How to "Make America Great Again"


Wrong, asshole. Before the age of big government medicine, it didn't cost an arm and a leg to see the doctor. They even came to your house.

YOu think government causes the rise in medical costs? Boy, are you some kind of retard? Is the short bus coming around for you?

The reason why medical inflation is so high is because no one is going to shop for their life the way they shop for a car.
The reason it's so high is there isn't enough to go around for everyone. Supply and demand.
You don't know much history. The US has always had differing opinions and to the extreme. Breaking away from England was no without controversy and hotly debated. As was an infinite number of other issues. Your concept that the great moderates in history are what made us great might sound appealing to the uninvolved, it's false.

Liberals have proven over and over that they do not accept compromise. The only way to get along with them is full agreement. obama is a great example, he has an agenda and doesn't give a flying fuck what America thinks.

Guess again,'s not "liberals" that are opposed to compromise, it's the Tea Baggers.

You don't compromise with the enemy especially the enemy wanting to destroy your country.

So you disagree with the weasel and agree with me that it's conservatives that refuse to compromise. Thanks!
I view "conservatives" and "liberals" as the enemy.You 2 view each other as the enemy...the American people view YOU BOTH as the enemy.

What? Is it 5 o'clock where you are?
Actually its 8 till 5. How did ya guess? Anymore stupid replies?
Guess again,'s not "liberals" that are opposed to compromise, it's the Tea Baggers.

You don't compromise with the enemy especially the enemy wanting to destroy your country.

So you disagree with the weasel and agree with me that it's conservatives that refuse to compromise. Thanks!
I view "conservatives" and "liberals" as the enemy.You 2 view each other as the enemy...the American people view YOU BOTH as the enemy.

What? Is it 5 o'clock where you are?
Actually its 8 till 5. How did ya guess? Anymore stupid replies?

No, you covered the stupid with your "enemies" malarkey.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

Sell your fans hats that say "Make America Great Again" on the outside and "Made in China" on the label inside.

They don't say "Made in China," asshole. They say "Made in America by union labor." That's why a hat the normally costs $5.00 when it's made in China costs $25.00 when you get it from Trump.
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Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

Sell your fans hats that say "Make America Great Again" on the outside and "Made in China" on the label inside.

They don't say "Made in China," asshole. They say "Made in America by union labor." That's why a hat the normally costs $5.00 when it's made in China costs $25.00 when you get it from Trump.
Bought mine from for 10 bucks. Says made in China.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?

Sell your fans hats that say "Make America Great Again" on the outside and "Made in China" on the label inside.

They don't say "Made in China," asshole. They say "Made in America by union labor." That's why a hat the normally costs $5.00 when it's made in China costs $25.00 when you get it from Trump.
Bought mine from for 10 bucks. Says made in China.

The ones you buy at a Trump rally say "made in America"
Another way to Make America Great Again
  • Be a rassler!

The reason it's so high is there isn't enough to go around for everyone. Supply and demand.

No, the problem is that the law of supply and demand gets retarded by specifics of health care.

Let's take my car. I have a really old car, but it's paid for. Now, I'm going to try my absolute best to keep that car running rather than buy a new one, which gives me leverage when I negotiate. I don't like what I hear from a dealer, i keep what I have.

I really can't do that with my cancer treatment.

Now, what you Right Wing Retards don't get is that the United States spends 17% of it's GDP on Health Care, and We STILL don't cover everyone.

Meanwhile, those nasty old European Socialists spend about 8% on their Health Care, they cover everyone, have longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates and beat us in just about every other metric of wellness.

What they don't have is Insurance CEO's who pay themselves NINE FIGURE salaries for denying coverage to sick people.
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money

Jews vote 70% Democratic, so why should he care?

I do think Trump is outright trolling the GOP at this point, but the rank and file wants to be trolled. I think this is a big prank on his fellow rich people who always looked down on him when he went to the country club.
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on."
Updated list on how to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
Do a Shock and Awe type bombardment of ISIS strongpoints and you'd be well on your way. This pussyfooting around afraid of hurting civilians is nonsense. ISIS are all civilians. If you're in close proximity to ISIS people I"m sorry but I"m declaring your hostile and dropping a big fuel-air explosive on your home. Don't give a fuck if you're a "civilian."
Do a Shock and Awe type bombardment of ISIS strongpoints and you'd be well on your way. This pussyfooting around afraid of hurting civilians is nonsense. ISIS are all civilians. If you're in close proximity to ISIS people I"m sorry but I"m declaring your hostile and dropping a big fuel-air explosive on your home. Don't give a fuck if you're a "civilian."
Similar to you not caring if they are children.
Updated list on how to Make America Great Again

Make people like Toro piss themselves.

end list.

Again, you Wall Street types have been spending 40 years playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of White Males to get them to vote against their own economic interests.

Now you are concerned it's biting you in the ass because some guy has found a way to sell that product better than you can?

In Brief: Things Donald Trump Supporters Should Worry About Besides Terrorism

Among the slavering, pathetic, uninformed voters was Tina, who said, "We cannot keep going down this path. It seems to be coming more dangerous. I think we're all scared. I'm actually a little jumpy, I find." Oh, dear, sweet Tina, you are a fucking idiot whose tiny little mind is easily manipulated by a spray-tanned con artist who would use you as a shield if anyone took a shot at him and then fuck your bullet holes just for shits and giggles after. Besides, Tina and anyone who is existentially afraid of terrorism, do you even have a concept of what is actually scary? Look at these white people at a Klan rally - sorry, Trump event in August:


That's a group of middle-aged or older mostly obese people. This ain't fat-shaming. The Rude Pundit ain't svelte. It's about health, which is based in medical science and well-researched facts. It's about understanding where the real risks in life are.


Obesity is responsible for nearly 20% of all deaths in the United States. Even without death, the obese suffer from much higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other illnesses and conditions that weaken the body and lead to death from other things. And that's not even getting into strokes.

Statistically, you will never be harmed by a terrorist attack. The odds are completely against it. It is not going to happen to you, except in the rarest of the rarest cases.

Statistically, you will be harmed by obesity.
- See more at: The Rude Pundit: In Brief: Things Donald Trump Supporters Should Worry About Besides Terrorism

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