killing kids, and you love using their deaths as justification for killing more kids...and you use the kids you don't kill to be your *front* then accuse people of *targeting children* when they defend themselves from them.

Which they are going to do.

Children in the military - Wikipedia
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It is
No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected
This entire thread and its source,the W Post, using kids as political pawns — again — in order to propagate their Marxist agenda.

Yo ASSHOLIO - Can't find any OP's of yours lately


That was a pathetically weak "Rebuttal".

His point stands. It is the Left that is using these kids, not us.

NO - Therefore STFU!!

Except that, obviously, YES, it is you lefties that are using, and thus abusing these kids, not us cons.

YOU put them forward as spokesmen, to have them take the heat that you can't.

This is on you and yours.

No. It isn't. It's on all of you that pretend to be adults and use this demonstration as an excuse to not have to act like one.

Sandy Hook
Red Lake
Nickel Mines
Rancho Dehama

And every time...nothing changes.

They have earned the right to be listened to with respect. They aren't burning things down. They aren't rioting. They are acting like ADULTS. Maybe we should as well.
It is
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected

Funny. I see kids marching all the time in pro life rallies. Not a peep from you guys. Some of Palin's kids choose to put themselves in the spotlight and you are all over the place defending them and calling people on their vitriole.

Pretty hypocritical.
What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected

Funny. I see kids marching all the time in pro life rallies. Not a peep from you guys. Some of Palin's kids choose to put themselves in the spotlight and you are all over the place defending them and calling people on their vitriole.

Pretty hypocritical.

I already addressed your supposed pro life rallies and I distinctly remember the Palin kids being ripped by the left

Bad bad analogy
"As Pol Pot declared: “It is the youth of today who will take up the revolutionary tasks of tomorrow.”
[8: 16] The Khmer leader, like MaoZedong during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, turned to the youthwhose role in the revolution was to be the “dictatorial instrument of the party.” [9: 5]

"In theory, the basic education of the youth was compulsory, but during the rule of theKhmer Rouge illiteracy rates remained high as indoctrination in communist ideology wasgiven priority and the need to serve in the armed forces became imperative."

Sound familiar? It should.

"It started in Parkland. Now, these kids are leading a 'revolution'"

Dumbasses who use kids to lead a revolution to destroy our country are getting them killed. Talk to them.

'Welcome to the revolution': Parkland students lead emotional March for Our Lives rally
If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected

Funny. I see kids marching all the time in pro life rallies. Not a peep from you guys. Some of Palin's kids choose to put themselves in the spotlight and you are all over the place defending them and calling people on their vitriole.

Pretty hypocritical.

I already addressed your supposed pro life rallies and I distinctly remember the Palin kids being ripped by the left

Bad bad analogy

Bristol made herself a public figure. So she didn't deserve to be ripped?
What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected

Funny. I see kids marching all the time in pro life rallies. Not a peep from you guys. Some of Palin's kids choose to put themselves in the spotlight and you are all over the place defending them and calling people on their vitriole.

Pretty hypocritical.

Bullshit. Those kids aren't marching to demand we surrender our guns.
And they aren't being bussed from SCHOOL to do it.
They aren't being encouraged by school administrators to do it.
They aren't being funded by anti-American craphats to do it.

See the difference?

Of course you don't. You're a brainwashed moron.
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.

That infamy reached a wider audience this past weekend around the time of their March for Our Lives protest, when a doctored image that showed González ripping up a copy of the U.S. Constitution (she actually ripped up a gun target) went mildly viral on the Trump-supporting parts of the Internet, defended as “satire” by those who shared it.

"Here’s a look back at how the Parkland student activists became such a target:

Day 1: Conspiracy theorists

The first to target the Parkland students were the conspiracy theorists. When a mass shooting like Parkland happens, conspiracy theorists begin to search for signs of a false flag — proof that the shooting was actually staged and/or carried out for political reasons — pretty much right away. They’re following what online trolling expert Whitney Phillips calls a “tragedy script”: The establishment is trying to take away your guns, they’ll use mass shootings to do that, and here are the tricks they use to manipulate the public. Anything irregular becomes conspiracy fodder.

[ We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making ]

An anonymous 8chan user told the fringe chat board to look for “crisis actors” just 47 minutes after the shooting happened. And if closed chat rooms and fringey boards such as 8chan, 4chan and some subreddits on Reddit are where conspiracy theorists coordinate, then Twitter is where those conspiracy theories — and the harassment that comes with them — are performed for the public. Within hours, anonymous Twitter users were in the mentions of students tweeting from their classrooms during the shooting, accusing them of being part of the conspiracy:

One Twitter thread, made just after midnight on the night of the attack, claimed to contain “Bombshell” information about Parkland. @Magapill (an account once approvingly retweeted by President Trump) shared a video interview with a student that has become the basis of a debunked Parkland conspiracy theory. The thread was retweeted more than 3,000 times.

All this happened before the Parkland students calling for gun control began their ascent to viral iconography. When they emerged, the campaign to discredit and debunk the Parkland students expanded.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

[ Algorithms are one reason a conspiracy theory goes viral. Another reason might be you. ]

Hogg, along with González, had found their voices. In one CNN interview, the pair called for the National Rifle Association to “disband.” That interview was on the Monday after the attack. By Tuesday, an aide to Florida state Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-Tampa) was fired for telling a reporter that Hogg and González were “not students … but actors.” As evidence, the aide sent the reporter one of several YouTube videos promoting that conspiracy theory.

Even a former U.S. congressman, Jack Kingston, joined in on Twitter: “O really? ‘Students’ are planning a nationwide rally? Not left-wing gun control activists using 17yr kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy? #Soros #Resistance #Antifa #DNC”

The conspiracy spread quickly, and the algorithms noticed. Soon, a video claiming that Hogg was an actor was the No. 1 trending video on YouTube.

Week 3: Fights with social media companies

In early March, the conspiracy Internet — and some of its Trump supporters — turned the conspiracy theories surrounding the Parkland students into a crusade against what they saw as censorship on major Silicon Valley platforms.

After a conspiracy video trended on YouTube, the platform cracked down on videos and creators who were promoting the false belief that the Parkland students were hired actors or reading from scripts to promote gun control. Enter Alex Jones.

[ How Alex Jones turned the Parkland shooting into a week-long news cycle about himself ]

Jones’s main YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers, and he made several videos about Hogg, such as “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview,” in the weeks after the shooting.

After CNN reported that the channel was 2 strikes away from a YouTube ban for violating the platform’s community guidelines, Jones started talking about censorship. He claimed his channel was about to be deleted (it wasn’t); he fundraised to support a fight against his enemies. This blitz became a week-long news cycle that captured the attention of Infowars’ supporters and opponents alike.

March for Our Lives: The memes go mainstream

On the eve of the March for Our Lives, the NRA delivered a message to the Parkland students who organized it: “No one would know your names” if a gunman hadn’t killed 17 people at their school, said a host on NRATV.

The Parkland teens, as they took on such a polarizing issue, were always going to have opponents — including from more conservative Parkland students who also survived the massacre. But the deeply personal, conspiracy-minded attacks targeting Hogg, González and their fellow classmate activists have gone from the conspiracy fringes to a larger audience.

And after the viral image of González ripping up the Constitution, Rep. Steve King’s campaign Facebook page (R-Iowa) shared a mocking meme about her. The post refers to a patch of the Cuban flag on her jacket worn during the march:

“This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense.”

A day after the hoax targeting González went viral, the conservative blog Redstate published — and then updated — an article that falsely implied Hogg might not have been at school during the shooting at all.

“Something doesn’t add up” about Hogg’s whereabouts during the shooting, the original article claimed, focusing on a clip from an upcoming documentary where the student describes going home, grabbing his camera, and returning to interview students.

“It is not possible for him to have been in class and also have been at home, a three-mile bike ride away from campus,” the article concluded. “One of those stories is a lie. Hogg should explain himself, and quickly.”

But the entire premise of the Redstate article was inaccurate. After publication, Redstate published two “updates” at the top of the story, clarifying that the statements they cited as inconsistent were actually describing two separate events, several hours apart. Hogg was definitely on campus at the time of the shooting, and eventually went home and returned to school that evening to interview his gathered classmates just off campus.

The other side is losing their shit.
It is almost not worth engaging with them anymore, they've gone so far into lala land. They are doing their damnedest to bully these kids into submission; it's embarrassing.

You think you've seen conservatives reach their rock bottom and then they dig deeper. They are actually demonizing children now. These people have no moral compass, no empathy for other humans, no common sense, no decency, they are not Christians or good people. The only thing that matter to them and the only thing they kneel and pray to is the Republican Politburo.

There is nothing of value left for conservatives. They have gotten to the point that EVERYTHING that even in the slightest way is against or is just perceived to be against their politics they reject it outright. They have separated themselves from normal human society.
If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

Yes. Stop attacking children. We are supposed to be freaking adults here. We didn't lose classmates, at an age where YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED to die! When I was in highschool - I never heard of gun violence. I never knew a kid who died of violence. The only kid I knew who died died of leukemia.

So what is wrong with letting them have their say - that enough is enough? Maybe the NRA should butt out for a while instead of demonizing a bunch of kids. That is what is wrong with this!

Once again....these "children" chose to put themselves in the spotlight discussing a grown up free passes and you leftists are figuring it out they won't get the pass you expected

Funny. I see kids marching all the time in pro life rallies. Not a peep from you guys. Some of Palin's kids choose to put themselves in the spotlight and you are all over the place defending them and calling people on their vitriole.

Pretty hypocritical.

Bullshit. Those kids aren't marching to demand we surrender our guns.
And they aren't being bussed from SCHOOL to do it.
They aren't being encouraged by school administrators to do it.
They aren't being funded by anti-American craphats to do it.

See the difference?

Of course you don't. You're a brainwashed moron.

No they are marching to demand that we surrender our bodies. No difference except the message they are standing for.

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