How The Right-Wing Echo Chamber Spins Bullsh*t Into Fact


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
They get away with it because their rube base is uneducated and have no critical thinking skills

Here is the formula.

  1. Take one line from an unrelated story from the Daily Mail claiming said "classified" email was really from the Hillary collection at the U.S. Department of State.
  2. Let a few hack bloggers and lazy reporters pick up on the phrase "Hillary Clinton emails"
  3. Do absolutely no critical thinking or fact-checking
  4. Publish it and echo it throughout the lying right-wing chamber until mainstream media outlets pick it up.

How The Right-Wing Echo Chamber Spins Bullsh*t Into Fact
Hate speech is really the only useful type of speech, so why not?
Back in November, a man referring to himself as "Jeff" called right-wing radio host Mark Levin's show claiming to have information about President Obama's health care law. Jeff claimed to be a "brain surgeon" who had just "returned from Washington, D.C.," where he and other neurological doctors had reviewed a document allegedly issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding "Obama's new health care plan for advanced neurosurgical care."

Jeff went on to claim that the document "did not call [patients older than 70] patients, they called them units" and stated that "if you're over 70 and you'd come into an emergency room and you're on government-supported health care that you get comfort care" instead of medically necessary neurological surgery. Jeff further claimed the document mandated "ethics committee,"

Mark Levin Hoax Caller's "Death Panel" Lie Sets Off Right-Wing Echo Chamber
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Of course, as anyone with even cursory familiarity with the right-wing "death panel" myth will be entirely unsurprised to find out, the entire story was false -- from the man's profession to the absurd claims he made about neurological care.

First, "Jeff" is reportedly not a "brain surgeon" at all. In a January 5 post, reached out to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) and reported:

Alison Dye, a spokeswoman for the groups, told us that they know who the caller is and that he is not a brain surgeon or a neurosurgeon. "One of our neurosurgeons knows who he is, and they had a conversation," she said. AANS/CNS declined to give the full name of "Jeff," the caller, saying that he had asked the groups not to identify him. Dye did say he was in the medical field but was not registered at a recent CNS meeting in Washington, D.C., since he isn't a neurosurgeon and isn't part of the organization.
They get away with it because their rube base is uneducated and have no critical thinking skills

Here is the formula.

  1. Take one line from an unrelated story from the Daily Mail claiming said "classified" email was really from the Hillary collection at the U.S. Department of State.
  2. Let a few hack bloggers and lazy reporters pick up on the phrase "Hillary Clinton emails"
  3. Do absolutely no critical thinking or fact-checking
  4. Publish it and echo it throughout the lying right-wing chamber until mainstream media outlets pick it up.

How The Right-Wing Echo Chamber Spins Bullsh*t Into Fact
That is the rough outline. And that formula is used on a daily basis. It takes advantage of the fact that a lot of reporters are laz, bloggers are lazy and irresponsible. and nobody seems to be really editing anything. It's all about getting access and getting the most attention. There yare many variations on this formula. I've been studying how it works for years, and walking back the connections routinely (which is how I knew the Planned Parenthood story was bogus within minutes of it breaking in the noise machine.)
And here, the Liberal nutards explain how they spin stories and begin the lies of the Leftist Democrats.

You guys really are great at projecting.
It was successful against Gore and Kerry, the mainstream media slime machine.

It tried its best against Obama, but Obama beat it.

Now it's aiming at Hillary Clinton. Most of The Villagers despise Hillary, because all the other kewl kids despise her, and they wouldn't get invited to all the right parties if they didn't join in.

And that's why every Democrat knows they're running both against the Republicans and the media.

One of the propaganda points that our nutty conservative media spreads is that the media is liberal. Only the most insanely stupid fall for such a transparent lie, but it's still a lot of people. Just look at the conservative mouthbreathers on this thread.

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