How to end the UAW strike

Even you red state white trash blue collar can thank them and unions for why you are paid so well. They wouldn't pay you $38K a year if it weren't for the fear that you might unionize. Yall just happy to have jobs.

Well I'll keep saying it. I don't mind sending high paying manufacturing jobs to low lifes down south. Just don't send them out of the country. But I'm in favor of saving money and sending these high paying jobs to Alabama. But don't for a second think you'll be getting a better product. I doubt that.
Like I said, I am not in the welfare business.

They pay well enough to keep the workers coming to work each day to build quality vehicles.
Honda, Toyota and Nissan knocked the Big Three on their knees when it comes to quality.

In 2013 when I was looking to buy a truck I actually considered a F-150 because they are good vehicles.

However, looking at the Tundra and F-150 at the same price point the Tundra was a better made vehicle.

The bonus was the Tundra was not made by the UAW. If everything had been equal that would have been the tie breaker for me because nobody with any moral foundation would want to give money to a filthy Union that supported Gay Barry.

The 2023 Ford F-150 shows a predicted reliability rating from J.D. Power of 86 out of 100. This places this truck in the Great category. Turning to, the F-150 is second only to the Toyota Tundra for predicted reliability.

You can buy Toyota. BTW, does Toyota's CEO make as much as the Big 3 CEO's?

Akio Toyoda (President - Toyota - Japan) earns a salary of $4,635,423.00 per year.

As of 2022, Ford CEO Jim Farley's compensation reached a staggering $20,996,146,
How to end the UAW strike.
One of the biggest arguments the union workers have is top management has received 40% increases in compensation recently, why shouldn't we.
A good point.
I say reduce the management compensation to the same levels currently being offered the union workers.

Cut management compensation increase union workers.
This is going to end the way most end....
Give the elites of the union leaders a whole bunch of stock. Then they will claim they won no matter what the new contract looks like.
Like I said, I am not in the welfare business.

They pay well enough to keep the workers coming to work each day to build quality vehicles.
And at least their CEO doesn't make $20 million a year like Ford's CEO. Toyota's CEO only makes 4.6 million.
Are you sure? Because this sounds like arguments you guys were making in the 90s and 2000's. I think American made cars have come a long way. This is just your old attack on labor. Stop it. It's always the employees fault.

This reminds me of the next generation. Republicans will say it's their fault. They're lazy. They got degrees in history or art. But before that they blamed the last generation. They wanted participation trophies remember? They even did this to my generation. I'm Gen X. We invented the God damn Iphone.

So Republicans are real good at blaming the workers, the young generation, etc. When the reality is it's the rich, corporations and Republicans who have ruined the American middle class.
You are confused Moon Bat. The thing that has fucked the American Middle Class has been the cost of government, which is now almost 40% of the GDP and growing. Not only the cost but also the burden of massive interference in the free market with stupid regulations.

Ole Potatohead has really fucked all Americans with his massive inflation. Have you bought gas or gone to the grocery store lately? You were being fucked by Potatohead when you paid your bills.
. When the reality is it's the rich, corporations and Republicans who have ruined the American middle class.
The reality is that Gay Barry subsidized and gave bailouts to the very corporations that you are bitching about. Now Potatohead is doing the same thing with stupid Environmental Wacko subsidies that are a sham.

In the meantime we all suffer with Potatohead's inflation, war on energy and destructive Leftest policies.
The 2023 Ford F-150 shows a predicted reliability rating from J.D. Power of 86 out of 100. This places this truck in the Great category. Turning to, the F-150 is second only to the Toyota Tundra for predicted reliability.

You can buy Toyota. BTW, does Toyota's CEO make as much as the Big 3 CEO's?

Akio Toyoda (President - Toyota - Japan) earns a salary of $4,635,423.00 per year.

As of 2022, Ford CEO Jim Farley's compensation reached a staggering $20,996,146,
If you don't like Farley's salary then don't buy anything from Ford. Problem solved.

I don't like the goddamn UAW so I don't buy anything made by those butt pirates.

See how it works?
You are confused Moon Bat. The thing that has fucked the American Middle Class has been the cost of government, which is now almost 40% of the GDP and growing. Not only the cost but also the burden of massive interference in the free market with stupid regulations.

Ole Potatohead has really fucked all Americans with his massive inflation. Have you bought gas or gone to the grocery store lately? You were being fucked by Potatohead when you paid your bills.
trump doubled the number of companies who now pay zero taxes. Is that making costs go down?
How to end the UAW strike.
One of the biggest arguments the union workers have is top management has received 40% increases in compensation recently, why shouldn't we.
A good point.
I say reduce the management compensation to the same levels currently being offered the union workers.

Cut management compensation increase union workers.

Did you come up with that all by yourself?
You’re a freaking genius!
OMG I feel like I'm back in the 2000's when Bush and Republicans were shipping off all our best paying blue collar manufacturing jobs. If union workers vote for Trump they get what they deserve. Or I should say, they get what Republicans think they deserve, which is no raise at all.

Certainly not 40% and 32 hour work weeks.

Yes, we already know you haven't purchased American in decades. MAGA.
I have owned Jeeps since 1996.
I am done with American cars until they can put out a quality reliable vehicle.
I don't buy vehicles out of party or Union loyalty and could give a shit about what Trump thinks.
So stick your assumption straight up your ass.
I have owned Jeeps since 1996.
I am done with American cars until they can put out a quality reliable vehicle.
I don't buy vehicles out of party or Union loyalty and could give a shit about what Trump thinks.
So stick your assumption straight up your ass.
Well I don't know what it's like to buy a car without having the Ford A plan. So for me, it's a no brainer. Ford only. Maybe one day when I no longer have the A plan I'll buy a Toyota. I've looked at them in the past hoping they would be thousands of dollars cheaper than Ford but they are not.

Are they better? If they are it's not by much because F150 is an amazing Truck.
This is going to end the way most end....
Give the elites of the union leaders a whole bunch of stock. Then they will claim they won no matter what the new contract looks like.
Really? Because usually when something like this happens, all the workers get raises. When did what you say happens happen last?

Also google 1999 Ford record profits and record profit sharing. 98, 97, 96. How many years did Ford make record profits and give record profit sharing to the employees.

Then Bush got in to the White House and fucked the economy up. Union workers had to take pay cuts and consessions. For YEARS they took cuts or didn't get raises. But every one of those years the CEO gave himself and all the VP's 40% pay increases.

So Ford has some making up to do. Years of not giving Ford employees a raise. Yes, if the CEO and VP's all have to take pay cuts to give these raises, why not. It's only fair. And they can leave if they don't like the pay. Typically Auto execs are paid higher than other sectors. USMB Republicans wouldn't know that. They only hate overpaid workers not overpaid CEO's and VP's. They love those overpaid workers.
Really? Because usually when something like this happens, all the workers get raises. When did what you say happens happen last?

Also google 1999 Ford record profits and record profit sharing. 98, 97, 96. How many years did Ford make record profits and give record profit sharing to the employees.

Then Bush got in to the White House and fucked the economy up. Union workers had to take pay cuts and consessions. For YEARS they took cuts or didn't get raises. But every one of those years the CEO gave himself and all the VP's 40% pay increases.

So Ford has some making up to do. Years of not giving Ford employees a raise. Yes, if the CEO and VP's all have to take pay cuts to give these raises, why not. It's only fair. And they can leave if they don't like the pay. Typically Auto execs are paid higher than other sectors. USMB Republicans wouldn't know that. They only hate overpaid workers not overpaid CEO's and VP's. They love those overpaid workers.

Oh I'm not saying that anyone is underpaid or overpaid....well Union executives are overpaid.

The car makers deliberately try to not post a profit anymore....the profits are in the bonds they issue. (Usually better interest than market rates)

The UAW and AFL-CIO hold the largest chunk of stock of any entity in existence...including A shares. (Voting shares). I guarantee you that the Union representative on the BOD voted against the contract offered by the UAW. Check and see!
Oh I'm not saying that anyone is underpaid or overpaid....well Union executives are overpaid.

The car makers deliberately try to not post a profit anymore....the profits are in the bonds they issue. (Usually better interest than market rates)

The UAW and AFL-CIO hold the largest chunk of stock of any entity in existence...including A shares. (Voting shares). I guarantee you that the Union representative on the BOD voted against the contract offered by the UAW. Check and see!
You check and see
You check and see
The plan is to keep UAW members on strike and not working until the outcome of the US election is known. Then there's some other issues with the Mexico production. (Not labor)

So basically the UAW doesn't want any SUVs and Tucks made until such time as it will be profitable for them and the Big Three are just fine with that.

The other automakers like Toyota and Nissan? They are good with that as well as we head into a depressed economy.
The plan is to keep UAW members on strike and not working until the outcome of the US election is known. Then there's some other issues with the Mexico production. (Not labor)

So basically the UAW doesn't want any SUVs and Tucks made until such time as it will be profitable for them and the Big Three are just fine with that.

The other automakers like Toyota and Nissan? They are good with that as well as we head into a depressed economy.
Even as a liberal, I just don't understand why the Big 3 don't pick up and move operations to red states where they can pay employees $30K a year.

I think we should tariff them if they go to Mexico, but why can't they go to Arkansas or Alabama? I know the unions would object but can they stop it? I have to ask my brother about this again. He told me years ago why the Big 3 don't just move down south but I forgot what he told me.
Even as a liberal, I just don't understand why the Big 3 don't pick up and move operations to red states where they can pay employees $30K a year.

I think we should tariff them if they go to Mexico, but why can't they go to Arkansas or Alabama? I know the unions would object but can they stop it? I have to ask my brother about this again. He told me years ago why the Big 3 don't just move down south but I forgot what he told me.
Funny how the car companies that have facilities in the Right to Work states are doing well while the Big Three are suffering under the bloated tyranny of the filthy UAW and needing government subsidies.

Funny also that the facilities in the free states have employees anxious to get the work. If you don't want to make what the prevailing rate is then don't go to work there.

See how the market works?
Funny how the car companies that have facilities in the Right to Work states are doing well while the Big Three are suffering under the bloated tyranny of the filthy UAW and needing government subsidies.

Funny also that the facilities in the free states have employees anxious to get the work. If you don't want to make what the prevailing rate is then don't go to work there.

See how the market works?

Well in your world auto workers, blue collar workers, only make $30K a year. If that's enough down south perhaps we need to move all our manufacturing plants down south.
Well in your world auto workers, blue collar workers, only make $30K a year. If that's enough down south perhaps we need to move all our manufacturing plants down south.
First of all dumbshit, it is more than $30K a year but if you want to believe that lie then go ahead. Second, if stupid Moon Bats like you are upset that a car company doesn't pay its workers what idiots like you think they should get then just don't buy a vehicle from them. Problem solved.

Just like I don't like the filthy ass UAW being the cash cow for the despicable Democrat Party so I don't buy any vehicle made by them.

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