How to "Make America Great Again"

Rough up black people that don't agree with you politically should be added.

In fairness, Trump didn't actually rough anyone up. But he did say that some deserve it. So that goes onto the list.

  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
How about Mexican-Americans that ask legitimate questions be mocked and strong armed away from Donald?

What "legitimate questions" were those?
How would Trump deport 11 million people?
How would Trump build a 1900 mile wall?
How did Roosevelt build a nation wide highway system?
  • He mocked a moron. He mocked a liberal idiots position. I doubt very much he knew that moron was handicapped.
So what you're saying is that Trump didn't know the reporter was handicapped, but then imitated how a handicapped person would act.

Yes, that's much, much better.

Glad you cleared that up.
in your opinion he was imitating how a handicapped person would act, in mine he was imitating how a looney confused liberal would act.
'nutters' are sick of political correctness......Trump is helping to destroy your pretty PC world....
If by "political correctness" you mean "politeness" you are absolutely right.

But, more to the point, if by "political correctness" you mean "simple human respect", again you are right.

Or, perhaps by "political correctness" you mean "statesmanship", unfortunately for our electorate, you are right yet again.
Which frees you up to lecture other people on what they should be doing.

I'm not lecturing anyone on what to do with their parents. Feel free to push them out into the cold if they become inconvenient.

You, of all people, crying about "callous insensitive questions"? Irony x 10.

Why do you expect me to be sensitive to the feelings of a bunch of fucking Nazis like you?
You calling other posters Nazis is the definition of irony.

hmmmm, no, I call people Nazis because that's what they are.
False! you wish that's what they were.
Not surprisingly you can't tell the difference.

Nope. I have explained in excruciating detail how the Democrat agenda is the same as the Nazi agenda except for a few irrelevant details.
False! What you posted is a delusional fantasy and has no basis in reality.
The Nazis were ultra right wing conservatives.
Really? Hey, guy, before Social Security, the average lifespan was 62 years. a lot of people didn't take care of their elderly parents because they were having a hard enough time taking care of themselves.

I've already pointed out that the average life span was lower in those days, which is just one more reason why the current program is a boondoggle. When people got to old to work in those days, if they didn't have sufficient wealth saved up, they lived with their kids. That's just an historical fact. I know that makes ingrates like you uncomfortable. Good.
Bullshit as I explained before only the well to do could afford to do that.
Most everyone else worked for the rich .
Whole families would do whatever they could to keep food a a roof over their heads.
If grandma keeled over in the field that was one less source of income and one less mouth to feed .

Your explanation is pure horseshit. How much does it cost to allow mom to move in with you? I know plenty of people who have done. But those people actually care about their parents. It doesn't get any cheaper by putting the cost onto the taxpayers, numskull.

Your understanding of how people lived before Saint Roosevelt descended from heaven is pure fiction.
False ! History proves me right.

Prove it, asshole.
It's on you to prove it false.
I'm not lecturing anyone on what to do with their parents. Feel free to push them out into the cold if they become inconvenient.

Why do you expect me to be sensitive to the feelings of a bunch of fucking Nazis like you?
You calling other posters Nazis is the definition of irony.

hmmmm, no, I call people Nazis because that's what they are.
False! you wish that's what they were.
Not surprisingly you can't tell the difference.

Nope. I have explained in excruciating detail how the Democrat agenda is the same as the Nazi agenda except for a few irrelevant details.
False! What you posted is a delusional fantasy and has no basis in reality.
The Nazis were ultra right wing conservatives.
Actually they were the Democratic Party of German Land.
Rough up black people that don't agree with you politically should be added.

In fairness, Trump didn't actually rough anyone up. But he did say that some deserve it. So that goes onto the list.

  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
How about Mexican-Americans that ask legitimate questions be mocked and strong armed away from Donald?

What "legitimate questions" were those?
How would Trump deport 11 million people?
How would Trump build a 1900 mile wall?
How did Roosevelt build a nation wide highway system?
There were plans for an interstate highway system while Roosevelt was in office, those plans were shelved because of a little thing called world war 2.
He laid the ground work as part of the WPA.
If you don't know what that was Google it.
You calling other posters Nazis is the definition of irony.

hmmmm, no, I call people Nazis because that's what they are.
False! you wish that's what they were.
Not surprisingly you can't tell the difference.

Nope. I have explained in excruciating detail how the Democrat agenda is the same as the Nazi agenda except for a few irrelevant details.
False! What you posted is a delusional fantasy and has no basis in reality.
The Nazis were ultra right wing conservatives.
Actually they were the Democratic Party of German Land.
Which one?
I've already pointed out that the average life span was lower in those days, which is just one more reason why the current program is a boondoggle. When people got to old to work in those days, if they didn't have sufficient wealth saved up, they lived with their kids. That's just an historical fact. I know that makes ingrates like you uncomfortable. Good.

No, I think it's actually kind of selfish to ask your kids, who might be raising kids of their own, to take care of you when you are old.

Fact is, Social Security is the sign of a civilized country.

The reason why it is a "boondoggle" is because Republican Presidents used the surplus to pay for wars and tax cuts for rich people. Otherwise, it would have plenty of money.
in your opinion he was imitating how a handicapped person would act, in mine he was imitating how a looney confused liberal would act.

BTW, thank you for your service. I have HUGE respect for anyone who puts his life on the line for his country.

I hope you weren't captured though. If you were, Trump wouldn't like you.

That's the type of respect for our POWs we need from our President.

You calling other posters Nazis is the definition of irony.

hmmmm, no, I call people Nazis because that's what they are.
False! you wish that's what they were.
Not surprisingly you can't tell the difference.

Nope. I have explained in excruciating detail how the Democrat agenda is the same as the Nazi agenda except for a few irrelevant details.
False! What you posted is a delusional fantasy and has no basis in reality.
The Nazis were ultra right wing conservatives.
Actually they were the Democratic Party of German Land.
You calling other posters Nazis is the definition of irony.

hmmmm, no, I call people Nazis because that's what they are.
False! you wish that's what they were.
Not surprisingly you can't tell the difference.

Nope. I have explained in excruciating detail how the Democrat agenda is the same as the Nazi agenda except for a few irrelevant details.
False! What you posted is a delusional fantasy and has no basis in reality.
The Nazis were ultra right wing conservatives.
Actually they were the Democratic Party of German Land.
the "National Socialist" (NAZI) Party called itself 'socialist' - but it was entirely ant-communist.
{ "From 1936 to 1938, the Nazis waged a variety of anti-Bolshevist campaigns. Hitler and Goebbels, among others, made major speeches at the Nuremberg rallies. Numerous books and articles assailed the Soviet Union. In 1937, there was a major anti-Bolshevist exhibit produced by the Reichspropagandaleitung, the party's central propaganda office, that traveled to major cities."}
Great Anti-Bolshevist Exhibition (1937)

You can also read from the newer incarnation of the party: the "Libertarian National Socialist Green party" is almost here! and their platform:

{ Liberalism: * * * c: a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties.}
liberalism | belief in the value of social and political change in order to achieve progress

{ Conservatism: * * * b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change ; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage).}
conservatism | belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

Based on these definitions, Nazi Germany had some aspects of the broadest political philosophy of conservatism, but none of those attributed to liberalism. Lower taxes and limited government were obviously not a part of the Nazi philosophy, but strong national defense and a stress on 'tradition and social stability' were very much so.
I've already pointed out that the average life span was lower in those days, which is just one more reason why the current program is a boondoggle. When people got to old to work in those days, if they didn't have sufficient wealth saved up, they lived with their kids. That's just an historical fact. I know that makes ingrates like you uncomfortable. Good.

No, I think it's actually kind of selfish to ask your kids, who might be raising kids of their own, to take care of you when you are old.

Fact is, Social Security is the sign of a civilized country.

The reason why it is a "boondoggle" is because Republican Presidents used the surplus to pay for wars and tax cuts for rich people. Otherwise, it would have plenty of money.
my 85 year old mother in law says the same thing.
we took her in even so.
The World: Life Before Social Security; 'A Great Calamity Has Come Upon Us'
The World: Life Before Social Security; 'A Great Calamity Has Come Upon Us'
Published: January 23, 2005

''A great calamity has come upon us, and seemingly no cause of our own,'' declared a 69-year-old architect, one of millions of Americans who wrote to President and Mrs. Roosevelt, pleading for help. ''It has swept away what little savings we had accumulated and we are left in a condition that is impossible for us to correct.''

BY 1934, it was not hard to make the case for Social Security. The Great Depression had devastated employment, pensions, the stock market and savings. Many older Americans, and their beleaguered children with families of their own, found themselves suddenly and shockingly in economic freefall.

''A great calamity has come upon us, and seemingly no cause of our own,'' declared a 69-year-old architect, one of millions of Americans who wrote to President and Mrs. Roosevelt, pleading for help. ''It has swept away what little savings we had accumulated and we are left in a condition that is impossible for us to correct.''

As Congress begins a debate over the future of Social Security -- whether to allow Americans to put some of their Social Security taxes in private investment accounts -- the relevance of this history will be a matter of fierce dispute.

Isn't it time, many Republicans argue, to reinvent a Depression-era program for a more financially savvy generation that trusts, rather than fears, the market? Or, as Democrats assert, are Republicans ignoring a cautionary history that highlights the value of a guaranteed government benefit?

Even in 1934, historians say, it was not easy to resolve the political tensions over what an individual could and should accomplish on his own, and what Americans could do better together.

Roosevelt, his labor secretary, Frances Perkins, and the other architects of Social Security tried to construct a peculiarly American form of social insurance, one that recognized the strain of rugged individualism that runs deep in the national psyche.

Roosevelt insisted that the new program not look like a dole, his aides later explained; rather, it should resemble a private insurance plan, tied to an individual's contributions in their working years. ''You want to make it simple, very simple,'' Roosevelt told his aides, Perkins later wrote in a memoir. ''Just simple and natural nothing elaborate or alarming about it.'' Along the way, the New Dealers set aside the idea of adding national health insurance to the package, assuming that it would come later. (It never did.)

Even so, Perkins wrote that when she went before Congress to present the plan, Senator Thomas Pryor Gore of Oklahoma had a pointed question.

'''Isn't this socialism?' he asked me. My reply was, 'Oh, no.' Then, smiling, leaning forward and talking to me as though I were a child, he said, 'Isn't this a teeny-weeny bit of socialism?'''

David M. Kennedy, the Stanford historian and author of ''Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War,'' said that he found it paradoxical that the current debate over Social Security ''is being couched in terms of individual ownership and privatization of the system, when those kinds of ideas deeply informed the way the original Social Security system was put together.''

Mod Edit for Copyright Violation - do not post entire article.
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Your explanation is pure horseshit. How much does it cost to allow mom to move in with you? I know plenty of people who have done. But those people actually care about their parents. It doesn't get any cheaper by putting the cost onto the taxpayers, numskull.

Your understanding of how people lived before Saint Roosevelt descended from heaven is pure fiction.

Well, we know how people lived before FDR- Very short lifespans of being worked to death for the benefit of the 1%.

Or what the 1% likes to call "The Good Old Days".
Your explanation is pure horseshit. How much does it cost to allow mom to move in with you? I know plenty of people who have done. But those people actually care about their parents. It doesn't get any cheaper by putting the cost onto the taxpayers, numskull.

Your understanding of how people lived before Saint Roosevelt descended from heaven is pure fiction.

Well, we know how people lived before FDR- Very short lifespans of being worked to death for the benefit of the 1%.

Or what the 1% likes to call "The Good Old Days".

They had short life spans because of medical ignorance, moron. It wasn't because those cruel Republicans refused to put them on the government tit.
They had short life spans because of medical ignorance, moron. It wasn't because those cruel Republicans refused to put them on the government tit.

uh, yeah, it mostly was. Not being on the governmetn tit meant you didn't get to see a doctor.
They had short life spans because of medical ignorance, moron. It wasn't because those cruel Republicans refused to put them on the government tit.

uh, yeah, it mostly was. Not being on the governmetn tit meant you didn't get to see a doctor.

Wrong, asshole. Before the age of big government medicine, it didn't cost an arm and a leg to see the doctor. They even came to your house.
They had short life spans because of medical ignorance, moron. It wasn't because those cruel Republicans refused to put them on the government tit.

uh, yeah, it mostly was. Not being on the governmetn tit meant you didn't get to see a doctor.

Wrong, asshole. Before the age of big government medicine, it didn't cost an arm and a leg to see the doctor. They even came to your house.
Wow, you must be one frothing-at-the-mouth, bitter, vile, just about on your death bed, old racist white man, LOL.
They had short life spans because of medical ignorance, moron. It wasn't because those cruel Republicans refused to put them on the government tit.

uh, yeah, it mostly was. Not being on the governmetn tit meant you didn't get to see a doctor.

Wrong, asshole. Before the age of big government medicine, it didn't cost an arm and a leg to see the doctor. They even came to your house.
Wow, you must be one frothing-at-the-mouth, bitter, vile, just about on your death bed, old racist white man, LOL.

How does that follow from what I posted?

I'm truly baffled.
Let's compile a list of all the ways to Make America Great Again
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice by watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
What else?
Strut on by like a king
Telling everybody they know nothing,
And long live what you thought you were,
And time ain't on your side anymore (anymore)

And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.

I'm tougher than nails.
I can promise you that.
Step out of line
And you get bitch-slapped back.
And you can run
Your little mouth all day,
But the hand of god
Just smacked you back into yesterday

And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.

And you wonder why
No one can stand you,
And there's no denying,
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.

Lying dead by
Your sacred faded past times
Only time is your enemy.
Granted a second chance
To prove that your arrogance
Is stronger than you'll ever be.
Is stronger than you can be

Oh, stronger than you can be
Oh, stronger than you can, be

And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.

And you wonder why
No one can stand you,
And there's no denying,
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.

Oh, Bitch.

Ya know. This should be played for every one of Trumps competitors. Crying little bitches.

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