How The Trump Con Works

I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

The opinions of assholes and whatnot.
I don't know if I am the smartest guy in any room, but I am definitely smarter than Trump. Way smarter.

Speak of self-styled smart guys:


I doubt that. He's a billionaire who knows how to make money and how to get things done.

I'd bet he's way smarter than you will ever be.

Of course in your little mind you think your smarter. Have fun.
Trump is a billionaire because of his daddy and he because he has no conscience. He does not mind exploiting human weakness. Ripping off investors, sucking off gambling, greed, beauty contests, and a fake university which robbed the elderly. There is no low too low for Donald Trump.


If these idiots would research a little, you know, scratch beneath the headlines, they would learn that Donald inherited the equivalent in today's dollars of $413M from his father. Fred started setting up Donald to "earn" $200K a year when he was 2 years old. Went up every year.

Donald then threw his own father under the bus and went to court to take over his father's accounts when Fred started showing signs of forgetfulness in the mid-90s.

Then proceeded to buy up everything in sight and file bankruptcy for six of his properties and acquisitions.

He was toxic to the New York lenders he depended on, so what's a guy to do when he can't get American banks to work with him anymore???? Hmmmmm.....let me see......

He's the worst human scum.

He obviously did something right in business because he's worth 3 billion. That billion with a B.

Speaking of scum. That you to a tee. LOL

Why do you believe he is worth $3 billion?

I looked it up. Google is your friend. Look it up.
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Republican replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.

Trump: "Unemployment is at record low rates and millions of people are off Food Stamps!"

American Workers: "Thank you, Mr. President! Things are finally looking up for me!"

Reporter: "Mr. President, why do you hate the poor?"

Trump: "I don't. My policies have helped the poor more than my predecessor's."

Reporter: "Well, a lot of people we've talked to don't believe that."

Want to provide a video or article link to that? Or just make shit up?

It's a parody of someone else's post, dumbass. Why would I need to provide a video link? Duh?
I have my doubts Trump is a billionaire.
There's a reason he hides his tax returns from you rubes.
That's my suspicion too.

I don't think this is about some Russian payoffs or shady deals. I think the thing that is most important to him - his ego - would be damaged if the world saw the con about his net worth. And that would be the very last thing he'd want.

NY Times: Trump got $413M from his dad, much from tax dodges

Or it could be both. Someone following the money, I have a feeling, would be in for an interesting trip involving real estate sold to Russian oligarchs and questionable financing from a questionable bank.
The reality is that there is no indication that either Clinton or Trump had socialized with Epstein in years

Jeffrey Epstein donated to several Democrats throughout 1990s and early 2000s

One of the biggest beneficiaries of Epstein's contributions was then-Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton, who received $20,000 from him

(and was later quoted as calling the slave girls on Epstein's island "those whiny women")

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who had received about $22,000 from Epstein

spokesperson for Clinton's former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson confirmed to ABC News that Richardson received $50,000 from Epstein during his gubernatorial reelection campaign in New Mexico in 2006.
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
Absolutely spot on. So..........the salient question becomes why do the rubes want to believe the con? Why do the rubes want to believe Trump's lie this is the greatest economy ever (trend GDP growth is about the same as it was when Obama was prez)? While the temporary acceleration in the economy was largely due to the same kind of deficit spending Repubs railed against when Obama was trying to keep the economy from falling in to a depression thanks to the Bush recession.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

Is it because Trump has given voice to, and therefore legitimized, (in their minds) their bigotry? Is their willingness to suspend reality in favor of an alternative one (hello Kellyanne) due to how badly they want to believe they are better than brown and black people?

What is it that makes them want to believe demonstrable falsehoods so badly?
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
You should be an excellent con artist then. Where did you go wrong?
You're exactly the type of "mark" that he is talking about
I've been studying con artists all my life. They have always fascinated me.

I spent over a decade debunking psychics, mediums, and all manner of paranormal bullshit before turning my attention to politics.

Without fail, I have found every con artist to be dumb as a bag of hammers, and Trump is no exception.

Where con artists differ from the rest of us is that they have no conscience. They are sociopaths.

The most powerful tool in the con artist's kit it the desire to believe on the part of the mark. 90 percent of any con takes place in the mark's head.

No amount of facts, counter-evidence, or logical persuasion can make a dent in the mark's desire to believe some of the most outlandish bullshit. If they want to believe grandma is speaking to them through the chain-smoking crone across the felt table from them, there is virtually nothing you can do or say to dissuade that belief. Trust me, I've tried valiantly for a really long time.

"I want to bleev, so it must be true!"

The second most powerful tool in the con artist's kit is to tell the mark exactly what they want to hear. They want to hear grandma is in heaven and happy and looking out for her grandkids from above. They want to hear a Trump replacement for Obamacare exists. They want to hear aliens are visiting from other worlds.

Every con artist perfects a particular hook. So I thought I would demonstrate Trump's particular hook.

Trump's hook is to make a bald assertion, then rely on the weak-minded to repeat that assertion, then to claim the assertion is true by virtue of how many people believe it.

An illustration:

TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

RUBES: The moon is made of White American cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people say it is.

In my next post, I will explain how Trump expanded on this type of con in the Ukraine.
You should be an excellent con artist then. Where did you go wrong?
You're exactly the type of "mark" that he is talking about
Come get me, butt pirate.
Uh...this works both ways you know. All media does this as well.

Leftist media spreads just as much false information, as does left wing politicians, trying to start a narrative, and people on the left watch that on tv, or hear it on the radio, and then they parrot the talking points. It happens on the left and the right.
Trump's Ukrainian con heavily depended on the rube herd not knowing his behind-the-scenes machinations.

A variation of Trump's con is to get someone else to make an assertion, and then to point to that person as an authority and therefore lending validation to the assertion Trump got them to make, without the rubes knowing he asked that person to make that assertion for that very reason.

Trump wanted Zelensky to say he was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if the investigation actually happened. All he wanted was an announcement to that effect so he could tell the rube herd, "Why would the President of Ukraine be investigating the Bidens if they didn't do anything wrong?"

And the rube herd would take it from there.

But while Trump was setting up this scam, a whole lot of people saw the illegality of it and started speaking to lawyers about it. They tried to stop this stupid bullshit. When Trump was told by Sondland that several people were worried about this illegal "quid pro quo", Trump told Sondland to say there was no quid pro quo, which Sondland obediently texted to the others.

Trump then pointed to Sondland's text as evidence there was no quid pro quo. What Trump did not tell the rube herd is that he had Sondland say that for him.

Watch (time mark 2:50):

Notice how Trump says Sondland is "highly respected" to add validity/weight to what he,Trump, is about to say.

Then he quotes Sondland's text which he himself had dictated. "He said that!"

Trump tried to do the exact same thing the other day by selectively quoting from Sondland's congressional testimony. The infamous "I WANT NOTHING" notes he made to himself.

Trump left out the fact Sondland unequivocally stated during his testimony that Trump did indeed want the investigations in exchange for military aid and a White House visit.

Great summary- but you forgot to mention that Trump always intended his 'perfect' phone call to be secret.

And that his personal envoys- Giuliani and Sondland- along with Trump- avoided creating any paper trail that could link this with Trump. A paper trail was created- but by people questioning what was going on.

Trump though didn't want a paper trail- case in point? There was never an official request to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens- it was all done in person, over the phone- informally.

A Ukrainian official at one point did ask the U.S. to make a formal request for investigation- but the U.S. never responded.

Secret calls, off the book, no paper trail, personal lawyer acting on behalf of Trump,- all part of the con.

It's the way Trump has always done business, from what I hear. In his company, NO EMAIL was allowed. Loyalty oaths and nda's a must. He's craftier than the Dems give him credit for. And he hires the best at burying the stuff he's done. Trump never encountered the many eyes of Washington though. He's been sunk since he began campaigning; maybe they can't prove it because Trump is too smart to leave a trail of crumbs, but they know. He knows they know. It's a game of chicken.

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