How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

As if you get to fuck off...and if you're thirsty..I got some sweaty balls that need licking. You're a case for legalized abortion..just by taking up the oxygen another, more worthy person could be using.

Lol, triggered. I win


No...due to the inexorable laws of lose..always have..and always will.

The only victories you will ever see..are the one's you award yourself.

Rock on

Keep trying to salvage something from your meltdown, it just makes it even more hilarious.


you're the only one melting down, loony toon.

now go wipe the spittle off of your keyboard.

Stop being a white knight, can't Fleegle-Floggle defend himself?
ROTF! No defense needed..the only way you can defeat me is with intellect and fact--and you are woefully short of both.
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It's about the issues surrounding those idiot kids and their lefty crusade, still more on topic than most threads.

no doubt that's what your NRA masters say.

it simply isn't the law and isn't justified by the law.

stop whining. until the decision in heller, no one even believed guns were an individual right and for more than two hundred years justices laughed at the idea.

it was about "a well-regulated militia".

heller says differently. but even heller doesn't say what you want it to say.

and the perversion that is the NRA's propaganda on the 2nd is pathetic.

stop whining. until the decision in heller, no one even believed guns were an individual right and for more than two hundred years justices laughed at the idea.

it was about "a well-regulated militia".

Exactly! That's why the 2nd Amendment said "the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".......moron.

you left out "well-regulated" idiota. and you aren't a militia. the 2nd was never supposed to let you fight the gubmint in your little imaginations.

it was supposed to let you fight FOR the government. that's why treason is the only law outlined in the constitution.


you left out "well-regulated" idiota. and you aren't a militia.

I never claimed I was a militia.
Why do you FEEL that the Founders meant to put the right of the government to bear arms, into the Bill of Rights?

the 2nd was never supposed to let you fight the gubmint in your little imaginations.

The right to keep and bear arms existed well before governments existed. Moron.

the right of the government to bear arms? I'm not sure what you mean by that. there was no standing army at the time so well-regulated militias, the reason the 2nd was enacted, were established. the need, of course, disappeared after we raised an army.

I'm also not sure why you think there is no ability to regulate guns when scalia specifically said in heller that there is.

and you can call me a moron until your little head explodes. it makes you sound like an ignorant twit. how about you try to manage to state your position, however incorrect, without making yourself look like a trumpian lowlife.

You have seen what Scalia said in Heller, and you post that? He specifically said that felons and the mentally ill, if they are dangerous, can be banned from guns...and that guns in common use are specifically protected by the 2nd Amendment....that means AR-15s and all other semi auto weapons are protected....

So stop lying.....
This entire thread and its source,the W Post, using kids as political pawns — again — in order to propagate their Marxist agenda.
Nope. Unless you believe that the WaPo has an agenda which includes 'outing' ignorant alt/right posters on their BS. Then, yeah, you might be right.

Marxist agenda? I don't think you have the first idea of what you are talking about.
BTW..I think it's the kids using the media to propagate their message. Not pawns..but self-actuated and pro-socially active.
I quit the W Post in 1994 because of its racist, pro-democrat bias. Any ‘news’ story supporting these kids and their movement is propaganda.
Well..this article was more in the line of drawing people's attention to the outright lies and disinformation propagated by Right-wing trolls.

I guess you could infer support...but the facts..still remain the facts..irregardless of spin.

As an you also term FOX news, Gateway Pundit and InfoWars as propaganda spreading and biased?
Right wing trolls are motivated by a backlash against left wing propaganda including the WP. I recall it-the first news organization to go completely and openly off the rails was FOX--after it was shown to be wildly popular and profitable..all the others followed.

I doubt that the motivation in most cases was political..more like financial.

As for the on-line troll types...their roots lay in talk radio..Rush and instead of phoning in..the ditto-heads post shyte.

No...due to the inexorable laws of lose..always have..and always will.

The only victories you will ever see..are the one's you award yourself.

Rock on

Keep trying to salvage something from your meltdown, it just makes it even more hilarious.


you're the only one melting down, loony toon.

now go wipe the spittle off of your keyboard.

Stop being a white knight, can't Fleegle-Floggle defend himself?
ROTF! No defense needed..the only why you can defeat me is with intellect and fact--and you are woefully short of both.

Then why did Jillian feel the need to white knight you?

Poor wibble fleeble need hewlp?
Thank laugh in me!
Make that some of them....they don't speak for them all....and they announced themselves as enemies of the NRA and freedom ...nobody did it to them
There will always always be in this country, white people who are just simply too ignorant for words. It is not only a waste of time and perfected energy to engage them, its just too exhaustive. Anybody wishing to debate these brain dead bastards, do so at their own peril....they're simply not worth it. What is worth the energy and the effort is that these young people have awaken a society who have sat on the sidelines for decades and not used their power of the vote. I am 1000% this November will be the year, finally THE ALMIGHTY POWER OF THE VOTE PREVAILS!!
It's so bad even CNN wants Hogg to tone down the hate-mongering......polls must be turning sour
How in the fuck is this kid advocating hatred simply by demanding those who vote against gun control measures are going down in Nov? How in the fuck could anybody on the right call mf's out for hatred, when everything conservatives advocate and support stems from bias and hatred of people of color??? What fuckin planet have you idiots been living on?
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.


I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.
I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.
There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result
They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
It is
It is their march. Set up your own.

Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.
It is
Yeah that's the ticket...shut down all opposing views. Dear Lord and heaven forbid they get challenged on their child like BS
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books
It is
Who is shutting down what opposing view?

Ans. No one. They can have a march in fact they have had matches over the years. I dont recall pro gun demstrations providing platforms for anti gunners at tbeir events though.

So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.
The other side is losing their shit.
It is almost not worth engaging with them anymore, they've gone so far into lala land. They are doing their damnedest to bully these kids into submission; it's embarrassing.
When you wear a Cuban flag on your sleeve demanding we toss our guns away, you don't have much to say to me that I respect.
It is
So you admit it was just an anti gun march, they are not interested in solving the real issues....just ban guns and everything will be just peachy. These kids are clueless and becoming a colossal joke

You can be pro some gun control and be trying to spolve real issues. The problem is that you and others are labeling ANYTHING even just expanded background checks as extremist. It isnt. It is impssible to have a dialogue as a result

No more than trying to get past you on the left's ban guns...and before you deny it I recommend you read some of the current threads
I am not denying extremists on both sides but I have seen very few calling for a ban on all guns and very many opposing any new regulation whatsoever.

What new regulations do you want? Newsflash: if the goddamn government had done their job that Cruz kid would have never been allowed to purchase a gun. What added regulation would have prevented it? They didn't use the ones on the books

If the government had done it's job, he would have been locked up as a dangerous crazy.

Indeed but they've made it all into the NRA is at fault, ban guns, stop picking on children.....I'm fucking sick of it

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