How to get Hamas to stop killing Palestinian civilians...

Here's a better way to do it:

You live in a hate-filled fantasy land, my retarded friend. I just do not know you well enough to tell if you are a mindless zombie parrot or just some dumb troll. Either way, you are clearly a garbage person.
Answer the fucking questions!
Yeah, that is not a true statement, sweetheart.
You don't trash the Palestinian's 24/7?

You are not trying to wipe them out?

You are not treating them like they are subhuman?

Does that sound familiar? Because that was what was going on in Germany in the 30's.
You mean Palestinian Holocaust! You are trying to wipe them out over fucking lies of dead babies none of you can prove happened.
You cannot PROVE cause of death of anyone in
Gaza over the past two weeks-----send me the
autopsy results
Now you are speaking like a German! Maybe you should go to Weimar, Germany? They love hate like yours, there!
I have been to Germany. Nothing special except the architecture, grave yards, shot up/pockmarked churches, lots of good beer, friendly people in local brewhauses, great Autobahn (if you like driving 120+, where truckers and everybody else actually use the correct lanes and turn signals), in a country where asshole Nazi's tried to exterminate Jews and started two world wars. Perhaps you and your Hama friends should suck my dick and go to hell, leaving normal people to go about their lives and business.
The UN was created to prevent another Holocaust.
how did that work out-----did POL POT know---how about the islamic holocaust that resulted in the murder of 1.5
million dead Biafran babies----how about the hindus of East Pakistan -----do you have a citation for your idiot
I have been to Germany. Nothing special except the architecture, grave yards, shot up/pockmarked churches, lots of good beer, friendly people in local brewhauses, great Autobahn (if you like driving 120+, where truckers and everybody else actually use the correct lanes and turn signals), in a country where asshole Nazi's tried to exterminate Jews and started two world wars. Perhaps you and your Hama friends should suck my dick and go to hell, leaving normal people to go about their lives and business.
You're not normal; you're an Islamophobe! An Arab hater. Why can't you show proof of dead babies? Why doesn't the IDF confirm these killings?

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