How to avoid a fight about Trump this Thanksgiving


You out of trump facts or a little lonely no fellow conservative kids have came to your defense?

You crave that reaffirmation don’t you.

You're lucky there's a couple people stupider than you to qualify for fucktard of the year, otherwise, you'd be in the front running.

You can't even do fucktarded right, how does it feel to fail?

Again, you’re an adult.

You have nothing.

Say, hows the weather looking the next couple of days?

It’s best that you stay in your lane.

Biiitch! I'm a put it to you straight up:

A man leaves his cushy job to try to do something good for the country because nobody else is stepping up, and all you do is try to cut that man down. That makes you lower than whale shit.

What have you sacrificed for, or stood up for for in America lately?

Fucking gay rights? GFY with that bullshit, I'm talking about real issues.

You’re talking crap.

They say it’s going to rain.

You out of trump facts or a little lonely no fellow conservative kids have came to your defense?

You crave that reaffirmation don’t you.

You're lucky there's a couple people stupider than you to qualify for fucktard of the year, otherwise, you'd be in the front running.

You can't even do fucktarded right, how does it feel to fail?

Again, you’re an adult.

You have nothing.

Say, hows the weather looking the next couple of days?

It’s best that you stay in your lane.

Biiitch! I'm a put it to you straight up:

A man leaves his cushy job to try to do something good for the country because nobody else is stepping up, and all you do is try to cut that man down. That makes you lower than whale shit.

What have you sacrificed for, or stood up for for in America lately?

Fucking gay rights? GFY with that bullshit, I'm talking about real issues.

You’re talking crap.

They say it’s going to rain.

What sacrifices have you made for the good of your fellow countryman? Hmm?

None? Yeah, none. In which case you have zero room to run your fuckbox. It is what it is, buttnugget.
After 7 or so clicks with no reply, I claim victory, that, and your argument is nonsensical.

I know I got ya stumped, you're a moron, afterall.
After 7 or so clicks with no reply, I claim victory, that, and your argument is nonsensical.

I know I got ya stumped, you're a moron, afterall.

You can claim all you want marion. Its a free country and you can make as many homosexual references as you like.

However, I would advise that you come to grips with your repressions.
That's the spirit! Partisanship! Destroying families for the sake of politics!

What ever happened to that quaint little phrase "Family Values"? Was it replaced by "Winning!"?

Family values? Is that the same as diddling a 14 year old girl?
Morality can be flexible.

Oh, that is rich! Those of you on the left side are bashing Moore for allegedly dating teenagers, and you say morality is flexible?

Hypocrite, thy name is liberal!
No. I'm saying those of you and the right supporting a pedophile shows just how flexible your morals are, if you had them to begin with. Politics over child safety! And the last veil has been dropped.

I haven't seen even the slightest bit of proof that Moore did anything. Moore has been in the public eye for decades and just NOW these allegations come out? The accusations about Bill "drop trou" Clinton go back to his college days.....leftards totally overlooked shove it, dip-shit. Until I see conclusive proof? I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
What is it? Willful denial, no credible women or loyalty to the old boy's club?
Outbursts like that are why you are seated at the children's table. Now, wipe the gravy off your cheek and get your sleeve out of your mashed potatoes.

Oh HELL that was funny and thar went my coffee - you owe me a keyboard ;)

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