How to fix Human Caused Global Warming.

just another liar......who met their kyoto goals...that would be us

The goals of bullshit. Most everybody is still driving cars with internal combustion engines. Neither have I seen any solar panel projects on a grand scale being implemented. Why? Because the politicians are paid for by the energy industry. As well as companies who make a profit from waste.
The goals of bullshit. Most everybody is still driving cars with internal combustion engines. Neither have I seen any solar panel projects on a grand scale being implemented. Why? Because the politicians are paid for by the energy industry. As well as companies who make a profit from waste.
Yes they are cause there never was a for cars they get vastly better mileage, everybody has LEDS instead of incandescent
You will find it out for yourself. That is if you otherwise plan on being alive under normal conditions around the year 2050. And the weather is already a life or death situation. Millions are starving. Our oceans are dying. Droughts are becoming worse. Etc.
Time will tell. I think it's much more likely that colder temperatures will put an end to all of this nonsense.
The goals of bullshit. Most everybody is still driving cars with internal combustion engines. Neither have I seen any solar panel projects on a grand scale being implemented. Why? Because the politicians are paid for by the energy industry. As well as companies who make a profit from waste.
Even the Democrat politicians?
It is hard to fix a problem that so many think doesn't exist. But when things start getting bad enough that not even they can deny it, that will change. Human caused global warming is possible to fix. The problem is that the cure is almost as bad as the disease. I can think of two fixes for human caused global warming. And seeing how those making money from causing it are the least likely to suffer, that makes it even more likely to happen.

One fix would be to set off a super volcano. Such as the one under Yellowstone. (But not necessarily that one) The other option would be a nuclear war. Causing a nuclear winter. Though it doesn't necessarily have to be a war. Just nuke the hell out of some desert area. I have heard that it would take 7 hydrogen bombs going off at once to alter the earth weather. I don't know how many it would take to actually cause a nuclear winter.

Though the nuclear option would cause a lot of radiation. But I have seen that in radioactive areas, larger animals have been doing surprisingly well. Even so, I would still prefer to stay away from anything like that. So I guess it would have to be the super volcano approach. What do you think.

There is a third option though. One that deals with the next worse problem to the world. Overpopulation. Obviously, humans are to blame for human caused global warming. So the third option would be genocide. Megadeath. When it comes to that option, who should be the ones to go. Obviously it would be those who are the most responsible for it. "Racist" or not, the FACT is that White people aren't responsible for overpopulation. The population levels of Whites isn't rising. In fact, in some areas it is even going down a bit. So in any genocide, in any megadeath, it shouldn't be Whites who need to be eliminated. I wonder if anybody around here is capable of seeing the logic in that.

Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.

300 million years ago the ozone layer diminished and caused global warming that caused a mass extinction.

Earth has had world wide fires, world wide floods, world wide ice ages, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, and a whole lot more. Millions and billions of years before man.

Earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos. All matter is a constant state of self destruction and non linear pathing.

Global warming is real, and it's been happening on and off for several billion years. Earth has survived worse than us. It was here before us and it will be here after us, anything less than the sun going super nova or a black hole opening next to earth won't even dent the earth.
The whole point is what we are doing to the Earth. Not the other way around.
No. The real fear is what the earth is going to do to us in return for our "stewardship". Nobody gives a shit about the earth, only themselves.
Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.

300 million years ago the ozone layer diminished and caused global warming that caused a mass extinction.

Earth has had world wide fires, world wide floods, world wide ice ages, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, and a whole lot more. Millions and billions of years before man.

Earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos. All matter is a constant state of self destruction and non linear pathing.

Global warming is real, and it's been happening on and off for several billion years. Earth has survived worse than us. It was here before us and it will be here after us, anything less than the sun going super nova or a black hole opening next to earth won't even dent the earth.
It's only been a few thousand years since God recreated the earth's surface as our dwelling place (see Genesis 1) and charged us with it's stewardship. He also speaks of its destruction by our hand. So there's that to consider.
Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.
Well, global warming and a substantial chunk of plate tectonics. Antarctica wasn't at the South Pole back then.
You will find it out for yourself. That is if you otherwise plan on being alive under normal conditions around the year 2050. And the weather is already a life or death situation. Millions are starving. Our oceans are dying. Droughts are becoming worse. Etc.

Really? California has enjoyed multiple droughts over the last 1200 years that lasted for 300 YEARS or more. You have no clue, and you are anti science to the core.
You will find it out for yourself. That is if you otherwise plan on being alive under normal conditions around the year 2050. And the weather is already a life or death situation. Millions are starving. Our oceans are dying. Droughts are becoming worse. Etc.
Damien Demonizing

You could give Stephen King a run for his money. Are you quoting from the Gaia Bible's Apocalypse?
Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.

Trustfundie Treehuggers

The greatest victory of the Anti-Growth fanatics was the treaty in 1959 banning extraction of Antarctica's superior natural resources. This is actually a form of hoarding; the hereditary Globalist plutocracy needs to create shortages this way so it can continue to deprive the rest of us and put us in our place as beggars outside their gates.

The uninhibited development of resources is the only thing that creates class mobility. That used to be the story of America.
Trustfundie Treehuggers

The greatest victory of the Anti-Growth fanatics was the treaty in 1959 banning extraction of Antarctica's superior natural resources. This is actually a form of hoarding; the hereditary Globalist plutocracy needs to create shortages this way so it can continue to deprive the rest of us and put us in our place as beggars outside their gates.

The uninhibited development of resources is the only thing that creates class mobility. That used to be the story of America.

^^^^this is how toddlers think. You WANT. Just WANT. You are all id. You are NEED writ large. Nothing can be preserved for itself, because it can be used by YOU. And you so desperately WANT and NEEEEEEEEED.

And you can't be told "no".

Just like a toddler.

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