How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

The left don't want the tax code fixed.. as it would bring more of the citizenry into the paying of income taxes.. with more people having a stake in the game, spending would be a much higher concern for them.. if spending is scrutinized and under attack by people who actually pay income taxes (those that don't pay don't care and only see what they can get from government), the liberal way of government takes a hit.. they don't want any hit to come to their power
Freedom fighters. Right. The Islamic jihad loves freedom.

"If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight?" - George Carlin

Anybody that quotes George Carlin to imply some kind of 'insider' knowledge is an imbecile.

Next thing you know, you'll be quoting Daffy Duck

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The Left didn't write the tax code. It was written by rich lobbyists and approved by rich Senators.
Freedom fighters. Right. The Islamic jihad loves freedom.

"If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight?" - George Carlin

Anybody that quotes George Carlin to imply some kind of 'insider' knowledge is an imbecile.

Next thing you know, you'll be quoting Daffy Duck
Hey, that's funny. No, really. I'm laughing. Good one. Now answer the question: Do you believe that the "freedom fighters" in the Afghan jihad which gave rise to the Taliban and al-Qaeda were truly fighting for "Freedom"?
Want to fix the tax system?

Pass the Fair Tax Act.

That's a stupid fucking idea.

Fair Tax Act of 2013 - Repeals the income tax, employment tax, and estate and gift tax. Redesignates the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as the Internal Revenue Code of 2013.

Imposes a national sales tax on the use or consumption in the United States of taxable property or services. Sets the sales tax rate at 23% in 2015, with adjustments to the rate in subsequent years. Allows exemptions from the tax for property or services purchased for business, export, or investment purposes, and for state government functions.

Sets forth rules relating to: (1) the collection and remittance of the sales tax, and (2) credits and refunds. Allows a monthly sales tax rebate for families meeting certain size and income requirements.

Grants states the primary authority for the collection of sales tax revenues and the remittance of such revenues to the Treasury. Sets forth administrative provisions relating to: (1) the filing of monthly reports and payments of tax; (2) accounting methods; (3) registration of sellers of goods and services responsible for reporting sales; (4) penalties for noncompliance; and (5) collections, appeals, and taxpayer rights.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to allocate sales tax revenues among: (1) the general revenue, (2) the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, (3) the disability insurance trust fund, (4) the hospital insurance trust fund, and (5) the federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund.

Prohibits the funding of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after FY2017. Establishes in the Department of the Treasury: (1) an Excise Tax Bureau to administer excise taxes not administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF); and (2) a Sales Tax Bureau to administer the national sales tax.

Terminates the sales tax imposed by this Act if the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (authorizing an income tax) is not repealed within seven years after the enactment of this Act.
H.R.25 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Fair Tax Act of 2013 | | Library of Congress
The Left didn't write the tax code. It was written by rich lobbyists and approved by rich Senators.

Say what?

You really do just make shit up as you go along, don't you?

Anybody that uses the idiotic terms of "Left' and "right' when referring to politics is suspect anyway.

What is 'left'? What is 'right'?

Was Woodhead Wilson left or was he right? He was a dimocrap but he was a racist.

Was FDR left or right? He was a redistributionist but he stopped the immigration of Jews into America on racial quota grounds. He also interred tens of thousands of Japanese for the sole crime of being Japanese.

So he was a racist, too.

Was Lenin a rightie or a leftie? He was a redistributionist but he was also a murdering thug.

How about Stalin? ANother redistributionist who murdered MILLIONS?

Pol Pot? A redistributionist (BTW, being a redistributionist is a REQUIREMENT for being considered a leftist) and a genocidal mad man.

What about Abraham Lincoln? He was a Republican so he had to be a Right-Winger, right? But yet he fought our costliest War (against dimocrap scum, BTW) to free Black People from Slavery.

What about Castro? Is he left or right?

What about Chavez and his toadie, Maduro? Left or right?

You know what I think?

I think you people are dishonest scumbags.

I think you assign the term 'left' to anything and anybody you like and/or approve of, and assign the term 'right' to those you dont' approve of.

Is Kim Jong Un a leftie or a rightie? He's got your worker's paradise in full operation.

Which is he? left or right.

You people.... You libturds.... You are the most dishonest, deceptive scumbags to ever walk the earth.

Everything you do is dishonest and everything you say is a lie couched in a half-truth.


You don't know what you believe.
You've got to be kidding.

"Genocidal madman" does not mean "Leftist". Ever.
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

From the link:

Rep. Camp aims to fix all of this by rewriting the tax code, and that starts with lowering tax rates across the board and eliminating loopholes.

"Eliminating loopholes" is just a layman's term for eliminating tax expenditures.

I've only been saying it for years. Ban all tax expenditures.

But not even Representative Camp is willing to ban them all. He would scream like a hippie if anyone suggested that. He wants to keep the mortgage interest deduction, which only drives up house prices and does not help the economy.

We need to ban them all, period. Anyone who uses a tax deduction is taking money from other people. Tax expenditures are wealth redistribution, plain and simple.
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Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

From the article ... "many of the carve-outs will be gone – but not the mortgage or charity write-offs."

Heh.. same old, same old. Gotta keep the bankers happy. Screw that. Get rid of all deductions that aren't directly attributed accurately assessing net income.
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

From the article ... "many of the carve-outs will be gone – but not the mortgage or charity write-offs."

Heh.. same old, same old. Gotta keep the bankers happy. Screw that. Get rid of all deductions that aren't directly attributed accurately assessing net income.

It's a step. We need a simple tax code in exchange for lower rates across the board. Targeted tax cuts are giant failures. We've had 5 years of that and all they do is cost money.
I favor cutting the mortgage deduction in part because it benefits only higher income earners. People who dont itemize get no benefit. But I'll take a system that keeps that in exchange for getting rid of a bunch of other crap with lower rates.
Pols are reluctant to do tht because special interest groups want to see continued carve outs for their pets.
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?

Deficits went through the roof because the Democrats in Congress increased spending.

Another lo-lo poster chimes in.

Bush didn't have a Democratic Congress you moron.
Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?

Deficits went through the roof because the Democrats in Congress increased spending.

Another lo-lo poster chimes in.

Bush didn't have a Democratic Congress you moron.

The Dems didnt retake Congress in 2006? Who knew?
But Reagan did, and that invalidates your argument right there.
Freedom fighters. Right. The Islamic jihad loves freedom.

"If crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight?" - George Carlin

Anybody that quotes George Carlin to imply some kind of 'insider' knowledge is an imbecile.

Next thing you know, you'll be quoting Daffy Duck
Hey, that's funny. No, really. I'm laughing. Good one. Now answer the question: Do you believe that the "freedom fighters" in the Afghan jihad which gave rise to the Taliban and al-Qaeda were truly fighting for "Freedom"?

Dope. Jimmy the peanut started giving weapons to the Afghani's.

And there were two major factions in Afghanistan as of 2001 -- The Northern Alliance (United Front) and the Taliban.

You need to read some history. Badly. I mean, really badly.

Really, really, really badly.

You libturds do this shit all the time. It's like you share a hive mind...

You make a broad, inaccurate, sweeping statement to try to impress the weak or feeble-minded (we're not all like you, y'know) and when probed just the tiniest bit, we discover that you have no clue what you're talking about.

Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Reagan cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof. Bush cut taxes and the deficits went through the roof.

How many times do you need to see taxes cut, followed by skyrocketing deficits, before you'd at least begin to consider the possibility that cutting taxes will not pay the bills?

When I was making $25,000 a year I owned a $50k house, an old junk car and survived on hamburger, cottage chees and beans.

When I was making $100k a year, I had a $250k house, two new cars, a boat, a motorcycle and eat dinner out almost every night.

The lack of knowledge of economics among libturds is amazing. It's not that you can't understand it, you just don't want to.

It doesn't help that you're incredibly stupid, either

You're either in the wrong thread or you've suffered a seizure because your post has nothing to do with mine.
Anybody that quotes George Carlin to imply some kind of 'insider' knowledge is an imbecile.

Next thing you know, you'll be quoting Daffy Duck
Hey, that's funny. No, really. I'm laughing. Good one. Now answer the question: Do you believe that the "freedom fighters" in the Afghan jihad which gave rise to the Taliban and al-Qaeda were truly fighting for "Freedom"?

Dope. Jimmy the peanut started giving weapons to the Afghani's.

And there were two major factions in Afghanistan as of 2001 -- The Northern Alliance (United Front) and the Taliban.

You need to read some history. Badly. I mean, really badly.

Really, really, really badly.

You libturds do this shit all the time. It's like you share a hive mind...

You make a broad, inaccurate, sweeping statement to try to impress the weak or feeble-minded (we're not all like you, y'know) and when probed just the tiniest bit, we discover that you have no clue what you're talking about.


They're lo-lo's. Low information, low intelligence. They make stuff up according to what they think. The ideology shapes the facts, not vice versa.
Liberals will hate this because they don't want wealthy people to stay wealthy (unless they are Dems). We need to do something to save the middle class. Even if the far left wants to eliminate middle class, we know that our country can't survive without us.

How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

Would it make a difference to you at all if I, as a liberal, assure you I don't want to get rid if the wealthy or the middle class? Or do you just believe whatever you want about liberals so you can feel superior about yourself?
And yet another one marked for future reference. Don't let Me catch you spouting off about republicans as if you know what they are about. This will be what you can term, your hypocrisy.

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