How to fix Human Caused Global Warming.

I'm not watching a 30 minute video simply because you didn't understand it enough to summarize your point.

Sorry, ding. If you don't understand your favorite YouTube Skolarship I can't really be bothered to explain it to you.
I summarized it in post #86 before I posted the video, dummy. I only posted the video in response to your asinine post# 91.

  1. This is a disease of the endothelial that typically uses the respiratory system to gain entry but attacks the lining of the organs.
  2. It disproportionately affects the elderly and the immunological impaired.
  3. The fatality risk the non-elderly and non-immunological impaired should be concerned with is damage to their organs and a reduction in their life span which has a much greater likelihood of occurring than immediate death.
Honey, you can't explain anything to me because you don't actually know anything. It's why you can't discuss anything off of the top of your head.

I am curious why this lie is so attractive to you when it is obvious you NEVER post anything of technical detail yourself. You cut and paste pictures you don't understand (so you don't actually speak to them technically) or you just post entire videos by other people without comment.

Funny you think that makes ME the one who can't speak off the top of their head.

(But I get it, it's your troll game, this is "fun" for you.)
I am curious why this lie is so attractive to you when it is obvious you NEVER post anything of technical detail yourself. You cut and paste pictures you don't understand (so you don't actually speak to them technically) or you just post entire videos by other people without comment.

Funny you think that makes ME the one who can't speak off the top of their head.

(But I get it, it's your troll game, this is "fun" for you.)
Dear, I'm the only one of us that has discussed anything in detail. You can thank me for teaching you about the corona virus later. :)
  1. This is a disease of the endothelial that typically uses the respiratory system to gain entry but attacks the lining of the organs.
  2. It disproportionately affects the elderly and the immunological impaired.
  3. The fatality risk the non-elderly and non-immunological impaired should be concerned with is damage to their organs and a reduction in their life span which has a much greater likelihood of occurring than immediate death.
Dear, I'm the only one of us that has discussed anything in detail. You can thank me for teaching you about the corona virus later. :)
  1. This is a disease of the endothelial that typically uses the respiratory system to gain entry but attacks the lining of the organs.
  2. It disproportionately affects the elderly and the immunological impaired.
  3. The fatality risk the non-elderly and non-immunological impaired should be concerned with is damage to their organs and a reduction in their life span which has a much greater likelihood of occurring than immediate death.

PLease don't try to talk about biology and medicine now. Honestly no one wants to see whatever stuff you dredge up on yet another topic you are unfamiliar with.
PLease don't try to talk about biology and medicine now. Honestly no one wants to see whatever stuff you dredge up on yet another topic you are unfamiliar with.
Again... covid 19 is a disaease of the endothelial. It usually gains entry through the respiratory system, but not always. Once inside your body it spreads to your other organs and attacks the lining of the organs (the endothelial). It can damage the lining of the organs without you even having to go to the hospital., Numerous studies have shown damage to the lining of the organs even in patients that were never hospitalized. So the risk most people should be concerned about is damage to the linings of their organs which may shorten their life. :)
The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

I like that! You should make a t-shirt!!!

The Unabomber Cult got its wish with the Lockdown, which reduced emissions to a level at which the Cronyvirus could survive and thrive.

Wow. I never thought of it like that. So if it had gotten hotter we wouldn't have had Covd? That's kinda scary to think that we could have fixed this problem!
Millions of years ago Antarctica was a continent with life on it and no ice because of global warming.

300 million years ago the ozone layer diminished and caused global warming that caused a mass extinction.

Earth has had world wide fires, world wide floods, world wide ice ages, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, and a whole lot more. Millions and billions of years before man.

Earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos. All matter is a constant state of self destruction and non linear pathing.

Global warming is real, and it's been happening on and off for several billion years. Earth has survived worse than us. It was here before us and it will be here after us, anything less than the sun going super nova or a black hole opening next to earth won't even dent the earth.

Nice dodge. The point here is how to fix human caused global warming. Which is going on right now. When it gets bad enough, what can be used to fix the problem. If you want to talk about human caused global warming, I have another thread on that topic.
No. The real fear is what the earth is going to do to us in return for our "stewardship". Nobody gives a shit about the earth, only themselves.

If you were in an oven, the oven wouldn't be responsible for what happens to you. It would depend on what some other human set the temperature at. What you said next is true enough. Nobody really cares what happens. As long as it happens to someone else.
Actually, we need to do some experiments to determine that.

Trying to talk the problem to death isn't going to make it go away. Everything that causes human caused global warming is well understood. What it will take to fix the problem is also well understood. For example, right now it is known to a great degree of certainty what kind of carbon footprint people have. For all the illegal aliens flooding across the border, they too have a carbon footprint. But is anything being done about it? Basically, no. In fact, I saw Biden on TV once advising illegals to flood the border!

I am also reminded of England. It has around 65 million people. Yet if the whole country switched to an agrarian economy, they could only grow enough food to feed around 8 million people. For them to have let muslims immigrate there when they can't even feed themselves to me is criminal. As well as treasonous.
Really? California has enjoyed multiple droughts over the last 1200 years that lasted for 300 YEARS or more. You have no clue, and you are anti science to the core.

California? Could you change the topic any further? But seeing how you brought the subject up, California grows much food. But for the most part, they have to use ground water to do so. Pumping out ground water causes the ground level to drop. I will show you a picture pertaining to that. It shows where the ground level used to be. They are probably running out of ground water by now.

Land subsidence.jpg

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