How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System

I shake my head everytime I see a "Doctor" give someone crutches for the broken leg. I scream at them "You are creating dependency! You "Doctors" seek to empower yourselves by taking away someones will to walk again! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Then I take away their crutches and they will usually thank me while they are crawling to their car
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Please post the quote wherein President Obama stated he wants to punish the rich? Thank you in advance for providing more evidence that you're a liar (and not very bright).
I shake my head everytime I see a "Doctor" give someone crutches for the broken leg. I scream at them "You are creating dependency! You "Doctors" seek to empower yourselves by taking away someones will to walk again! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Then I take away their crutches and they will usually thank me while they are crawling to their car

The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Please post the quote wherein President Obama stated he wants to punish the rich? Thank you in advance for providing more evidence that you're a liar (and not very bright).

You're such a lo-lo.
[ame=]Obama: Let's Raise Capital Gains Tax Even if Less Revenue- Fairness - You might be a Leftist... - YouTube[/ame]
I shake my head everytime I see a "Doctor" give someone crutches for the broken leg. I scream at them "You are creating dependency! You "Doctors" seek to empower yourselves by taking away someones will to walk again! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Then I take away their crutches and they will usually thank me while they are crawling to their car

The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid

I know and people NEVER get off welfare once they are on it because the Dems wont let them...or something
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Please post the quote wherein President Obama stated he wants to punish the rich? Thank you in advance for providing more evidence that you're a liar (and not very bright).

the L-CinC has said that he would raise Capital Gains taxes even if it caused lower government tax receipts.

Now, where you're from (under a fucking rock) that might not mean anything, but in the Land Of The real, it means that the L-CinC would rather hurt the rich than increase tax revenues. He calls it 'fairness'. I call it class envy

But... You're stupid. What else is new?
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Please post the quote wherein President Obama stated he wants to punish the rich? Thank you in advance for providing more evidence that you're a liar (and not very bright).

the L-CinC has said that he would raise Capital Gains taxes even if it caused lower government tax receipts.

Now, where you're from (under a fucking rock) that might not mean anything, but in the Land Of The real, it means that the L-CinC would rather hurt the rich than increase tax revenues. He calls it 'fairness'. I call it class envy

But... You're stupid. What else is new?

CumCatcher will default to the old "where did Obama use the words 'punish the rich'" gambit. When everyone with at least two functioning brain cells understands what he meant.
I shake my head everytime I see a "Doctor" give someone crutches for the broken leg. I scream at them "You are creating dependency! You "Doctors" seek to empower yourselves by taking away someones will to walk again! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Then I take away their crutches and they will usually thank me while they are crawling to their car

The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid

I know and people NEVER get off welfare once they are on it because the Dems wont let them...or something

We've got 4th generation welfare recipients out there. We've got people that are taught at a young age how to use the system.

We've got people that use the Welfare System as a means of permanent support instead of what it was designed to be -- Temporary assistance for those who can work and permanent assistance for those who physically incapable of working.

Instead, it's become a way of life for far too many. FAR too many.

But you already know that. You just want the opportunity to tell more lies.

Go for it.

Facts have never stopped you from lying before. Why should it now?
Libs hate it because they want to use taxes to punish rich people. They don't care if the rates make sense or bring in more revenue. As long as it punishes high income earners they're fine. Obama said so himself.

Please post the quote wherein President Obama stated he wants to punish the rich? Thank you in advance for providing more evidence that you're a liar (and not very bright).

the L-CinC has said that he would raise Capital Gains taxes even if it caused lower government tax receipts.

Now, where you're from (under a fucking rock) that might not mean anything, but in the Land Of The real, it means that the L-CinC would rather hurt the rich than increase tax revenues. He calls it 'fairness'. I call it class envy

But... You're stupid. What else is new?

And since Dems are rich Obama wants to destroy himself and the other Dems. They are actually planning on killing themselfs
The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid

I know and people NEVER get off welfare once they are on it because the Dems wont let them...or something

We've got 4th generation welfare recipients out there. We've got people that are taught at a young age how to use the system.

We've got people that use the Welfare System as a means of permanent support instead of what it was designed to be -- Temporary assistance for those who can work and permanent assistance for those who physically incapable of working.

Instead, it's become a way of life for far too many. FAR too many.

But you already know that. You just want the opportunity to tell more lies.

Go for it.

Facts have never stopped you from lying before. Why should it now?

[ame=]Obama Bucks - YouTube[/ame]
The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid

I know and people NEVER get off welfare once they are on it because the Dems wont let them...or something

We've got 4th generation welfare recipients out there. We've got people that are taught at a young age how to use the system.

We've got people that use the Welfare System as a means of permanent support instead of what it was designed to be -- Temporary assistance for those who can work and permanent assistance for those who physically incapable of working.

Instead, it's become a way of life for far too many. FAR too many.

But you already know that. You just want the opportunity to tell more lies.

Go for it.

Facts have never stopped you from lying before. Why should it now?

Like I said if you werent allowed to access your fiction files you wouldnt have an arguement.

Now you sound like Reagan and the imaginary "Welfare Queen" since no one can be on welfare for life. But dont let welfare reform facts get in your way.

Please continue your story about 19 generations on welfare...its intriguing. Will there be Space Ships in this one?
Because GDP increased substantially due to Reagan's policies. In absolute terms the government had more revenue. Your thesis is wrong.

In absolute terms the government had more revenue during the Clinton years, after his tax increases. That would prove your theory wrong.

While Clinton got credit for the economy, it was Gingrich and the DotCom bubble that created it.

Clinton was a bystander.

Although I will give him credit for the Welfare reform act that obama neutered,

Other than that, he was pretty useless. He just simply signed stuff that Gingrich sent him -- Including the Welfare Reform Act

Just a fact

Irrelevant when we're talking about tax cuts/increases and subsequent revenues.
The difference is -- Broken Legs heal.

Stupid doesn't. And you are the living embodiment of stupid

I know and people NEVER get off welfare once they are on it because the Dems wont let them...or something

We've got 4th generation welfare recipients out there. We've got people that are taught at a young age how to use the system.

You mean there are people who were on welfare BEFORE WELFARE? 80 years ago.
Because GDP increased substantially due to Reagan's policies. In absolute terms the government had more revenue. Your thesis is wrong.

In absolute terms the government had more revenue during the Clinton years, after his tax increases. That would prove your theory wrong.

Everybody here who can read needs to read this and understand the LIES dimocraps have been foisting on us for years.

They do it every chance they get. Every chance.....

And it's a lie... An incredible, bald-face lie

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes

However, with his masterful 1995 flip-flop on taxes, President Clinton took the first step toward a successful campaign for re-election and a shift in policy that produced the economic boom that occurred during his second term.

Welfare reform, which he signed in the summer of 1996, led to a massive reduction in the effective tax rates on the poor by ameliorating the rapid phase out of benefits associated with going to work.
The phased reduction in tariff and non-tariff barriers between the U.S., Mexico and Canada under the North American Free Trade Agreement continued, leading to increased trade.
In 1997, Clinton signed a reduction in the (audible liberal gasp) capital gains tax rate to 20% from 28%.
The 1997 tax cuts also included a phased in increase in the death tax exemption to $1 million from $600,000, and established Roth IRAs and increased the limits for deductible IRAs.
Annual growth in federal spending was kept to below 3%, or $57 billion.
The Clinton Administration also maintained its policy of a strong and stable dollar. Over his entire second term, consumer price inflation averaged only 2.4% a year.

PAYGO kept taxes and spending in line during the Clinton years.

PAYGO was quickly abandoned as soon as Bush and the Republicans took over.
I interested in the Idea that the War on Poverty is so insidious that Edge says people were taking advantage of it 20 year before it even existed.

That is amazingly evil lol
Want to fix the tax system?

Pass the Fair Tax Act.

That's a stupid fucking idea.

Fair Tax Act of 2013 - Repeals the income tax, employment tax, and estate and gift tax. Redesignates the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as the Internal Revenue Code of 2013.

Imposes a national sales tax on the use or consumption in the United States of taxable property or services. Sets the sales tax rate at 23% in 2015, with adjustments to the rate in subsequent years. Allows exemptions from the tax for property or services purchased for business, export, or investment purposes, and for state government functions.

Sets forth rules relating to: (1) the collection and remittance of the sales tax, and (2) credits and refunds. Allows a monthly sales tax rebate for families meeting certain size and income requirements.

Grants states the primary authority for the collection of sales tax revenues and the remittance of such revenues to the Treasury. Sets forth administrative provisions relating to: (1) the filing of monthly reports and payments of tax; (2) accounting methods; (3) registration of sellers of goods and services responsible for reporting sales; (4) penalties for noncompliance; and (5) collections, appeals, and taxpayer rights.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to allocate sales tax revenues among: (1) the general revenue, (2) the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, (3) the disability insurance trust fund, (4) the hospital insurance trust fund, and (5) the federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund.

Prohibits the funding of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after FY2017. Establishes in the Department of the Treasury: (1) an Excise Tax Bureau to administer excise taxes not administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF); and (2) a Sales Tax Bureau to administer the national sales tax.

Terminates the sales tax imposed by this Act if the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (authorizing an income tax) is not repealed within seven years after the enactment of this Act.
H.R.25 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Fair Tax Act of 2013 | | Library of Congress

I know exactly what the Fair Tax is. It is a consumption tax that everyone will pay. There will be no tax dodges. And no one pays the tax on what it takes to survive.

Also, in the US we spend $500 billion on tax compliance. This would remove that completely and also remove the IRS as a political weapon.
The first thing to look at when considering changes to the tax code are the winners and losers of the change. Then look at who is pushing for the change.

When there are people who are both the losers and the ones pushing for the change you know who the idiots are.

It is much easier to point out the problems with our current system than to actually implement a new one.
The first thing to look at when considering changes to the tax code are the winners and losers of the change.

This sort of response is maddening. That's EXACTLY the problem with the tax code as it exists - it was designed as a tool to reward some and punish others. That is not the purpose of granting the taxation power to Congress. It's to fund government, not a tool for implementing backdoor legislation or otherwise manipulating society. The very LAST thing we should be concerned with when formulating tax policy is who the winners and losers are.

We've seem to have completely lost touch with the concept of blind justice, and why it's important.
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How to Fix the Absurd U.S. Tax System
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars a year. Raise taxes on the 1% and corporate business to 90% until it's paid off, and then everyone's taxes will be a trillion dollars less every year. It's the only way it's going to get paid off, because they are the ones that have all the money.
The first thing to look at when considering changes to the tax code are the winners and losers of the change.

This sort of response is maddening. That's EXACTLY the problem with the tax code as it exists - it was designed as a tool to reward some and punish others. That is not the purpose of granting the taxation power to Congress. It's to fund government, not a tool for implementing backdoor legislation or otherwise manipulating society. The very LAST thing we should be concerned with when formulating tax policy is who the winners and losers are.

We've seem to have completely lost touch with the concept of blind justice, and why it's important.

What tax system wont reward and punish?

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