How the Public Views Democrats and why Trump will not be Blamed for Shutdown

Democrats overdrawn on their trust account with U.S. public after their reaction to Trump victory in 2016. Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad. Epic fail on their behalf. They are viewed as a bunch of crybabies that only care about rights of cop killers,baby killers,illegal drug mules, and gay parents rights to give child sex change.

dude, Your guy said he was willing to take the heat.

it has to come from the, right wing trust account.

Democrats had scorched earth policy from the beginning. Now they will pay in 2018.
Democrats launch scorched-earth strategy against Trump

Your guy was about tax cuts for the rich.
Democratic congressional strategists that came up with idea that shutting down government would be a good thing for their 2018 chances! Exclusive!
Bush92, post: 19107487
Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad.

Not true. Trumpo makes Trumpo look bad. Dems understand the reality that Trumpo had no meaningful effect on well established economic trends that continued positively during the first year of Trumpo's presidency.

It is simple math having nothing to do with extremism of any kind.. For example Obama over seven years brought unemployment down about 19 percentage points. That trend merely continueed to drop a bit less than 1% during Trumpo's first year. Not much of a Trumpo claim to fame when you think about it. And the current 4.1% rate is considered to be full employment. Trumpo has no where to go but up to higher unemployment.

And there are these headlines all over the place.

01/20/2018 09:23 pm ET
Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law
That’s peanuts compared with what the Koch brothers will save.
By Mary Papenfuss

Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law | HuffPost

So now the cycle begins anew. Republicans cut taxes (trickle down theory) for the very wealthy, Federal Debt soars, we have a boom economy for a short time, the bust comes, Republicans lose the White House, Dems win the White House. Republicans blame the new Dem president for the nightmarish Federal Debt.

Why is it extremism to point this out?
Democrats overdrawn on their trust account with U.S. public after their reaction to Trump victory in 2016. Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad. Epic fail on their behalf. They are viewed as a bunch of crybabies that only care about rights of cop killers,baby killers,illegal drug mules, and gay parents rights to give child sex change.]

You have a republican president and they control both senate and house.
Yet we have a shutdown. Sorry whoever is in charge they are responsible of this calamity.

No matter how you look at it Trump is bad and he is doing that to himself.

Yet another dumbass liberal that doesnt know how it works..
Bush92, post: 19113653,
Democratic congressional strategists that came up with idea that shutting down government would be a good thing for their 2018 chances!

Trump decided to feed his master race baiting monkey base by terminating DACA. But Trump says he wants to help DACA Americans. They are good people. A 'love' bill is needed.

Now Trumpo has shut down the Governnent and tweets that DACA Americans are murderers.

And you remain a Trumpo syncphant through all this.
but hey; the rich got richer and lowered their taxes.

who cares about planning for funding Government, right, right wingers.
California Governor Pete Wilson tried to stop California from being overran. But Clinton’s wanted California blue so they were fine with illegal’s coming in and voting. Democrats want this for whole United States...hence opposition for border security.
California Governor Pete Wilson tried to stop California from being overran. But Clinton’s wanted California blue so they were fine with illegal’s coming in and voting. Democrats want this for whole United States...hence opposition for border security.

The States have no obligation over immigration since 1808. That is why we go blue.
California Governor Pete Wilson tried to stop California from being overran. But Clinton’s wanted California blue so they were fine with illegal’s coming in and voting. Democrats want this for whole United States...hence opposition for border security.

The States have no obligation over immigration since 1808. That is why we go blue.

States can call out the Guard to stop this.
Democrats overdrawn on their trust account with U.S. public after their reaction to Trump victory in 2016. Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad. Epic fail on their behalf. They are viewed as a bunch of crybabies that only care about rights of cop killers,baby killers,illegal drug mules, and gay parents rights to give child sex change.

Even liberal CNN validates my post from days ago.
Shutdown was a big loss for Schumer and the Democrats (opinion) - CNN
California Governor Pete Wilson tried to stop California from being overran. But Clinton’s wanted California blue so they were fine with illegal’s coming in and voting. Democrats want this for whole United States...hence opposition for border security.

The States have no obligation over immigration since 1808. That is why we go blue.

States can call out the Guard to stop this.

No, they have no authority. It is one good way to ensure the Party of Increased Litigation, strikes again.
It's amusing the tards are blaming the Democrats for the Republican Congress spending more than they took in. :lol:

They don't blame Republicans because the democrats did the same thing before them and have been for a long time. Tell us, which Congress came the closest to a balanced budget in the last 40 or so years?

Reid famously wouldn't allow a budget to even come to a vote so he could hide the over spending. Your pretending this just started 3 years ago is precious.
It's amusing the tards are blaming the Democrats for the Republican Congress spending more than they took in. :lol:

They don't blame Republicans because the democrats did the same thing before them and have been for a long time. Tell us, which Congress came the closest to a balanced budget in the last 40 or so years?

Reid famously wouldn't allow a budget to even come to a vote so he could hide the over spending. Your pretending this just started 3 years ago is precious.
the right wing still, to this day, allege they are for "small government", with a straight face, like they actually believe their own propaganda and rhetoric.
It's amusing the tards are blaming the Democrats for the Republican Congress spending more than they took in. :lol:

They don't blame Republicans because the democrats did the same thing before them and have been for a long time. Tell us, which Congress came the closest to a balanced budget in the last 40 or so years?

Reid famously wouldn't allow a budget to even come to a vote so he could hide the over spending. Your pretending this just started 3 years ago is precious.
the right wing still, to this day, allege they are for "small government", with a straight face, like they actually believe their own propaganda and rhetoric.

The right wing is for smaller government. The GOP, however, is not very right wing.
Democrats overdrawn on their trust account with U.S. public after their reaction to Trump victory in 2016. Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad. Epic fail on their behalf. They are viewed as a bunch of crybabies that only care about rights of cop killers,baby killers,illegal drug mules, and gay parents rights to give child sex change.

Oh, come off it. You're a partisan hack and you'd support Trump if he pulled his pants down and waved his dick around. If Hillary were to do the same thing you'd tell the world how immoral she was.

So, whatever the Democrats do, you'll criticize them, whatever the Republicans do, you'll applaud them.

It won't be based on reality, or fact. You've been talking about a wall between the two Koreas that doesn't even exist today. You make stuff up because you think you know something you don't and you can't be bothered to find out if you don't know.

You want Republicans to right, so you make them right by ignoring, making up, doing whatever it takes.
Democrats overdrawn on their trust account with U.S. public after their reaction to Trump victory in 2016. Democrats are now viewed as fanatical extremists that are willing to do anything to make Donald Trump look bad. Epic fail on their behalf. They are viewed as a bunch of crybabies that only care about rights of cop killers,baby killers,illegal drug mules, and gay parents rights to give child sex change.

Oh, come off it. You're a partisan hack and you'd support Trump if he pulled his pants down and waved his dick around. If Hillary were to do the same thing you'd tell the world how immoral she was.

So, whatever the Democrats do, you'll criticize them, whatever the Republicans do, you'll applaud them.

It won't be based on reality, or fact. You've been talking about a wall between the two Koreas that doesn't even exist today. You make stuff up because you think you know something you don't and you can't be bothered to find out if you don't know.

You want Republicans to right, so you make them right by ignoring, making up, doing whatever it takes.

No. Republicans would acknowledge defeat and move on. Liberals throw childish temper tantrums and scream that Donald Trump is going to “destroy the world!!” Waaaa!!
It's amusing the tards are blaming the Democrats for the Republican Congress spending more than they took in. :lol:

They don't blame Republicans because the democrats did the same thing before them and have been for a long time. Tell us, which Congress came the closest to a balanced budget in the last 40 or so years?

Reid famously wouldn't allow a budget to even come to a vote so he could hide the over spending. Your pretending this just started 3 years ago is precious.
the right wing still, to this day, allege they are for "small government", with a straight face, like they actually believe their own propaganda and rhetoric.

The right wing is for smaller government. The GOP, however, is not very right wing.
No they are not. The right is for small government when it comes to fiscal matter but the instant we get into social ones suddenly big brother forcing moral compliance is just fine.
Bush92, post: 19113653,
Democratic congressional strategists that came up with idea that shutting down government would be a good thing for their 2018 chances!

Trump decided to feed his master race baiting monkey base by terminating DACA. But Trump says he wants to help DACA Americans. They are good people. A 'love' bill is needed.

Now Trumpo has shut down the Governnent and tweets that DACA Americans are murderers.

And you remain a Trumpo syncphant through all this.
You don't seem to understand the difference between a bill and people. DACA needed to be terminated since it was an illegal law that Obama ordained to get as many potential Democratic voters across the border as possible. It wasn't Donald Trump who bollixed up the Federal budget with a must have "Dreamer" decision. That is what shut down the government. And some Dreamers are murderers. Some Dreamers are model citizens. Most of them fall somewhere in between.

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