How to link to a post


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
is it possible to link to a post by simply copying and pasting the post after you have used the quote/reply function? when i do so, there is an arrow included and the arrow is a link. is the arrow a valid link or do i also need to separately give a link to the post? once i post this, i will copy and paste this post to give an example.

thank you.


is it possible to link to a post by simply copying and pasting the post after you have used the quote function? when i do so, there is an arrow included and the arrow is a link. is the arrow a valid link or do i also need to separately give a link to the post? once i post this, i will copy and paste the post to give an example.

thank you.
Yup, you are so good at linking posts you linked a post by RoadRunner and said it was mine. You are a walking dildo, Yurt. Check posts 22 and 23 at

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

jake is breaking the rules by flaming in this thread. that is not allowed in this section.

jake, do you have anything to say about the thread topic? please keep the FZ stuff where it belongs. thanks.
Mods, please help Yurt out because he does not have a clue as to what he is doing.

He linked RoadRunner and claimed it was me, then lied about it, then said it was mistake.

How to link to a post US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

jake, please keep that out of this thread. you are violating the rules. something i know you care very much about.

now, can you please address the OP. thank you.
Oh, they are going to be addressed, yes. Mods, do square Yurt away.

this is a serious thread. i really want to know if the arrow is a link or do i need to include an additional link. another poster has claimed that the arrow is not a link. if that poster is correct, then how is it that the arrow works as a link for me and not, supposedly, for the other poster?

thank you.
Use this syntax, which I have modified so it will show as text.

where postIDnumber is the number which shows in the link location of the displayed #number in the top right corner of the post.

In your post #7 it is #post-11171531, so to link to that post would be

except that there I have replaced the 'w' with 'v' so the text will show.

Here it is working so you can test it, though when first displayed it showed the standard error address until I clicked on it:

How to link to a post US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The links often don't work because they involve the page number and that will change between posters depending on how their posts per page is set, which will vary widely.
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Oh. The arrow is a link when it is in a quoted post. Sometimes doesn't work outside a quoted post. Too, if one is reducing the amount of nested quotes it is easy to make a mistake and have the wrong poster quoted. As well, the reply text box can keep copies of quotes one was going to reply to then didn't, which can lead to the same error.
Use this syntax, which I have modified so it will show as text.

where postIDnumber is the number which shows in the link location of the displayed #number in the top right corner of the post.

In your post #7 it is #post-11171531, so to link to that post would be

except that there I have replaced the 'w' with 'v' so the text will show.

Here it is working so you can test it, though when first displayed it showed the standard error address until I clicked on it:

How to link to a post US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The links often don't work because they involve the page number and that will change between posters depending on how their posts per page is set, which will vary widely.

this is what i want answered mods or ck. i have been linking via copying and pasting posts after replying to them and when i see that and when i see other posters do the same, it shows up on my screen as a little post "window" and if you click the arrow, it links you directly to the post. but i have been told that the arrow doesn't work by one poster. just curious if this is a problem for other posters.
Oh. The arrow is a link when it is in a quoted post. Sometimes doesn't work outside a quoted post.

i have always used it in a quoted/replied to post. i can see the box with USERNAME SAID and the up arrow next to that. the arrow is actually the same color as link, reddish, so i don't see how the one poster can't use the arrow as a link. if that one poster can't use the arrow as a link, perhaps this is a site wide issue. for when i click reply and then dialogue box opens, i simply control A, control C and it copy and paste the entire quote, which give the quote box with the arrow link.
this is what i want answered mods or ck. i have been linking via copying and pasting posts
How does copying and pasting a post include a link? You've lost me there.

edit...When you click 'reply' the link to the post you're replying to (the little arrow you refer to) is automatically embedded in the post in the text reply box by the forum software, as well as the text of the post you're replying to, without copying and pasting.
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this is what i want answered mods or ck. i have been linking via copying and pasting posts
How does copying and pasting a post include a link? You've lost me there.

edit...When you click 'reply' the link to the post you're replying to (the little arrow you refer to) is automatically embedded in the post in the text reply box by the forum software, as well as the text of the post you're replying to, without copying and pasting.

correct, but when i want to put that post into a separate thread, i must then copy it and then paste it in that thread.

but thank you for confirming that the arrow is the link.
correct, but when i want to put that post into a separate thread, i must then copy it and then paste it in that thread.

but thank you for confirming that the arrow is the link.
Ah. It mightn't work in that situation. Hit the reply button and copy it out of the text box, that will work.

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