How to end the UAW strike

We already know that wage and price controls dont work
Our economy addresses wage and price control on both sides.
What is the minimum wage?
We have antitrust laws to avoid price control.
They are both checks on a nonregulated capitalist system.
It doesn’t but you can’t worry about that. Before the cotton gin former black slaves did that work. They just had to find something else to do.
so they find something else to do and here comes the machines for those jobs....if machines start doing everything.....what do the living do?....
so they find something else to do and here comes the machines for those jobs....if machines start doing everything.....what do the living do?....
Wouldn't that be wonderful Harry? Why do we have to work? Is this the best we can do? Are you kidding me? We each only live at most up to 120 years. That's it. Life is short. I'm going to work basically from when I'm 14 to 64. 50 years? It's not right.

No one on their death bed regrets not working more hours Harry. I regret not seeing more places like the UP MI, Alaska, Montana.

4 day work weeks? Brilliant! Espeically with robots. You said it Harry. What are we going to do? So with a lack of work, you only need to work 4 days. Isn't that great?

You think the system we live in now is the greatest and could never be improved. Actually, you think lowering wages and increasing the hours and safety regulations and eliminating pensions is the way to go. Really, you must be fucked in the head.

Or, you're retired, and set in your way. AKA CONSERVEative. Us liberal progressives are young and we don't have to settle for the way you boomers have it set up. It's out of wack. They want more, work less, and less of a gap between their pay and the CEO's.
I hope they wallow in their own misery for weeks.....There are plenty of right to work states the big three could build in.
They`d rather have workers they could depend on to not only show up for work, but not be high on oxycontin or whatever they`re doing down there. They usually require at least a high school diploma too.
Box of rocks, have those workers start their own companies and pay themselves whatever they like? 🤷‍♂️

For Gen Zers ages 18 to 26, today’s labor movement takes on particular relevance. The generation born between 1995 and 2010 is America’s most pro-union age group alive,

That desire to organize and advocate for fair working policies is likely rooted in witnessing powerful leaders wreck industries and fail the generations before them.
For Gen Zers ages 18 to 26, today’s labor movement takes on particular relevance. The generation born between 1995 and 2010 is America’s most pro-union age group alive,

That desire to organize and advocate for fair working policies is likely rooted in witnessing powerful leaders wreck industries and fail the generations before them.
So no companies have been started since 2010, box of rocks?
I drive a Toyota Tundra made at a non union plant in Texas.

My wife drives a Honda Pilot made at a non union plant in Alabama.

Both are excellent vehicles.

Why would anybody buy any of that junk made by Ford, Chrysler or GM?

They made great vehicles back in the 50s and 60s but have gone to hell since then.

With the exception of a few trucks most of their vehicles are shit.
A Tundra may be my next choice. Not impressed with the reliability of my Hemi Jeep compared to the one I had from the '90's.
Really have no desire to waste my hard earned money on a vehicle made by pissy workers who obviously don't care about the quality of what they build.
Sad that every Japanese brand car I ever owned is always more reliable than the American ones I have owned.
A Tundra may be my next choice. Not impressed with the reliability of my Hemi Jeep compared to the one I had from the '90's.
Really have no desire to waste my hard earned money on a vehicle made by pissy workers who obviously don't care about the quality of what they build.
Sad that every Japanese brand car I ever owned is always more reliable than the American ones I have owned.
OMG I feel like I'm back in the 2000's when Bush and Republicans were shipping off all our best paying blue collar manufacturing jobs. If union workers vote for Trump they get what they deserve. Or I should say, they get what Republicans think they deserve, which is no raise at all.

Certainly not 40% and 32 hour work weeks.

Yes, we already know you haven't purchased American in decades. MAGA.
I drive a Toyota Tundra made at a non union plant in Texas.

My wife drives a Honda Pilot made at a non union plant in Alabama.

Both are excellent vehicles.

Why would anybody buy any of that junk made by Ford, Chrysler or GM?

They made great vehicles back in the 50s and 60s but have gone to hell since then.

With the exception of a few trucks most of their vehicles are shit.
San Antonio mayor is an independent. I was looking to see if a Republican ran the big city where these vehicles are made but nope. Republicans are incapable of running a big city.

And I'm all for this

Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) is an automobile factory located in Lincoln, Alabama. It builds light truck Honda vehicles (pickup trucks and SUVs) for sale in North America.

Assembly line workers at Honda in Alabama make less than $40,000.

But I'm ok with manufacturing in Red non union states. I wouldn't object to this

The cost of living in Alabama is 13% lower than the national average. Housing is 38% lower than the national average, while utilities are 9% higher. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 4% lower than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs 4% lower.

But if you try to make cars in MI, we will organize. We won't work for $40K a year. That's good in Alabama though.
A Tundra may be my next choice. Not impressed with the reliability of my Hemi Jeep compared to the one I had from the '90's.
Really have no desire to waste my hard earned money on a vehicle made by pissy workers who obviously don't care about the quality of what they build.
Sad that every Japanese brand car I ever owned is always more reliable than the American ones I have owned.
Yes, that is sad.

Americans use to make the best vehicles in the world and nowadays they are poor quality.

The bloated UAW pension and health care burden almost destroyed the Big Three. That is why Gay Barry came up with the bailouts and now Potatohead is doing the same thing with this stupid RV subsidy crap.

My Trundra has been very reliable. It is a Series II made in 2013 and now after ten years is still running great. Of course being retired I don't put a lot of miles on it but never had a problem. I mostly use it for driving to the shooting range and trips to Lowes. After ten years I only have 31K miles on it.
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Assembly line workers at Honda in Alabama make less than $40,000.
I don't care. I am not in the welfare business.

The Honda Pilot made there has been an excellent vehicle and I can sleep at night knowing I didn't buy a vehicle made by the UAW that is a cash cow of the filthy corrupt Democrat Party.
Yes, that is sad.

Americans use to make the best vehicles in the world and nowadays they are poor quality.

The bloated UAW pension and health care burden almost destroyed the Big Three. That is why Gay Barry came up with the bailouts and now Potatohead is doing the same thing with this stupid RV subsidy crap.

My Trundra has been very reliable. It is a Series II made in 2016 and now after ten years is still running great. Of course being retired I don't put a lot of miles on it but never had a problem. I mostly use it for driving to the shooting range and trips to Lowes. After ten years I only have 31K miles on it.
Are you sure? Because this sounds like arguments you guys were making in the 90s and 2000's. I think American made cars have come a long way. This is just your old attack on labor. Stop it. It's always the employees fault.

This reminds me of the next generation. Republicans will say it's their fault. They're lazy. They got degrees in history or art. But before that they blamed the last generation. They wanted participation trophies remember? They even did this to my generation. I'm Gen X. We invented the God damn Iphone.

So Republicans are real good at blaming the workers, the young generation, etc. When the reality is it's the rich, corporations and Republicans who have ruined the American middle class.
I don't care. I am not in the welfare business.

The Honda Pilot made there has been an excellent vehicle and I can sleep at night knowing I didn't buy a vehicle made by the UAW that is a cash cow of the filthy corrupt Democrat Party.
Even you red state white trash blue collar can thank them and unions for why you are paid so well. They wouldn't pay you $38K a year if it weren't for the fear that you might unionize. Yall just happy to have jobs.

Well I'll keep saying it. I don't mind sending high paying manufacturing jobs to low lifes down south. Just don't send them out of the country. But I'm in favor of saving money and sending these high paying jobs to Alabama. But don't for a second think you'll be getting a better product. I doubt that.
I don't care. I am not in the welfare business.

The Honda Pilot made there has been an excellent vehicle and I can sleep at night knowing I didn't buy a vehicle made by the UAW that is a cash cow of the filthy corrupt Democrat Party.

This is why you like Honda

What is the average salary for a Production Team Member at Honda Manufacturing Of Alabama Llc in the United States?
Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Production Team Member at Honda Manufacturing Of Alabama Llc is between $21,669 and $26,760, with an average salary of $23,668.

If only they passed those savings on to you. They don't.
Are you sure? Because this sounds like arguments you guys were making in the 90s and 2000's. I think American made cars have come a long way. This is just your old attack on labor. Stop it. It's always the employees fault.

This reminds me of the next generation. Republicans will say it's their fault. They're lazy. They got degrees in history or art. But before that they blamed the last generation. They wanted participation trophies remember? They even did this to my generation. I'm Gen X. We invented the God damn Iphone.

So Republicans are real good at blaming the workers, the young generation, etc. When the reality is it's the rich, corporations and Republicans who have ruined the American middle class.
Honda, Toyota and Nissan knocked the Big Three on their knees when it comes to quality.

In 2013 when I was looking to buy a truck I actually considered a F-150 because they are good vehicles.

However, looking at the Tundra and F-150 at the same price point the Tundra was a better made vehicle.

The bonus was the Tundra was not made by the UAW. If everything had been equal that would have been the tie breaker for me because nobody with any moral foundation would want to give money to a filthy Union that supported Gay Barry.
Honda, Toyota and Nissan knocked the Big Three on their knees when it comes to quality.

In 2013 when I was looking to buy a truck I actually considered a F-150 because they are good vehicles.

However, looking at the Tundra and F-150 at the same price point the Tundra was a better made vehicle.

The bonus was the Tundra was not made by the UAW. If everything had been equal that would have been the tie breaker for me because nobody with any moral foundation would want to give money to a filthy Union that supported Gay Berry.
Well I get the A plan because my dad worked at ford so for me the F150 was a much better deal. And my dad gets a pension.

Based on our data, it appears that the optimal compensation range for a Production Team Member at Honda Manufacturing Of Alabama Llc is between $21,669 and $26,760, with an average salary of $23,668.

Honda isn't making America great again. Ford, GM and Chrysler union members are.

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