How To Get A Woman

You kiss her.

:rolleyes-41: That's how to get smacked.

Yeah well - on a date you might get away with it - at least on a date there is some implication of interest....... I've never been asked "do you mind if I kiss you" - to be honest, that would be a turn off to me... I like things to just "happen".... just my preference....

If some guy I'm not interested in kisses me, he'd better get prepared to get his arse whooped.

It only takes one knee.....
You kiss her.

actually, there is something to that.....
There was a guy at work that was interested in me. I did not really find him attractive, but he beat me down into going on a date with him. I remember clearly we were in Union Station in Washington DC and he just out of the blue kissed me and, we started dating!

That actually DID work for me (once) - I guess it's always a starting point.
I love a weak willed woman....

All you have to do is show interest - and be persistent - especially if you are dealing with a single mom with a 2 y/o child..... ;)

That is not true at all. Lol.

Yeah well cases vary from person to person... LOL! ;)
Your dealer gives points?

Kidding aside, I only go to theaters when invited by the grandsons.

It's a total rip off. We only to go movies we are SUPER interested in. Maybe 1 or 2 a year... and it's just for the outing really..... he won't do plays, etc.
I prefer performing in the plays...

What kind of roles you do you prefer?
Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon ... ;)

Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon

Which end?

LIne from Yankee Doodle Dandy, paraphrased: The hardest part of show business is casting the front end of the horse
Your dealer gives points?

Kidding aside, I only go to theaters when invited by the grandsons.

It's a total rip off. We only to go movies we are SUPER interested in. Maybe 1 or 2 a year... and it's just for the outing really..... he won't do plays, etc.
I prefer performing in the plays...

What kind of roles you do you prefer?
Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon ... ;)
Oh Wilbur...
It's a total rip off. We only to go movies we are SUPER interested in. Maybe 1 or 2 a year... and it's just for the outing really..... he won't do plays, etc.
I prefer performing in the plays...

What kind of roles you do you prefer?
Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon ... ;)

Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon

Which end?

LIne from Yankee Doodle Dandy, paraphrased: The hardest part of show business is casting the front end of the horse

I prefer performing in the plays...

What kind of roles you do you prefer?
Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon ... ;)

Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon

Which end?

LIne from Yankee Doodle Dandy, paraphrased: The hardest part of show business is casting the front end of the horse

That's what I like about you, nothing.......
You kiss her.

actually, there is something to that.....
There was a guy at work that was interested in me. I did not really find him attractive, but he beat me down into going on a date with him. I remember clearly we were in Union Station in Washington DC and he just out of the blue kissed me and, we started dating!

That actually DID work for me (once) - I guess it's always a starting point.
I love a weak willed woman....

All you have to do is show interest - and be persistent - especially if you are dealing with a single mom with a 2 y/o child..... ;)
I've broken many ponies to ride......

Oh good grief! :lol: You are just a romantic guy, huh?
What kind of roles you do you prefer?
Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon ... ;)

Great! I'll cast you as the Draft Horse pulling a Wagon

Which end?

LIne from Yankee Doodle Dandy, paraphrased: The hardest part of show business is casting the front end of the horse

That's what I like about you, nothing.......

I consider that like a . . . relief, TBH. :D
You kiss her.

actually, there is something to that.....
There was a guy at work that was interested in me. I did not really find him attractive, but he beat me down into going on a date with him. I remember clearly we were in Union Station in Washington DC and he just out of the blue kissed me and, we started dating!

That actually DID work for me (once) - I guess it's always a starting point.
I love a weak willed woman....

All you have to do is show interest - and be persistent - especially if you are dealing with a single mom with a 2 y/o child..... ;)
I've broken many ponies to ride......

Oh good grief! :lol: You are just a romantic guy, huh?
I like to chase bull frogs to get dinner....
So anyway, if you are really interested in a woman, it's always best to show her how interested you are.
People will argue and say you'll scare her away and think you're a stalker, but, if she's as interested in YOU as you are in HER - if you just show it in appropriate ways, you'll be able to tell right off if the feeling it mutual.

Normally a few dates/conversations will pretty much uncover interest levels and commonalities.....

You even find this on the internet in conversations with strangers... some you enjoy talking to more than others...
some you just seem to "mesh" with for some reason... doesn't mean you are going to date or marry them but the same principle applies.

When I was younger and single, I thought if the physical attraction was there or grew, that was a great starting point and you just deal with the other stuff that is missing.

Even with friends now, as I meet people, if there is something I dislike or just don't think would make us be able to be good friends, I cut ties. I guess many people don't feel this way, but, my time I feel should be spent on people that like me for who I am - and have similar interests with - and of course, I need to like them as they are too.....

Sounds like common sense, but, I think oftentimes we go through life "faking it"....

actually, there is something to that.....
There was a guy at work that was interested in me. I did not really find him attractive, but he beat me down into going on a date with him. I remember clearly we were in Union Station in Washington DC and he just out of the blue kissed me and, we started dating!

That actually DID work for me (once) - I guess it's always a starting point.
I love a weak willed woman....

All you have to do is show interest - and be persistent - especially if you are dealing with a single mom with a 2 y/o child..... ;)
I've broken many ponies to ride......

Oh good grief! :lol: You are just a romantic guy, huh?
I like to chase bull frogs to get dinner....

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