How to Adult in Real Life and Politics


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I thought this was an interesting little graphic, so I thought I would share it.

Seems very accurate to me, and calls out some interesting contrasts between adults and ideologues of either extreme.

All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.
You left out "Celebrate a productive day by having a bourbon and Coke". I'll vacuum tomorrow. :biggrin:
All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.

No, since Edward Bernays convinced the American Oligarchs that they could control the American population through a combination of consumerism, slanted advertising and manipulated messaging. The success of the gay marriage agenda is prime proof of this system, and the Oligarchs ahve been using it quite well.

Which is a big reason why the pay scale of American workers since 1973 has gone down after adjusting for inflation and taxation, while the pay of top management in corporations has climbed 20 fold.

I think conspiracy through orchestrated interests more plausible than mere coincidence with thousands of corporations successively over a 44 year period.
All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.
When news happens half a world away, how do you know with certainty that the message is not being controlled? The CIA admitted in public hearings to having paid journalists working on their behalf. Never forget it.
All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.
When news happens half a world away, how do you know with certainty that the message is not being controlled? The CIA admitted in public hearings to having paid journalists working on their behalf. Never forget it.

I'm very aware of that; I came of age during the Vietnam War, and all my teachers made sure we knew to look at the information we receive with a questioning eye.
We see the pictures and hear the piece of the facts that suits our government. I hope they're at least true, but I know we don't get both sides of the story. Not anywhere close. I have NO doubt about that. We don't hear Kim Jung Un's side or see how our sanctions bring misery to his people, for instance. We just keep seeing that picture of a missile launch and the map showing it could have landed in Chicago.
Don't worry. I know. That is not a corporate conspiracy, though, as Jim Bowie is envisioning.
All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.
When news happens half a world away, how do you know with certainty that the message is not being controlled? The CIA admitted in public hearings to having paid journalists working on their behalf. Never forget it.

I'm very aware of that; I came of age during the Vietnam War, and all my teachers made sure we knew to look at the information we receive with a questioning eye.
We see the pictures and hear the piece of the facts that suits our government. I hope they're at least true, but I know we don't get both sides of the story. Not anywhere close. I have NO doubt about that. We don't hear Kim Jung Un's side or see how our sanctions bring misery to his people, for instance. We just keep seeing that picture of a missile launch and the map showing it could have landed in Chicago.
Don't worry. I know. That is not a corporate conspiracy, though, as Jim Bowie is envisioning.

And what about Exxon being aware of climate change related to its product and funding climate denial groups. Cigarette manufacturers did the same. Jim brought up Bernays, he showed that it was possible to manipulate the masses. He convinced the population it was acceptable for women to smoke in public. The whole marketing industry grew out of the experiment. I think it is foolish to pass this all off as conspiracy theory. Clearly people with the resources and the capability to control messaging to the population are doing so.
That is not a corporate conspiracy, though, as Jim Bowie is envisioning.
And what about Exxon being aware of climate change related to its product and funding climate denial groups. Cigarette manufacturers did the same. Jim brought up Bernays, he showed that it was possible to manipulate the masses. He convinced the population it was acceptable for women to smoke in public. The whole marketing industry grew out of the experiment. I think it is foolish to pass this all off as conspiracy theory. Clearly people with the resources and the capability to control messaging to the population are doing so.

People seem to think that a conspiracy is some sort of thing done in hidden grottos and with blood oaths and similar nonsense.

No, conspiracies happen all the time, in fact there is likely one operating within a block of your home.

Any social networking toward an illegal or evil purpose is a conspiracy. The local pot dealer is in a conspiracy. The pawnbroker that buys stolen goods is in a conspiracy.


Corporations have been working to disorganize, demoralize and impoverish the American working class for decades and they use social networking in these efforts.

Here is one example of corporate networking to impoverish American workers by abusing the H1-B visa system, which is still an ongoing conspiracy as no one has as of yet broken it up.

Since I regard these goals as evil it is a conspiracy to my perception, but I dont really care if one uses that particular word or not.
Corporations have been working to disorganize, demoralize and impoverish the American working class for decades and they use social networking in these efforts.
It began in earnest with the Powell memorandum and the corporations most effective tool was the republican party.
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All the news we see serves the interest of making the network a shitload of $$$$$. They would out their grandmothers for a big breaking news story. Never forget it, and forget that conspiracy nonsense that corporations and governments are controlling the message we see. We control it by watching it and reading it. Otherwise, it would go the way of OWN.
When news happens half a world away, how do you know with certainty that the message is not being controlled? The CIA admitted in public hearings to having paid journalists working on their behalf. Never forget it.

I'm very aware of that; I came of age during the Vietnam War, and all my teachers made sure we knew to look at the information we receive with a questioning eye.
We see the pictures and hear the piece of the facts that suits our government. I hope they're at least true, but I know we don't get both sides of the story. Not anywhere close. I have NO doubt about that. We don't hear Kim Jung Un's side or see how our sanctions bring misery to his people, for instance. We just keep seeing that picture of a missile launch and the map showing it could have landed in Chicago.
Don't worry. I know. That is not a corporate conspiracy, though, as Jim Bowie is envisioning.

And what about Exxon being aware of climate change related to its product and funding climate denial groups. Cigarette manufacturers did the same. Jim brought up Bernays, he showed that it was possible to manipulate the masses. He convinced the population it was acceptable for women to smoke in public. The whole marketing industry grew out of the experiment. I think it is foolish to pass this all off as conspiracy theory. Clearly people with the resources and the capability to control messaging to the population are doing so.

It just seemed to me that your argument was that advertising on behalf of corporations was being spouted by the media as "fact" instead of "ads." That somehow corporations' messages in hopes of more sales are being sold to the public as reality by the government. Maybe I got that wrong.
Exxon can stick up for its product, but I think the climate change denial groups were pretty much refuted, at least until Trump got elected. That genie won't get back in the bottle.
Corporations have been working to disorganize, demoralize and impoverish the American working class for decades and they use social networking in these efforts.
It began in earnest with the Powell memorandum and their most effective tool was the republican party.
True, the GOP has been serving the interests of Robber Barons for a long time, but the Democratic Party has long been the defender of the American worker and they have ceased to be such. That shift in their goals and policies has devastated the working class in the face of a known set of corporate cronies.
Corporations have been working to disorganize, demoralize and impoverish the American working class for decades and they use social networking in these efforts.
It began in earnest with the Powell memorandum and their most effective tool was the republican party.
True, the GOP has been serving the interests of Robber Barons for a long time, but the Democratic Party has long been the defender of the American worker and they have ceased to be such. That shift in their goals and policies has devastated the working class in the face of a known set of corporate cronies.
That shift was largely the result of the destruction of unions. The democrats were forced to get funding from the corporations. It was only natural that the working class got screwed.

Bill Clinton was the guy that brought the democrats into the neo-liberal order that was first implemented by Reagan.

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