How the system is rigged. A tale of CEO's.

We all know that the average person is screwed when it comes to becoming one of those hugely wealthy CEO's of a company. The media and the liberals (redundancy alert) tell us so.
You and I and everybody else is screwed by a rigged system that prevents us from becoming wealthy and enjoying success.
If you don't believe me, just look at these examples of CEO's.

Jim Skinner. Former CEO of McDonalds. He never graduated college and started his career at McDonalds as a manager trainee.
Brian Dunn. Former CEO of Best Buy. He never attended college and started his career at Best Buy as a salesman.
Jack Welch. Son of a railroad conductor. He became the CEO of GE.
Bill Gates. College dropout and founder/CEO of Microsoft.
Steve Jobs. College dropout and founder/CEO of Apple. He was adopted by a middle class family.
Rodney McMullen. CEO of Kroger, the second largest retail company in America. He was born on a family farm and started at Kroger as a stock clerk.
Fred DeLuca. Founder and CEO of Subway. He borrowed $1000 to start the company that now has more resturaunts worldwide than any other resturaunt.
Doug McMillon. Doug started as a summer seasonal employee in a Walmart warehouse when he was a teenager. He is now the CEO of the largest company in the world, WalMart.

Oh wait, I meant we all have the opportunity.

Higher the Pay, the Worse the CEO
Study: The Higher the Pay, the Worse the CEO (Vocativ)
Daniel Edward Rosen looks at a study from the University of Utah, which shows that companies that pay CEOs more than $20 million a year have average annual losses over $1 billion.

The Higher the Pay, the Worse the CEO | Vocativ

Roosevelt Take: Roosevelt Institute Fellow and Director of Research Susan Holmberg and Campus Network alumna Lydia Austin look at additional ways high CEO pay distorts the economy.

Fixing a Hole: How the Tax Code for Executive Pay Distorts Economic Incentives and Burdens Taxpayers

Fixing a Hole: How the Tax Code for Executive Pay Distorts Economic Incentives and Burdens Taxpayers | Roosevelt Institute

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says

Across the board, the more CEOs get paid, the worse their companies do over the next three years, according to extensive new research. This is true whether they’re CEOs at the highest end of the pay spectrum or the lowest. “The more CEOs are paid, the worse the firm does over the next three years, as far as stock performance and even accounting performance,” says one of the authors of the study, Michael Cooper of the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business.

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says - Forbes

The More A Company Pays Its CEO, The Worse Its Shareholders Do

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

Successful Americans didn't make their money themselves. They conducted business in an ordered society with roads and laws and a military that defends it from foreign invaders and they hired people. Nobody wants YOUR money, they want the share they contributed to it

Higher the Pay, the Worse the CEO???

of course the beauty of capitalism is that if the worse the baseball player is the more he gets paid the team will finish last or go bankrupt. In a liberal or soviet system there is no build in self-correction. Happy to be of help.

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