How to Avoid a Discussion on the Race Relations Forum

The time to debate the subject is long past.
Why do you believe this?

I looked into the difference between discussing an issue and debating it and I think the following fairly covers things for the most part:
Socratic Seminar as Dialogue vs. Debate
The best Socratic Seminars are those in which something new and unexpected is discovered. This happens
when the seminar is approached as a joint search or exploration through dialogue rather than a defense of ideas

Your list is exactly why I say time for debate is long gone. Confrontation hasn't and won't do any good. It might be entertaining, but it won;t solve our problems.

MLK used a method of direct confrontation that was non violent. It worked. It's the only thing that has ever worked.

Unkotare is telling us here how to avoid a discussion on race relations, but in another thread he started he wrote this:

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day. Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. [/QUOTE]

So I wrote this to him: Slaves were freed 1863. All of them were human beings. The effects of slavery on black men, women and children are still being felt today. Regardless of ones position on slavery, it is fitting to take a moment to remember all the lives that were taken and the horrors of slavery.

Doesn't he sound a lot like blacks who still complain about racism? But blacks actually still experience the racism today. Japs don't. And Japs got reparations. Blacks didn't. So why the fuck won't he let WW2 internment camps go? And how dare he start this thread complaining about divisive racist threads when he's doing the same thing only he's doing it in the history forum.

I would love to know what his goal is and why he thinks he's acting any differently than you black people who come here and yell at whitey. I believe he's trying to blame Democrats for he Jap camps. Same way Republicans today blame Democrats for slavery. Well it's true back then it was the Democrats who were the racists and who erected statues to honor their racist leaders but notice today it's the Republicans who want to keep those statues up.

I don't believe for a second that his goal is to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general.
This is a curious forum in that almost no one who posts here is interested in a discussion.

Monologue, lecture, insult, venting, emoting, and lying seem to make up 99% of what goes on here.
Wait a second. Your thread title is "how to avoid a discussion" and then you complain that no one is interested in having a discussion? Are you fucking retarded?

If you would ever answer questions, we could expose your ignorance. But whenever we try to advance the conversation and get an answer out of you on do you agree or disagree, you don't respond. Now you will ask me to "ask you any question I want", well, it's too late for that. You have to respond when we are actually having a discussion.

I think everyone is on to you idiot.
This is a curious forum in that almost no one who posts here is interested in a discussion.

Monologue, lecture, insult, venting, emoting, and lying seem to make up 99% of what goes on here.

I noticed that. Interesting reading...
Unkotare doesn't know how to have a discussion. It takes 2 people to have one of those Unk you fucking retard.

Okay, thanks.

Let me give you an example. Lets say a guy like unkotare says it's us liberals who are the racists. And then he gives some examples like, "we are giving them welfare to keep them on the plantation". Typical right wing bullshit that comes out of a conservative racists mouth.

But you can not have a conversation with him about welfare or why so many blacks are on welfare. He won't go there. He won't tell you what he believes. Is it their fault they are on welfare? Are blacks to blame for the situation they are in? Does the government need to do anything to help blacks get out of the hole we put them in or is it all on them? Does he even believe we are to blame for the current state of urban ghettos?

Anyways, when you try to back him into a corner with a question or two, he simply won't answer you. Just pay attention to his MO. He's a total asshole who thinks he's way smarter than he is. And he lies about his resume big time.
Watching television you would think that black ghettos in the big cities are the poorest and most dangerous parts of America. Well, it is not quite that simple.

In 2007 the four precincts in New York City with the worst rates of major crimes were these:

  • Bed-Stuy
  • East Harlem
  • Midtown South (42nd to 34th Street)
  • Lower East Side
Only Bed-Stuy is mainly black. East Harlem is Hispanic, Midtown South is white and the Lower East Side is Asian and Hispanic.

True, taken as a whole the black and Hispanic parts of the city have a higher crime rate than the white and Asian parts. But each part of the city is different. You cannot just go by race or even poverty or even the two together. For example:

  • The middle of Harlem, which is mainly black, is safer than Midtown Manhattan, which is mainly white – and far richer.
  • In the late 1980s Jamaica, Queens and Harlem were both mainly black, but Jamaica had way more of a black middle-class – and yet it was far more violent.
So you cannot make general rules. Different things are in play in different parts of the city. You have to go case by case.

Likewise, here are the five poorest parts of America:

  • Indian reservations
  • South-west Texas
  • The middle of Alaska
  • The Mississippi Delta
  • Appalachia
Only the Mississippi Delta is mainly black. Appalachia is mainly white, south-west Texas is Hispanic and the Indian reservations and the middle of Alaska are Native American.

Most people do not even think about these places because you hardly ever see them on television or even hear much about them in school.

The reason black ghettos star on television is because they are the main example of poverty – and of Black America too – if you live in the two places where most of American television comes from: Hollywood and New York.

Most poor people are white. Most poor people do not live in cities, but in places where reporters and film-makers hardly ever go.

And, just as you almost never see the poor Indian reservations on television, so you barely ever see black suburbia either – further strengthening the idea that most black people are poor and most poor people are black, neither of which is true.

And even when television does present poverty it rarely explains it. So people think what they want about bootstraps and all that – a comfortable thing to believe if you are middle-class or rich.

Television is not a mirror of American society. It is not even an imperfect mirror. Television is the creation of a very small number of people – most of them white, male, liberal and well-to-do – who have their own ideas about America. Many of those ideas are not true and many come from yet older Hollywood output, so the thing feeds on itself.

But their picture of America becomes our picture of America – even if the little bit of America that we know first-hand is nothing like what we see on television.
Let me give you an example. Lets say a guy like unkotare says it's us liberals who are the racists. And then he gives some examples like, "we are giving them welfare to keep them on the plantation". Typical right wing bullshit that comes out of a conservative racists mouth.

But you can not have a conversation with him about welfare or why so many blacks are on welfare. He won't go there. He won't tell you what he believes. Is it their fault they are on welfare? Are blacks to blame for the situation they are in? Does the government need to do anything to help blacks get out of the hole we put them in or is it all on them? Does he even believe we are to blame for the current state of urban ghettos?

Anyways, when you try to back him into a corner with a question or two, he simply won't answer you. Just pay attention to his MO. He's a total asshole who thinks he's way smarter than he is. And he lies about his resume big time.
But that's how they all are sealybobo. You've seen my posts and threads for a number of years now. 80% if not more are questions, seeking to get these people to actually back-up what they're claiming.

They don't.

But, when/if they do...I nail their asses to the wall!


You've witnessed this many times I'm sure.
This is a curious forum in that almost no one who posts here is interested in a discussion.

Monologue, lecture, insult, venting, emoting, and lying seem to make up 99% of what goes on here.
So you start a thread in the history forum trying to divide us .....

Discussing history on the anniversary of a very significant moment in history is not "dividing us." If you are too ignorant or afraid to discuss history, just stay away from it. That's easy enough for even you to understand.
Let me give you an example. Lets say a guy like unkotare says it's us liberals who are the racists. And then he gives some examples like, "we are giving them welfare to keep them on the plantation". Typical right wing bullshit that comes out of a conservative racists mouth.

But you can not have a conversation with him about welfare or why so many blacks are on welfare. He won't go there. He won't tell you what he believes. Is it their fault they are on welfare? Are blacks to blame for the situation they are in? Does the government need to do anything to help blacks get out of the hole we put them in or is it all on them? Does he even believe we are to blame for the current state of urban ghettos?

Anyways, when you try to back him into a corner with a question or two, he simply won't answer you. Just pay attention to his MO. He's a total asshole who thinks he's way smarter than he is. And he lies about his resume big time.
But that's how they all are sealybobo. You've seen my posts and threads for a number of years now. 80% if not more are questions, seeking to get these people to actually back-up what they're claiming.

They don't.

But, when/if they do...I nail their asses to the wall!


You've witnessed this many times I'm sure.

It's infuriating. I especially love it how Republicans today want to say it's actually the liberals who are the racists. We give blacks free stuff to keep them on the plantation. Republicans say they don't give black people any favoritism because they aren't racist. They don't want to have affirmative action because they want to treat everyone fairly.

But then look at the results of not having affirmative action.

Is this right? Hey unkotare, why don't you tell us your theory of why there are no blacks in this picture. Is it because blacks are stupid?

Black workers still chronically underrepresented in high-paying jobs

An Inside Look at What’s Keeping Black Men out of the Executive Suite

Diversity advocate: Boards 'not moving fast enough' to add women, minorities
...... And he lies about his resume big time.

If you have any questions about my "resume," you have my permission to start a thread in the FZ to ask about it. Try to stay focused here.
This is a curious forum in that almost no one who posts here is interested in a discussion.

Monologue, lecture, insult, venting, emoting, and lying seem to make up 99% of what goes on here.
So you start a thread in the history forum trying to divide us .....

Discussing history on the anniversary of a very significant moment in history is not "dividing us." If you are too ignorant or afraid to discuss history, just stay away from it. That's easy enough for even you to understand.
Interesting you side with the Japs not America. Fuck off gook.
..... I especially love it how Republicans today want to say it's actually the liberals who are the racists. ......

...says the liberal who constantly uses racial slurs and stereotypes every group of people according to race that his little head can think of. Yeah...

Oh look, he just did it again in the post before this one. He makes no sense in his misapplication of the slur (and his typical dishonesty in misrepresentation), but "it's actually the liberals who are the racists"? Well, take a look for yourself.
...... And he lies about his resume big time.

If you have any questions about my "resume," you have my permission to start a thread in the FZ to ask about it. Try to stay focused here.

I said all this: Let me give you an example. Lets say a guy like unkotare says it's us liberals who are the racists. And then he gives some examples like, "we are giving them welfare to keep them on the plantation". Typical right wing bullshit that comes out of a conservative racists mouth.

But you can not have a conversation with him about welfare or why so many blacks are on welfare. He won't go there. He won't tell you what he believes. Is it their fault they are on welfare? Are blacks to blame for the situation they are in? Does the government need to do anything to help blacks get out of the hole we put them in or is it all on them? Does he even believe we are to blame for the current state of urban ghettos?

Anyways, when you try to back him into a corner with a question or two, he simply won't answer you. Just pay attention to his MO. He's a total asshole who thinks he's way smarter than he is. And he lies about his resume big time.

And see, you proved my point. You didn't answer any of my questions. They would expose you for the racist douche bag that you are.

Oh, and you lie about your resume. And you lie when you say people love you. Impossible. Tolerate you maybe
Let me give you an example. Lets say a guy like unkotare says it's us liberals who are the racists. And then he gives some examples like, "we are giving them welfare to keep them on the plantation". Typical right wing bullshit that comes out of a conservative racists mouth.

But you can not have a conversation with him about welfare or why so many blacks are on welfare. He won't go there. He won't tell you what he believes. Is it their fault they are on welfare? Are blacks to blame for the situation they are in? Does the government need to do anything to help blacks get out of the hole we put them in or is it all on them? Does he even believe we are to blame for the current state of urban ghettos?

Anyways, when you try to back him into a corner with a question or two, he simply won't answer you. Just pay attention to his MO. He's a total asshole who thinks he's way smarter than he is. And he lies about his resume big time.
But that's how they all are sealybobo. You've seen my posts and threads for a number of years now. 80% if not more are questions, seeking to get these people to actually back-up what they're claiming.

They don't.

But, when/if they do...I nail their asses to the wall!


You've witnessed this many times I'm sure.

It's infuriating. I especially love it how Republicans today want to say it's actually the liberals who are the racists. We give blacks free stuff to keep them on the plantation. Republicans say they don't give black people any favoritism because they aren't racist. They don't want to have affirmative action because they want to treat everyone fairly.

But then look at the results of not having affirmative action.

Is this right? Hey unkotare, why don't you tell us your theory of why there are no blacks in this picture. Is it because blacks are stupid?

Black workers still chronically underrepresented in high-paying jobs

An Inside Look at What’s Keeping Black Men out of the Executive Suite

Diversity advocate: Boards 'not moving fast enough' to add women, minorities

No women, either.

Maybe the CEO is gay?
..... I especially love it how Republicans today want to say it's actually the liberals who are the racists. ......

...says the liberal who constantly uses racial slurs and stereotypes every group of people his little head can think of according to race. Yeah...
Yea big deal. Just because I'll say racist slurs and stereotypes doesn't make me the racist. Not when you think poor blacks are 100% at fault for the situation they are in.

And when you want to do away with affirmative action and I don't, I think those blacks would rather keep AA and hear me call you a gook than to have me be like you. A guy who speaks politically correct but who's political positions are ignorant selfish and racist.

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