How to end the UAW strike

LOL. That's hilarious. The areas with the very highest income inequality are the blue areas.
GOP efforts to destroy the middle class are not hilarious. Blue areas are blue because they hate republicans for trying exacerbate income inequality. In this very thread you've already said that increases in wages for the working class is a bad thing for a country.
Fuck the greedy Union Commie shitheads.

The best way to break the strike?

Tell the workers to either show up for work or go find another job. That worked when the air traffic controllers tried to strong arm Reagan.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the filthy UAW.
Spoken like the true idiot that you are. Their salary raises havent even kept up with inflation. Which means they've been getting a paycut every year while their CEO pay has increased 40%. Give less of the profits to shareholders and more to the people that actually make the product. Pretty simple.
So your point is... if the workers don't get a raise, the cost of the cars will either go down or stay the same?
If they stay the same, isn't that a good thing? Americans can't afford to make ends meet now. In fact, many have let auto insurance lap because they just can't afford it and many others are delinquent in car payments.
Well we live in a country where labor can unionize. And the rich can pay themselves whatever they want. But they might not be able to pay us and themselves so well. Someone's got to take the pay cut. In the last 45 years we've been taking the paycuts. NO more.
The pay cut comes to everyone through inflation, which hurts the poor and minorities the most.
Fuck the greedy Union Commie shitheads.

The best way to break the strike?

Tell the workers to either show up for work or go find another job. That worked when the air traffic controllers tried to strong arm Reagan.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the filthy UAW.
In 2009 GM/capitalism was bailed out when they filed for bankruptcy. Workers made concessions to keep the company alive and keep their jobs. Now look at the profits the company makes. It just ain't right
For decades automobile assembly line workers made a very good and stable income. The CEO did quite well also.

Odd we can't seem to do that any longer.

Where do i see the problem? The idea of record "shareholder value" year in and year out.

Those who never lift a finger to build a car demanding more and more.
That is what private ownership does. The alternative is government ownership of businesses; socialism.
Oh wow things are going great for you yet all you can do is complain how horribly things are going under Biden. Such logic from a right wing retard. Good for you, bro :thup:

You stupid confused Moon Bat.

That turd Potatohead hates everything that our great Governor DeSantis is doing in Florida. Like tax cuts, surplus budgets, Right to Work State, not allowing the power companies to pass along the cost of building useless solar farms and being business friendly in addition to making it hard on the Illegals and being Anti Woke.

That is why we have so many people moving in everyday to get away from Biden's Democrat controlled shitholes.
That is what private ownership does. The alternative is government ownership of businesses; socialism.

I suppose since taxpayers should own portions of GM.

We should have practiced capitalism and let them fail.
It's doable. Unless you're a pro corporation shill like yourself.
You are saying we can raise wages, lower costs and keep all jobs at home.
Please tell us how that can be done.

I am pro-people not corporations.
But people have to be realistic what they want; you cannot raise wages lower prices and keep jobs at home.
The people have to decide what they want. They cannot have all three. The corporations should not decide.
How to end the UAW strike.

  1. Executives voted themselves a 40% raise and they already make beaucoup money.
  2. Executices offered workers a 20% raise. No one ever offered me a 20% raise in my life. They turned it down. Big mistake.
A better solution might have been a 20% raise for ALL across the board. Either way, Execs getting a 40% raise, workers turning down 20% for even more means only ONE THING:
A wholesale net further increase in automobile costs for the consumer which are already too high which can only lead to an eventual marked drop in new car sales.

Average car price now is already an insane $50,000.

The UAW and car industry is putting themselves right out of business a la Biden.
How to end the UAW strike.
One of the biggest arguments the union workers have is top management has received 40% increases in compensation recently, why shouldn't we.
A good point.
I say reduce the management compensation to the same levels currently being offered the union workers.

Cut management compensation increase union workers.
/---/ Ford, GM and that Euro company that bought Fiat Chrysler says: "We're shutting down all union shops and moving to Mexico, where folks gladly work for $8 a day, no benefits or pension. That will shut the Unions up. Besides, in Europe, many plants are run entirely by robots. No humans required. That's coming soon to the US.
  1. Executives voted themselves a 40% raise and they already make beaucoup money.
  2. Executices offered workers a 20% raise. No one ever offered me a 20% raise in my life. They turned it down. Big mistake.
A better solution might have been a 20% raise for ALL across the board. Either way, Execs getting a 40% raise, workers turning down 20% for even more means only ONE THING:
A wholesale net further increase in automobile costs for the consumer which are already too high which can only lead to an eventual marked drop in new car sales.

Average car price now is already an insane $50,000.

The UAW and car industry is putting themselves right out of business a la Biden.
We agree on something.
In 2009 GM/capitalism was bailed out when they filed for bankruptcy. Workers made concessions to keep the company alive and keep their jobs. Now look at the profits the company makes. It just ain't right

Queer Barry fostered that scam loan guarantee (which almost half was never paid back) to benefit the filthy ass UAW, even putting the bastards on the Board of Directors.

The scam now is that the filthy Potatohead government is going to provide billions of dollars to the Big Three for the stupid EV subsidies but in order to get the money they have to settle with the goddamn Commie UAW. That is why the UAW is striking now and making such outrageous demands.

The UAW is one of the big cash cows for the despicable Democrat Party.

We live in a Banana Republic and the ruling Democrat elites are in the back pockets of the filthy Unions and we taxpayers will be footing the bill.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the UAW. With the exception of a few trucks most of the vehicles are shitty anyhow. Just way until UAW made EVs get on the road. They will be a disaster.
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Queer Barry fostered that scam loan guarantee (which almost half was never paid back) to benefit the filthy ass UAW, even putting the bastards on the Board of Directors.

The scam now is that the filthy Potatohead government is going to provide billions of dollars to the Big Three for the stupid EV subsidies but in order to get the moeny they have to settle with the goddamn Commie UAW. That is why the UAW is striking now and making such outrageous demands.

The UAW is one of the big cash cows for the despicable Democrat Party.

We live in a Banana Republic and the ruling Democrat elites are in the back pockets of the filthy Unions and we taxpayers will be footing the bill.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the UAW. With the exception of a few trucks most of the vehicles are shitty anyhow. Just way until UAW made EVs get on the road. They will be a disaster.
Their demands are not outrageous. CEO pay is. You need a Snickers
I drive a Toyota Tundra made at a non union plant in Texas.

My wife drives a Honda Pilot made at a non union plant in Alabama.

Both are excellent vehicles.

Why would anybody buy any of that junk made by Ford, Chrysler or GM?

They made great vehicles back in the 50s and 60s but have gone to hell since then.

With the exception of a few trucks most of their vehicles are shit.
Their demands are not outrageous. CEO pay is. You need a Snickers

If you don't like what the CEO makes then don't buy any of the products. Show your disdain by voting with your wallet.

I can't stand the filthy ass UAW and that is one of the reasons I won't buy any product made by them. That in addition to the fact they make shitty vehicles.

Yes their demands are absolutely outrageous. Imagine going to an employer and telling them that you are going to only work for 32 hours a week but you demand that they pay you for a 40 hour workweek. In addition you want a 40% increase in pay and you want them to completely foot your pension so you don't have to take any out for a 401K. LOL!

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