How to end the UAW strike

GOP efforts to destroy the middle class are not hilarious. Blue areas are blue because they hate republicans for trying exacerbate income inequality. In this very thread you've already said that increases in wages for the working class is a bad thing for a country.
Blue cities have red corporations in them. Funny those red companies don’t go to red states. I’d be all for it. For the same reason republicans liked sending jobs to China in the 2000s. They said it was good for my 401k and prices. So if manufacturing cars in Texas instead of Michigan will lower costs and increase my stocks, I’m all for it.

But I bet you in 2 years those workers will for unions.
If you don't like what the CEO makes then don't buy any of the products. Show your disdain by voting with your wallet.

I can't stand the filthy ass UAW and that is one of the reasons I won't buy any product made by them. That in addition to the fact they make shitty vehicles.

Yes their demands are absolutely outrageous. Imagine going to an employer and telling them that you are going to only work for 32 hours a week but you demand that they pay you for a 40 hour workweek. In addition you want a 40% increase in pay and you want them to completely foot your pension so you don't have to take any out for a 401K. LOL!
I’m sure the CEOs must have considered all this when they gave themselves 40% raises.

This is a fight between rich and middle class. What side are you on?

If you only want to pay these guys $15 hr who are you trying to MAGA for?
I’m sure the CEOs must have considered all this when they gave themselves 40% raises.

This is a fight between rich and middle class. What side are you on?

If you only want to pay these guys $15 hr who are you trying to MAGA for?

If a company pays its CEO more money than you think he or she should get then you have a remedy. Just don't buy anything that company makes. Problem solved! Quit your bitching you envious Moon Bat.

If I don't like that a fucking Commie Union of greedy assholes produces shitty vehicles and contributes money to the destructive Democrat Party I have remedy. I just don't buy anything that they produce. Problem solved!

Meanwhile, I buy great quality vehicles produced in non UAW plants in right to work states like Texas and Alabama. I don't give a shit a shit how much thee CEOs make.

The most stupid things I could possibly do is buy one of these idiotic L-I shit vehicles produced by UAW greedy assholes subsidized by the despicable government.
If a company pays its CEO more money than you think he or she should get then you have a remedy. Just don't buy anything that company makes. Problem solved! Quit your bitching you envious Moon Bat.

If I don't like that a fucking Commie Union of greedy assholes produces shitty vehicles and contributes money to the destructive Democrat Party I have remedy. I just don't buy anything that they produce. Problem solved!

Meanwhile, I buy great quality vehicles produced in non UAW plants in right to work states like Texas and Alabama. I don't give a shit a shit how much thee CEOs make.

The most stupid things I could possibly do is buy one of these idiotic L-I shit vehicles produced by UAW greedy assholes subsidized by the despicable government.
That’s the stupid argument my rich brother makes. Are you rich?

Which car company should I buy from?

Ps. If you don’t like a company who pays employees well, you don’t have to buy. If you don’t like unions, don’t buys ford.
If a company pays its CEO more money than you think he or she should get then you have a remedy. Just don't buy anything that company makes. Problem solved! Quit your bitching you envious Moon Bat.

If I don't like that a fucking Commie Union of greedy assholes produces shitty vehicles and contributes money to the destructive Democrat Party I have remedy. I just don't buy anything that they produce. Problem solved!

Meanwhile, I buy great quality vehicles produced in non UAW plants in right to work states like Texas and Alabama. I don't give a shit a shit how much thee CEOs make.

The most stupid things I could possibly do is buy one of these idiotic L-I shit vehicles produced by UAW greedy assholes subsidized by the despicable government.
If capitalism moves all car manufacturing in America to non union red states, I’m ok with that. But it won’t lower car prices. Or improve the quality of your car. Don’t kid yourself.
That’s the stupid argument my rich brother makes. Are you rich?

Which car company should I buy from?

Ps. If you don’t like a company who pays employees well, you don’t have to buy. If you don’t like unions, don’t buys ford.
I drive a Toyota Tundra and my wife drives a Honda Pilot. Both made here in the US by non UAW workers in Right to Work states.

They pay their employees well enough for them to show up to work everyday and build quality vehicles.

A lot better vehicles than most of what you see from GM/Ford/Chrysler.

However, at the end of the day I am not in the welfare business. I'm just looking for the best deal on a vehicle and American car companies are generally low quality compared to Honda and Toyota.

Of course there is another factor. I cannot in good conscience buy something made by a filthy Union that is the cash cow of the despicable Democrat Party. That would be morally wrong, not to mention being against the interest of my country.
Blue cities have red corporations in them. Funny those red companies don’t go to red states. I’d be all for it. For the same reason republicans liked sending jobs to China in the 2000s. They said it was good for my 401k and prices. So if manufacturing cars in Texas instead of Michigan will lower costs and increase my stocks, I’m all for it.

But I bet you in 2 years those workers will for unions.
Clinton did some of those things with other Progs.
But they won't go there. Ignorant citizens. Lazy.

You'd have to import union workers from blue states.

See, you don't want the middle class making more money. You think at best these guys deserve $20 hr amirite?
The market determines what they “deserve”. You’re dumber than a box of rocks.
I’m sure the CEOs must have considered all this when they gave themselves 40% raises.

This is a fight between rich and middle class. What side are you on?

If you only want to pay these guys $15 hr who are you trying to MAGA for?
Box of rocks, have those workers start their own companies and pay themselves whatever they like? 🤷‍♂️
Box of rocks, have those workers start their own companies and pay themselves whatever they like? 🤷‍♂️
I just heard a Biden administration official say they want to bring steel manufacturing back to the USA.

Who does he think will be the people investing in these plants? And why would they invest with a government that’s backing a union that demand a 40% wage increase?
Blue cities have red corporations in them. Funny those red companies don’t go to red states. I’d be all for it. For the same reason republicans liked sending jobs to China in the 2000s. They said it was good for my 401k and prices. So if manufacturing cars in Texas instead of Michigan will lower costs and increase my stocks, I’m all for it.

But I bet you in 2 years those workers will for unions.
Most of those American cities were red in tough people when they were built up. The city cores are the reason they still survive.
How to end the UAW strike.
One of the biggest arguments the union workers have is top management has received 40% increases in compensation recently, why shouldn't we.
A good point.
I say reduce the management compensation to the same levels currently being offered the union workers.

Cut management compensation increase union workers.
We already know that wage and price controls dont work

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