How To Fix The Disastrous Republican Tax Law


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.
More proof of what hypocritical SCUM dimocrap FILTH are.

All we heard about for nearly 5 years was 'Pay Your Fair Share'.

So when President of The United States, Donald J Trump does just that -- Stops the totally unfair deduction the rich get in hi-tax States, they cry like the little bitches they are.

Why should the rest of America subsidize dimocrap scum in hi-tax States?

Why should the people of Iowa have to pay more so that dimocrap FILTH in New Yawk and Kalifornication can get a deduction on their absurd State and Local Taxes?

Florida, where I live, has NO Income Tax and we're the richest State in the Union. We have more money in State coffers that New Yawk, Kalifunny and Illinoise combined.

And we get blasted by Hurricanes every other year.

And yet, we don't have an Income Tax.

Why is that, dimocrap scum??

Edit: Irma knocked us down to #4 but we'll be back at #1 sooner rather than later.

State Fiscal Rankings
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

Can you explain how it will be overturned when your political party does not have the Senate nor the White House?

Do not kid yourself to believe 2020 is a lock...
I don't want it "fixed". I like it the way it is. My effective tax rate went down. I have about $3K more money to spend this year than I did last year on about the same income. Much better for me to have the money I earned to spend on what I want than some stupid government bureaucrat who will give it away to the welfare queens and Illeagls, isn't it?
The Democrat Politicians treat the taxpayers as their slaves.

There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

Can you explain how it will be overturned when your political party does not have the Senate nor the White House?

Do not kid yourself to believe 2020 is a lock...

I'm thinking that the 2020 democrat Budget will include a tax increase on the top rate. Sign it or shutdown the entire government. What would Trump and the GOP do? There is no real downside. The Deficit would be reduced, that's a good thing. I only wonder what their funding priorities will be? The end of the Federal government could be in the offing if they can't agree
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.
Another tree-fiddy to the OP, for the daily dish of spam from Daily Kooks. :rolleyes:
Can you explain how it will be overturned when your political party does not have the Senate nor the White House?

Do not kid yourself to believe 2020 is a lock...

I think Jimmy The Peanut was the only one term president to be defeated as a Party Incumbent.

Bush went down in flames but that was the 3rd term for a Republican in a row. Plus, Ross Pirogi defeated Bush, not Bill The Rapist. That's just a fact.

Gerald Ford don't really count. He was finishing out Nixon's term in which he laid the biggest defeat on a dimocrap in history.

Point being, it's really hard, really-really hard, to defeat an incumbent President.

Then you consider that Trump was, and still is, running against BOTH Parties and now that most of the Republicans are coming around..... It don't look good for dimocrap scum.

Especially when you look at who their Party leaders are. Nazi Pelousy, Donkey Chompers Occasional-Cortex, Kamal Toe Harris, Pocahontas, Weekend at Biden's, the Speed-Freak Beto......

And those are the front-runners.

As of now, dimocrap filth are FUCKED. Who's gonna defeat Trump, dimocrap scum??


Ubercunt??? Is she making a comeback?? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.
Another tree-fiddy to the OP, for the daily dish of spam from Daily Kooks. :rolleyes:

He's a "one source wonder".
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

IMO it's pretty obvious that TrumpBots don't give a shit that Trump gave the wealthiest 0.01% & the corporations a massive tax break, and turned right around and fvcked Joe Six Pack.

I'm thinking that the TrumpBots actually like getting fvcked.
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

So sad that you liberal morons feel that taxing the "rich" would solve your problems or fund any of the disasters they are proposing.
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

The daily commie kos?? LMAO!!

Few percent drop in lower brackets. 21% rate for business was big kick to economy. Upper bracket drop was to appease Blue Salt Chancy.

If AGI was $100K married joint you paid ~$3K less.

Notice the $200K single $400K joint moved up to 35% bracket. The rich and Coastal-Illinois rich pay more now (SALT)...what the DEM always wanted.

Edit: almost looks a typo in OLD very few single in the 35% bracket? $416,700 to $418,400?
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There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

This is like telling someone with the flu to drink rat poison.

No thank you.
There are many things wrong about or current U.S. income tax system, particularly after the changes made by the misnamed 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that was passed in the dead of night by Republicans desperate to appease their political contributors; too many to cover in this diary. Therefore, this is not a comprehensive critique, but I offer some proposals with respect to what I see as the main problems with the Republican tax bill.

How to Fix the Disastrous Republican Tax Law

Specifics you will soon be hearing about as this disaster gets overturned.

And have no illusions in your mind, it's going to be overturned.

IMO it's pretty obvious that TrumpBots don't give a shit that Trump gave the wealthiest 0.01% & the corporations a massive tax break, and turned right around and fvcked Joe Six Pack.

I'm thinking that the TrumpBots actually like getting fvcked.

I'm not in the top 0.01%, top 0.1% or even top 1%.
I got a decent tax cut.
IMO it's pretty obvious that TrumpBots don't give a shit that Trump gave the wealthiest 0.01% & the corporations a massive tax break, and turned right around and fvcked Joe Six Pack.

I'm thinking that the TrumpBots actually like getting fvcked.

I already know the answer but --

Have you ever wondered why the wealthiest humans on Earth are virtually ALL dimocrap scum?

Why is Bezos an ardent dimocrap scumbag?

Buffet? George Soros? Tom Steyer? Bloomyberg? Gates? Sussman? Zuckerberg? Hoffman?

The list is long and almost exclusively full of dimocrrap FILTH?

Why is that? Have you ever even thought about it?

Didn't think so.

Are Democrats Now the Party of the Rich?

It is so easy to fool stupid people


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