How to end the UAW strike

Yea yea yea. Keep making arguments that are bullshit. Fuck the poor dude. Do you think Ford's business model is to make cars affordable for the poor? My fucking F150 lease is $500 a month. Ford's business model doesn't care about the poor. They can buy used cars or ride the bus.

My dad, a fucking former Ford union worker does the same shit. Cries about the cost of cars. I said dad, did you worry about that when you worked there? That you were making 3 times what a cook would make anywhere else? Did you worry about how that raised the cost of a car?

I should find the op ed I read in the 2000's. God damn right I'd rather pay $30K for a car made in America than I would $25K for a car made in Mexico. Better for all of us.

So sorry dude but only paying Ford employees $15 hr is not going to help the poor. It's going to make Ford workers poor. Nice try. And paying Ford employees more, insisting those plants stay in America will mean more Tier 1, 2 and 3 supplier jobs and better paying too because they have to pay comparably to what the Big 3 pay or no one will go to work.

OMG it's like we're living the 2000s all over again. The last time Republicans waged war on labor/unions/the middle class.
Meanwhile, inflation continues to climb, making your argument bullshit.
How to end the UAW strike.
One of the biggest arguments the union workers have is top management has received 40% increases in compensation recently, why shouldn't we.
A good point.
I say reduce the management compensation to the same levels currently being offered the union workers.

Cut management compensation increase union workers.
Good luck.

Bidenflation is destroying the economy. This is what you people keep voting for. Now that it’s here, why are you complaining about it? Biden said he wanted to put big oil out of business. What uses oil? Automobiles.
Fuck the greedy Union Commie shitheads.

The best way to break the strike?

Tell the workers to either show up for work or go find another job. That worked when the air traffic controllers tried to strong arm Reagan.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the filthy UAW.
Either you are a CEO or VP or someone rich enough to not care about labor or you are an ignorant jealous poor blue collar fool.
Republican states that are traditionally the ones most hellbent on destroying workers are, of course, leading the nation in the highest inflation rates. I can't imagine being you and thinking that the best thing for American society is to further concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.
We have a damn good economy here in Free Florida and it is a Right to Work State. Fuck the greedy Commie Unions.

We have hundreds of workers from the Democrat Controlled Non Right to Work states moving in everyday and they are happy.

The same thing for Texas, South Carolina and other Republican states.

They are moving away from the Communists states like New York and California.
Finish off the middle class, for the betterment of America.

^^ that is the sentiment of the elites. They want their feudalism system back.

Bidenflation is destroying the value of the dollar and the middle class. This is what you Marxists have wanted.
Can't finish off the middle class. The middle class is the buffer between the rich and pitchforks
MAGA is the buffer between the rich and pitchforks. They're convinced that the same wealthy elites that are trying to destroy them are going to save them from imaginary child groomers. They regularly compare Donald Trump, a rapist who betrays people almost compulsively, to Jesus Christ. They're the 2nd front that's been opened up against the middle class.
Meanwhile, inflation continues to climb, making your argument bullshit.

Actually, I would agree with you increasing minimum wage causes inflation.

And I guess giving workers raises could mean increased prices for cars, which would factor into inflation.

But how come you didn't make these arguments against CEO's? From 1978 to now, their pay went up 1322%. You don't think that contributed to the increased prices of cars?

Bottom line is this is the 2000's all over again. Here you Republicans are again attacking labor/unions/blue collar workers.

You don't really want to make America Great Again for the middle class. Clearly.
Republican states that are traditionally the ones most hellbent on destroying workers are, of course, leading the nation in the highest inflation rates. I can't imagine being you and thinking that the best thing for American society is to further concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.
LOL. That's hilarious. The areas with the very highest income inequality are the blue areas.
I'm just saying, you raise the labor up 40%, you raise the cost of cars up 40%, which hurts the poor and minorities the most. The left's biggest problem is they believe they can rape the rich and the rich will just allow themselves to be raped. That never happens.
So your point is... if the workers don't get a raise, the cost of the cars will either go down or stay the same?
We have a damn good economy here in Free Florida and it is a Right to Work State.
Oh wow things are going great for you yet all you can do is complain how horribly things are going under Biden. Such logic from a right wing retard. Good for you, bro :thup:
Actually, I would agree with you increasing minimum wage causes inflation.

And I guess giving workers raises could mean increased prices for cars, which would factor into inflation.

But how come you didn't make these arguments against CEO's? From 1978 to now, their pay went up 1322%. You don't think that contributed to the increased prices of cars?

Bottom line is this is the 2000's all over again. Here you Republicans are again attacking labor/unions/blue collar workers.

You don't really want to make America Great Again for the middle class. Clearly.
Because things are the way we are. We don't live in socialism where you can force the rich to have less. And, Americans don't want socialism.
I absolutely understand economis.

The average citizen wants to make more money and they do not want inflation.

That is not going to happen.

The voters who yell I need more money, I don't want inflation and I want all the manufacturing jobs in the USA not offshore, are asking for the impossible.

A politician who promises that is a liar.

For decades automobile assembly line workers made a very good and stable income. The CEO did quite well also.

Odd we can't seem to do that any longer.

Where do i see the problem? The idea of record "shareholder value" year in and year out.

Those who never lift a finger to build a car demanding more and more.
^^ that is the sentiment of the elites. They want their feudalism system back.

Bidenflation is destroying the value of the dollar and the middle class. This is what you Marxists have wanted.
Actually, he makes a good point. I don't want blue collar making more money. In fact, I don't want those jobs in America. We are overpopulated. So I hope we send all those jobs overseas. They can breed low waged blue collar workers.

Here in America, everyone should have 1 or 2 kids max. No one should have their kid doing blue collar work. Those jobs robots are going to do in the future.
Because things are the way we are. We don't live in socialism where you can force the rich to have less. And, Americans don't want socialism.
Well we live in a country where labor can unionize. And the rich can pay themselves whatever they want. But they might not be able to pay us and themselves so well. Someone's got to take the pay cut. In the last 45 years we've been taking the paycuts. NO more.
Because things are the way we are. We don't live in socialism where you can force the rich to have less. And, Americans don't want socialism.
And things weren't always this way. Back when unions were 35% of the work force, CEO's only made 300x what the average worker made. It wasn't socialism. It was back when labor had a seat at the table. It made America great.

But then NAFTA, Bush 2 sent 750,000 jobs to Mexico, etc.....outsourcing, hiring illegals, Republicans really fucked the middle class in the ass in the 2000's.
MAGA is the buffer between the rich and pitchforks. They're convinced that the same wealthy elites that are trying to destroy them are going to save them from imaginary child groomers. They regularly compare Donald Trump, a rapist who betrays people almost compulsively, to Jesus Christ. They're the 2nd front that's been opened up against the middle class.
Yup. Like rocks, just dumber
I absolutely understand economis.

The average citizen wants to make more money and they do not want inflation.

That is not going to happen.

The voters who yell I need more money, I don't want inflation and I want all the manufacturing jobs in the USA not offshore, are asking for the impossible.

A politician who promises that is a liar.
It's doable. Unless you're a pro corporation shill like yourself.

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