How to get Hamas to stop killing Palestinian civilians...

You are so FOS! Do you remember the Balfour Declaration? Do you remember what it said? It said the Zionist terrorists could have that land, provided they did not disenfranchise the EXISTING non-Jewish population. But that's not what they did. They drove out 750,000 Palestinians with Zionist terrorism.

As far as I'm concerned, you're no different than a fucking Nazi! You both hate and scapegoat an entire population of people who have committed no crimes.
wrong again----neither side was supposed to disenfranchise------try to deal with reality,
"NO CRIMES" <<<<<< oh my!!!!!!!!
The Israelis have offered a two-state solution including an independent Palestinian state over and over again. The Palestinian leaders have rejected it every time. The Palestinian/Arab/Muslim position since 1922 has been to exterminate the Jews. The Palestinians became refugees because the Grand Mufti called for them to evacuate their homes and villages in Israel to allow the five Arab armies a clear field to exterminate the Jews. They remain refugees because neither Egypt nor Jordan will accept them as citizens. That practice started when Gaza was annexed by Egypt and the West Bank was annexed by Jordan after the 1948 war. In both cases the Palestinians were denied citizenship and kept as refugees. The Palestinians that ignored the Grand Mufti are full citizens of Israel with the same rights as any other Israeli.
You are a fucking liar! You actually expect us to believe that a family living on a farm for generations would just up and leave because someone they never met before walks up and asks them to? God, are you FOS!
You are a fucking liar! You actually expect us to believe that a family living on a farm for generations would just up and leave because someone they never met before walks up and asks them to? God, are you FOS!
to what "FARM" are you alluding? "FARM"---the only FARMS arabs lived on (or near) were owned by jews
in 1948. "FARM"??? nope--squatters with a few
sheep----FARM? what were they farming? COTTON?
nope TOBACCO ? The orange groves were put up by
MONTEFIORE and ROTHCHILD. some arabs worked and lived on them
You are so FOS! Do you remember the Balfour Declaration? Do you remember what it said? It said the Zionist terrorists could have that land, provided they did not disenfranchise the EXISTING non-Jewish population. But that's not what they did. They drove out 750,000 Palestinians with Zionist terrorism.

As far as I'm concerned, you're no different than a fucking Nazi! You both hate and scapegoat an entire population of people who have committed no crimes.
Hamas is not a scapegoat, just a sub-human terrorist organization that should be wiped out.
Congrats!! That is the dumbest thing I have read on the internet for months, you bigoted retard.
Oh really? Are you going to tell me Israel does not trash the Palestinians 24/7? Are you going to tell me you are not trying to drive them into the sea? Are you going to tell me Israel doesn't have laws that make Palestinians 2nd class citizens in Israel? Are you going to tell me Israel took their land by force, against all international laws?

If you wanna see a retard, look in the mirror!
Oh really? Are you going to tell me Israel does not trash the Palestinians 24/7? Are you going to tell me you are not trying to drive them into the sea? Are you going to tell me Israel doesn't have laws that make Palestinians 2nd class citizens in Israel? Are you going to tell me Israel took their land by force, against all international laws?

If you wanna see a retard, look in the mirror!
You live in a hate-filled fantasy land, my retarded friend. I just do not know you well enough to tell if you are a mindless zombie parrot or just some dumb troll. Either way, you are clearly a garbage person.

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