How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

Would it make a difference to you at all if I, as a liberal, assure you I don't want to get rid if the wealthy or the middle class? Or do you just believe whatever you want about liberals so you can feel superior about yourself?
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

I read "Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy" and realized you don't know anything about the Left you call Libs.

It's important to learn a different perspective. Never end up listening to David Koresh and repeating it's true.
Aww crap, I read that he thinks the Left wants to eliminate the Middle class..............

I need a beer...

Education doesn't seem to be a factor here.
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

Would it make a difference to you at all if I, as a liberal, assure you I don't want to get rid if the wealthy or the middle class? Or do you just believe whatever you want about liberals so you can feel superior about yourself?

It's the Fox News brainwash dude. I'm so depressed for this person.
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

Would it make a difference to you at all if I, as a liberal, assure you I don't want to get rid if the wealthy or the middle class? Or do you just believe whatever you want about liberals so you can feel superior about yourself?

It's the Fox News brainwash dude. I'm so depressed for this person.

Yeah it just astounds me the amount of misconceptions the rightwing has about the left. They actually believe liberalism and socialism is one of the same. It's simple minded thinking.
Aww crap, I read that he thinks the Left wants to eliminate the Middle class..............

I need a beer...

Education doesn't seem to be a factor here.

When a rightwing nut poster on this board starts a thread with a few gratuitous liberal bashings in the OP, he's just signaling that he doesn't want to have a serious discussion on his topic,

he's just looking for another bunch of attaboys from his rightwing nut pals.

The tax plan is just another version of the right's absurd mythology that lower taxes produce higher revenues.
Aww crap, I read that he thinks the Left wants to eliminate the Middle class..............

I need a beer...

Education doesn't seem to be a factor here.

When a rightwing nut poster on this board starts a thread with a few gratuitous liberal bashings in the OP, he's just signaling that he doesn't want to have a serious discussion on his topic,

he's just looking for another bunch of attaboys from his rightwing nut pals.

The tax plan is just another version of the right's absurd mythology that lower taxes produce higher revenues.

Yeah, we should tax everyone at 100% and watch revenue soar.
The stupidity and ignorance of the Left knows no bounds.
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?
Aww crap, I read that he thinks the Left wants to eliminate the Middle class..............

I need a beer...

Education doesn't seem to be a factor here.

The 'left' has always wanted to eliminate the 'Petite Bourgeoise' -- What you would call the 'Middle Class'

They, and you, despise us because we are difficult to control. You can easily handle the working class and the dependent class and would prefer not to deal with us at all.

The 'Elites' are Hollywood, Park Avenue, Wall Street crowd and don't need any controllers. The 'left' (whatever the FUCK that is) already has them.

The rest of you would be just Nomenklatura, (mindless bureaucrats) in your preferred system.

You have just proven to me that you don't even understand your own movement.
Aww crap, I read that he thinks the Left wants to eliminate the Middle class..............

I need a beer...

Education doesn't seem to be a factor here.

When a rightwing nut poster on this board starts a thread with a few gratuitous liberal bashings in the OP, he's just signaling that he doesn't want to have a serious discussion on his topic,

he's just looking for another bunch of attaboys from his rightwing nut pals.

The tax plan is just another version of the right's absurd mythology that lower taxes produce higher revenues.

Yeah, we should tax everyone at 100% and watch revenue soar.
The stupidity and ignorance of the Left knows no bounds.

This would be another classic example of a rightwing poster who doesn't want to have a serious discussion.
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?

Deficits went through the roof because the Democrats in Congress increased spending.

Another lo-lo poster chimes in.
When a rightwing nut poster on this board starts a thread with a few gratuitous liberal bashings in the OP, he's just signaling that he doesn't want to have a serious discussion on his topic,

he's just looking for another bunch of attaboys from his rightwing nut pals.

The tax plan is just another version of the right's absurd mythology that lower taxes produce higher revenues.

Yeah, we should tax everyone at 100% and watch revenue soar.
The stupidity and ignorance of the Left knows no bounds.

This would be another classic example of a rightwing poster who doesn't want to have a serious discussion.

It's impossible to have a serious discussion with a lo-lo.
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?

When I was making $25,000 a year I owned a $50k house, an old junk car and survived on hamburger, cottage chees and beans.

When I was making $100k a year, I had a $250k house, two new cars, a boat, a motorcycle and eat dinner out almost every night.

The lack of knowledge of economics among libturds is amazing. It's not that you can't understand it, you just don't want to.

It doesn't help that you're incredibly stupid, either
Reagan sold missiles to terrorists. How did that help the middle class?
I wasn't born where? Did Reagan help the middle class by selling weapons to terrorists and using the money to fund genocide in Central America?

Was that good for the economy? Did it strengthen the middle class? If it did then let's do it again, because Reagan was the greatest American President in the universe and the 80s were so prosperous for everyone.
Reagan sold missiles to terrorists. How did that help the middle class?

What do yiu care? You werent born then.

First off, Reagan didn't sell missiles to terrorists, unless you consdier freedom fighters in Iran to be terrorists. Which I suppose most libturds do.

Secondly, Bill the rapist Clinton gave Nuclear Secrets away to the Red Chinese when they refused to honor the Nuclear Test Ban authored by the rapist and his crew of imbeciles.

They tested a nuke just days after the Test Ban Treaty as an "In Your Face" action.

So what did the rapist do? He secretly gave them our nuclear secrets as long as they promised not to test any more missiles or nukes. They agreed. They didn't need to test anything because they were brought up to speed by the rapist.

The icing on the cake was when the Red Chinese funneled MILLIONS of dollars to the rapist's campaign coffers.

Remember the Chinese Nuns in California? Remember all the Chinese guys involved....?? Charlie Trie, Johnny HuangTed Sioang, MarieHsia...? Remember Algore's (aka: ManBearPig) "No controlling Legal Authority" bullshit.

dimocrap scum accuse Republicans of doing what dimocrap scum actually do.

Never fails.

If you ever want to know what dimocrap scum are up to, just listen to what they're accusing Republicans of
Freedom fighters. Right. The Islamic jihad loves freedom.

"If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight?" - George Carlin

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