How To Achieve Racial Separation

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And you are a race baiter.
Whatever makes you feel better about being recessive.
Take you recessive and shove it. Most are wise to your racist prattle.
With his repetitive misusage of the word "recessive"; he clearly has virtually no working knowledge of genetics...
Says the recessive guy that genetically attracts lice.
I think you have made it clear you do not like the truth about yourself. More names or are you just going to admit you are what I said you are?
I think you are looking for a graceful way to bow out so you can address your insecurity over being recessive and having to compete with Black guys for the women you like. :laugh:
The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".
The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

And you expect anyone to believe YOU, of all people, grasp Philosophy?
So if he is so damn smart, why the hell does he think that all whites have the same distinct culture? Travel to Europe and tell me the whites there have the same culture as those in America. Do blacks in Nigeria have the same culture as those in Europe or America. Of course they don’t silly. Also, he refers to voluntary racial separation; the majority of people in this country are not interested in living in a region with only there own race, so his premises is not achievable since most people will not voluntarily segregate.

BTW- Anderson Cooper graduated from Yale too, so according to your logic he’s smarter than you, but I’ll bet you think he’s a dipshit idiot like I do.
Anderson Cooper graduated from the more modern Yale, not the Yale that earned its reputation as one of the best schools in the world.

Cooper is definitely an idiot.

Jared Taylor got his degree in philosophy! Nope, no way he is smarter than me. I graduated ten years after him with a real degree.
I doubt your major requires a minimum IQ as high as what is required to be able to run the full gambit of philosophy classes.

YOU, of all people, are saying this? :lmao:
I mastered philosophy before even taking my first class of it. My IQ is almost certainly double what yours is.

Psychology and philosophy are subjects that I could literally teach at any level, despite the fact that I dropped out of college before I could even finish my Intro to Philosophy class, and having never touched any material related to psychology.

PTBW is certainly no philosopher.
I doubt you could even pay someone to tell you that you are a philosopher.

My philosophy professor recognized I was a philosopher before my first day of class during freshman initiation.

Hell, my admissions counselor knew I was a philosopher because when he asked me why I wanted to take philosophy as a minor, I literally responded by giving him the title of my philosophy textbook, months before I even knew what that title was.
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The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

And you expect anyone to believe YOU, of all people, grasp Philosophy?
I am the only one on here who does.
It's good they are here, because we can correct their nonsense in the open.
So if he is so damn smart, why the hell does he think that all whites have the same distinct culture? Travel to Europe and tell me the whites there have the same culture as those in America. Do blacks in Nigeria have the same culture as those in Europe or America. Of course they don’t silly. Also, he refers to voluntary racial separation; the majority of people in this country are not interested in living in a region with only there own race, so his premises is not achievable since most people will not voluntarily segregate.

BTW- Anderson Cooper graduated from Yale too, so according to your logic he’s smarter than you, but I’ll bet you think he’s a dipshit idiot like I do.
Anderson Cooper graduated from the more modern Yale, not the Yale that earned its reputation as one of the best schools in the world.

Cooper is definitely an idiot.

Jared Taylor got his degree in philosophy! Nope, no way he is smarter than me. I graduated ten years after him with a real degree.
I doubt your major requires a minimum IQ as high as what is required to be able to run the full gambit of philosophy classes.

YOU, of all people, are saying this? :lmao:
I mastered philosophy before even taking my first class of it. My IQ is almost certainly double what yours is.

Psychology and philosophy are subjects that I could literally teach at any level, despite the fact that I dropped out of college before I could even finish my Intro to Philosophy class, and having never touched any material related to psychology.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: So funny!
Is that some white boy turn of phrase? We were talking about the recessive monkeys that were dumped here by stormfront.
And you are a race baiter.
Whatever makes you feel better about being recessive.
Take you recessive and shove it. Most are wise to your racist prattle.
With his repetitive misusage of the word "recessive"; he clearly has virtually no working knowledge of genetics...
Says the recessive guy that genetically attracts lice.
There it is again...
The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

And you expect anyone to believe YOU, of all people, grasp Philosophy?
I am the only one on here who does.

The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

There is really no black supremacy. Now I know you cannot understand that. But 2-3 blacks yelling about whites being devils just dons equal .the racist system in this country that has allowed a overt white racist to be elected present.
And you are a race baiter.
Whatever makes you feel better about being recessive.
Take you recessive and shove it. Most are wise to your racist prattle.
With his repetitive misusage of the word "recessive"; he clearly has virtually no working knowledge of genetics...
Says the recessive guy that genetically attracts lice.
There it is again...
If you are seeing lice again I heard from a white guy that there is product called RID.
The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

There is really no black supremacy. Now I know you cannot understand that. But 2-3 blacks yelling about whites being devils just dons equal .the racist system in this country that has allowed a overt white racist to be elected present.
Obama was the most racist president we have had since Johnson, and the "progressive" party voted for him.

The "system" allows groups like the ADL and SPLC to remove any and all pro-white content from the Internet, while also allowing pro-ISIS and overtly anti-white content on those same sites.

I know you are not intelligent enough to understand why this directly refutes your dogmatic doctrine, but I know there are others lurking around who do.
The likes of the OP and PTBW demonstrate 'little mind' syndrome.

They prove how false is the thread's premise.
Until you recognize black supremacy as at least a negative thing in the face of the world today, your low IQ will continue to be self-evident.

But then again, this is the essence of philosophy that most of you idiots cannot even begin to contemplate. Maybe I am just expecting too much from those who actually do have "little minds".

And you expect anyone to believe YOU, of all people, grasp Philosophy?
I am the only one on here who does.

You are literally the least qualified on here to question my philosophical credentials. You are narcissistic without having any discernible reason for being so.

Your posts are actually more devoid of thought and actual content than dumbasses like Timmy and Guno.
Racial separation is one of those things we should never talk about, even while it is happening.
It's good they are here, because we can correct their nonsense in the open.
You all are kind of losing on a consistent basis.

You aren't even intelligent enough to realize that Asclepias is actually destroying your arguments before you even make them with his childish and anti-white posts that you refuse to condemn.
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