How to deprogram America's extremists

Once again it is time to bring the Weathermen and their modern clones into the discussion. The Weathermen were prepared to execute 25 million who they figured would never conform. That is the road these assholes are on. They do not belong in power.
Great post.

The problem is these dumb fucking idiots will believe any lie Trump or Alex Jones tells them, no matter how crazy.

"This is nothing it will all go away"
"We're rounding the curve"
"We won in a landslide"
The School shooting was a setup and some Liberal went into that school and started gunning down kids...
Uranium one

and the list goes on and on and on....

Republicans are a complete and total disgrace, and they are so stupid they believe any lie Trump tells them, until that changes these people are totally gone.

They should be thrown in prison, they are a threat to America

Thanks, but I don't think we should imprison them unless they act out like the MAGA-Mob. I'm leaning toward deprogramming centers in abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels ;)
yea that might be better. Something needs to be done though.

The biggest mistake HRC made was when she apologized for calling Trumpers deplorable. They are worse than deplorable, they are abhorent.

How about you go fuck yourself ya limp wrist faggot.

Great comeback ! Great rebuttal !

Everything I said is 100% true.

Watch your mouth boy.
If the shit hits the fan you'll be the first to go.
huh??? an internet tough guy. You don't fight, you're not tough.
God Bless you.
Well, bless your heart (that’s southern for ‘you’re not very bright’).
Democrats deny science at every opportunity.

Might you provide the class with an example?
Here are are asshole. You fuckwits think a guy who claims he’s a woman is actually a woman. So much so that you allow these “men” to compete against real women.
So Dr. Derp thinks it’s funny that men can compete against women. One can only hope your daughter or other female family member comes home beaten down with perhaps a broken nose or other bone from having to complete against a male. Another Dem misogynist.

More importantly, this bastardizes title 9.
My daughter got a full athletic scholarship to a big time school, worth at least 200 grand. That could well have been taken from her as men even after a full transition are physically bigger stronger and faster.
I am supportive of men who want to live as women until it offers them an unfair advantage as it does in sport.
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

Hmmmm....So, when do we get our "T"s that we will be required by you people to sew on our clothing?
Yes, I've noticed - which is why you Nazis call us "deplorables," "Trumpers," etc.

Yep, another moron who doesn't know what "dehumanize" means. The Trump cult isn't known for intelligence.

Such as calling for "reeducation" death camps, Herr Goering?

Only your side is raving about that, so that would be your side's idea. Though in general, your side calls for outright extermination of liberals, instead of camps.

You do seem to get a lot of mileage out of a few photos of fire. Much of it done by the right, and the rest by common criminals or anarchists. The number of actual BLM rioters is close to zero. And anarchists aren't liberals.

The point? Our side is consistently peaceful and democratic, yours is consistently violent and authoritarian. And you're working hard here to reinforce that point.
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

You don't even try and hide your admiration and respect for Hitler do you....Do you want to get a thrill? the killing fields you backwards evil unamerican snake....
That was my first thought when Hillary Clinton called 32 million Americans "irredeemable". I'm sure you cheered.

So you don't know what "dehumanizing" means.

As always, you and your side being morons does not make us hypocrites.

I know precisely what it means, I see your fellow leftists engage in it here every day, and your hypocritical ass is silent like a little party-line bitch:

Those sub-humans...
You are acting like a sub-human
Lol!!! A lot of sub-humans are going to be really nervous.
Hey asshole, did you miss the executive order allowing this?

The reason your masters keep you so hysterical is that doing so keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. That's how your masters like you.

So, tell us more. If this is such a problem, there must be all kind of women who have gotten beaten down this play. Please name some. If you're not just a loon getting hysterical over nothing, that shouldn't be a problem.
Now to slap you like the bitch you are.

You can run away now.
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

Why is it you commies seem to go out of your way to avoid defining what you're talking about. From what I'm seeing it applies to anyone who refuses to conform to you ideology. Prove me wrong OP.

men even after a full transition are physically bigger stronger and faster.

Actually, theyr'e not. Taller, but the physcial strength ends almost immediately upon hormone treatments. After that starts, they have less testosterone than cis-women.

Transwomen have been allowed in the Olympics since 2004. The number of them who have won a medal is, I believe, zero. If transwomen have such an advantage, why aren't they sweeping the Olympic women's events?
Last edited:
Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!
How will you do rehab Republicans? In the red areas there are way too many people to attend classes. <g>

What if the 74m "deplorables" tell the democrats to go F'themselves? What happens next?
God Bless you.
Well, bless your heart (that’s southern for ‘you’re not very bright’).
Democrats deny science at every opportunity.

Might you provide the class with an example?
Here are are asshole. You fuckwits think a guy who claims he’s a woman is actually a woman. So much so that you allow these “men” to compete against real women.
So Dr. Derp thinks it’s funny that men can compete against women. One can only hope your daughter or other female family member comes home beaten down with perhaps a broken nose or other bone from having to complete against a male. Another Dem misogynist.

More importantly, this bastardizes title 9.
My daughter got a full athletic scholarship to a big time school, worth at least 200 grand. That could well have been taken from her as men even after a full transition are physically bigger stronger and faster.
I am supportive of men who want to live as women until it offers them an unfair advantage as it does in sport.
Sadly, it’s just a matter of time until a coach of a women’s college team decides he or she can recruit a bunch of “men” to play against actual women and win a championship. Even sadder, the school would likely approve of such a thing. This needs to be stopped at the high school level before it gets completely out of hand.
Why is it you commies seem to out of your way to avoid defining what you're talking about. From what I'm seeing is applies to anyone who refuses to conform to you ideology. Prove me wrong OP.

There are proud Republican conservatives, and there are Trumpettes - These are two entirely different things.
I just spoke to this same thing in another forum.

This should be the #1 initiative in this country.

We will continue to slide backwards in the world with "alternate facts" and anti science fighting progress at every turn.

Trumpism must be eradicated.
Lefties are “anti science”. And love “ alternate facts” guess you’d better go sign up for deprogramming ASAP.

Still waiting on an example of "lefties" being anti-science. Guess I'll keep waiting. :heehee:

You must understand, Trumpism offers no answers.
Trumpism is found on "alternate facts."
Up is down, left is right, fact is fiction.

You should not expect a response from a Trumpist that is sensical in the traditional sense of what is sense.
My theory is that the world may ultimately need an interpreter to communicate with Trumpsters.

The natural manifestation of a separate, closed circuit ecosystem.
Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!
How will you do rehab Republicans? In the red areas there are way too many people to attend classes. <g>
View attachment 455197

What if the 74m "deplorables" tell the democrats to go F'themselves? What happens next?
Probably use of force. That is what fascists do.
Great post.

The problem is these dumb fucking idiots will believe any lie Trump or Alex Jones tells them, no matter how crazy.

"This is nothing it will all go away"
"We're rounding the curve"
"We won in a landslide"
The School shooting was a setup and some Liberal went into that school and started gunning down kids...
Uranium one

and the list goes on and on and on....

Republicans are a complete and total disgrace, and they are so stupid they believe any lie Trump tells them, until that changes these people are totally gone.

They should be thrown in prison, they are a threat to America

Thanks, but I don't think we should imprison them unless they act out like the MAGA-Mob. I'm leaning toward deprogramming centers in abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels ;)
yea that might be better. Something needs to be done though.

The biggest mistake HRC made was when she apologized for calling Trumpers deplorable. They are worse than deplorable, they are abhorent.

How about you go fuck yourself ya limp wrist faggot.

Great comeback ! Great rebuttal !

Everything I said is 100% true.

Watch your mouth boy.
If the shit hits the fan you'll be the first to go.
huh??? an internet tough guy. You don't fight, you're not tough.

Why would I fight in a SHTF situation?
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

We just need to 5ake away your voting PRIVILEGES
" root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy"

Religious zealotry akin to the spanish inquisition in 2021. What a time to be alive.

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