How The VA Really Treats Our Vets


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
Family: V.A. Cops Stomped On Veteran’s Head, Killing Him

The family of a 65 year-old veteran claims that VA police stomped on the veterans head and neck, causing him to suffer a stroke and die several weeks later, a new lawsuit alleges.

“The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,”

Read more: Family Alleges VA Police Killed Vet | The Daily Caller

those fucking "cops" should be turned over to a squad of vets from every service and given a "blanket party" that lasts all night long or until the "cops" see the light !! :up:
I'm sure there will be an investigation, so there will be no comment from the Lying Cocksucker in Chief other than his usual, "I'm madder than hell" bullshit.

There's got to be video of this. GOT to be.

I'd like to see it.

Maybe the guy was out of control. Could be.

Let me tell you something....... I've been to the VA well over a hundred times and sometimes it takes every ounce of control I have to not 'lose it'

Its like.... They don't care. Actually, it's not "like" they don't. They really don't care.

I've told you this before...... You could fall down, collapse in one of their Hallways and they'd go through your pockets before calling a Doctor or Nurse.

IF they'd even bother to do that.

The Doctors, Nurses, Techs, etc....? They're pretty good. They seem to care.


The rest of them? The admin, the clerks, the schedulers, the hourly types..... They just simply could not give a flying fuck. At all.

They are your typical goobermint employees.

Not ALL of them. But WAY TOO MANY of them. Enough to ruin the whole thing
In the last 13 years, I have had many tests run at the Marion VA Hospital in Marion, Illinois. I have always been treated very well. My treatment has always come from a clinic 120 miles north of there in Effingham.

I did have a friend die recently from shoddy treatment at the hospital, and I'm sure that hospital is on the list of 26.
It has been many years, but my father, a WW2 vet with injuries from that war, recieved excellent treatment at Madigan Hospital in Washington state. He had advanced prostate cancer at 58, and they opened him up like a fish. He lived actively to 83, a stroke, and died at 89. The Army doctors there did a wonderful job, and gave my father and additional quarter century of active life.

The present problems have to be addressed aggressively, and those responsible held accountable. Our Vets deserve the best we can give them.

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