How to end the UAW strike

Everything I have said about unions, labor, how Republicans are anti labor, all that. You will see now everything I said was true.

Republicans attack unions and when they do they attack labor.

When they say MAGA, who are they talking about? Are they talking about the people who got rich when unions didn't exist or are they talking about middle class people? Because America was greatest for the middle class when 35% of workers in America belonged to unions. Today it's about 9%
When the gas crisis hit twice in the 1970's, the United States could not compete in the new realities. the people that purchased foreign made and designed vehicles were at a much higher percentage the then Progs over the then Deplorables. Nothing is more anti-labor than bullshot artists. This is like the dictatorial edicts Prog leaders force the citizens to do while they do what they please.
If you don't like what the CEO makes then don't buy any of the products. Show your disdain by voting with your wallet.

I can't stand the filthy ass UAW and that is one of the reasons I won't buy any product made by them. That in addition to the fact they make shitty vehicles.

Yes their demands are absolutely outrageous. Imagine going to an employer and telling them that you are going to only work for 32 hours a week but you demand that they pay you for a 40 hour workweek. In addition you want a 40% increase in pay and you want them to completely foot your pension so you don't have to take any out for a 401K. LOL!
They gonna negotiate, hater
They gonna negotiate, hater

Sure thing Sport. We live in Potatohead's Banana Republic and he will make sure that the UAW butt pirates get settled. After all since he got away with stealing the election he controls billions in stupid subsides to the Big Three and the UAW is a cash cow for the Democrat filth.

Bad shit all around. Typical for a Democrat Administration. Democrats always fuck this country.
Fuck the greedy Union Commie shitheads.

The best way to break the strike?

Tell the workers to either show up for work or go find another job. That worked when the air traffic controllers tried to strong arm Reagan.

I would never buy a vehicle made by the filthy UAW.
the air traffic controllers were dipshits....they signed a paper when they were hired saying it was unlawful for them to strike....they were given a chance to go back....
How about having the Big 3 move massive numbers of Illegals to Michigan to fill in as temporary replacements for the strikers to put a little bit of pressure on the UAW to negotiate in good faith?
If they stay the same, isn't that a good thing? Americans can't afford to make ends meet now. In fact, many have let auto insurance lap because they just can't afford it and many others are delinquent in car payments.
Of course it would be. But that wasn’t my question. I’ll ask again… . if the workers don't get a raise, will the cost of the cars either go down or stay the same?
If we could find a way to quickly impeach this Potatohead piece of shit then the strike would go away.

The only card the UAW filth has to play is the billions in EV subsidies the asshole Potatohead is holding.
Well we live in a country where labor can unionize. And the rich can pay themselves whatever they want. But they might not be able to pay us and themselves so well. Someone's got to take the pay cut. In the last 45 years we've been taking the paycuts. NO more.
“NO more”? So keep voting in the same Establishment idiots and assholes that have been engineering this for the last four decades.

I drive a Toyota Tundra made at a non union plant in Texas.

My wife drives a Honda Pilot made at a non union plant in Alabama.

Both are excellent vehicles.

Why would anybody buy any of that junk made by Ford, Chrysler or GM?

They made great vehicles back in the 50s and 60s but have gone to hell since then.

With the exception of a few trucks most of their vehicles are shit.
We believe in American workers you do not.
We believe in American workers you do not.
American workers made the Tundra and the Pilot.

You Soiailist turds hate profits so why do you care if the profits went to Japan instead of the GM/Ford/Chrysler CEOs?
Ford CEO Jim Farley received total compensation of $20,996,146 in 2022

Akio Toyoda (President - Toyota - Japan) earns a salary of $4,656,314.00 per year.

Send the jobs to Japan where CEO's aren't overpaid. That will lower the price of cars. Since that's what you are most worried about.
Wow yeah, Ford needs to get out of detriot
You are saying we can raise wages, lower costs and keep all jobs at home.
Please tell us how that can be done.

I am pro-people not corporations.
But people have to be realistic what they want; you cannot raise wages lower prices and keep jobs at home.
The people have to decide what they want. They cannot have all three. The corporations should not decide.
Stop giving all the profits to the stockholders. Stop share buybacks. Stockholders expectations need to be reigned in.
Bottom line is if you are not getting a pay raise each year of at least inflation your wages are getting cut.

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