How to "Make America Great Again"

Cue the "George Will is a RINO" nonsense.

I wouldn't say Will is a RINO.

I would say Will represents the polite establishment in Washington that wants to sit down with establishment Washington liberals and have cocktails and talk about the Great Unwashed (that would be most of the rest of us) not understanding heady things like "Human Rights in Russia".

Because it's not like their kid is going to be the one coming home in a body bag to do something about it.

So while they are all debating things like "the Territorial Integrity of the Ukraine" or some such shit, Trump is the guy pointing out these are the same assholes moving their jobs to China or issuing 250,000 new H1B visas to foreigners when there are 26 million Americans out of work.

Yesterday, at Christmas Eve, my brother the Union Thug expressed his like of both Bernie and Trump, because those guys get what folks like him are worried about.

But Will should not be surprised by the rise of Trump. The GOP has been playing on White Working Class anxiety since Nixon and Reagan, with Mr. Will being one of the guys putting a glossy veneer of pretty words on the fear mongering. Now he's concerned that someone is selling a cruder version.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
Donald Trump unloads on 'lowlife' newspaper publisher after critical editorial

Now that's the temperament of a President!
We want someone who isn't PC. This is what someone who isn't PC does.

Acts like a thin-skinned asshole who can't control himself?

Yes, just the type of person whom we want to have with his finger on his button. I certainly want that guy deciding whose kids go off to die in war.

Go Trump!
Acts like a thin-skinned asshole who can't control himself?

Yes, just the type of person whom we want to have with his finger on his button. I certainly want that guy deciding whose kids go off to die in war.

Go Trump!

We've been fighting a war for the last 15 years where our biggest concern seems to be "not hurting the enemy's feelings". People are getting a little tired of it.

Trump scares the hell out of me, but you establishment types (who've been cultivating the white male resentment that is now propelling him for decades) aren't making a compelling argument against him.

Since I know you won't address that point, you can just proceed to whine about how I was mean to the Mormons.
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The irony that Trump said this at Liberty University will go lost on his supporters, who will somehow twist in their minds that forcing a company to do something is, indeed, liberty.

Says the guy who thinks that a country that harvests transplant organs from executed people and compels women to have abortions is a great business partner we should be sending American jobs to.

you know what, guy, the more you shoot off your stupid mouth, the more you make me want to vote for Trump.
The irony that Trump said this at Liberty University will go lost on his supporters, who will somehow twist in their minds that forcing a company to do something is, indeed, liberty.

Says the guy who thinks that a country that harvests transplant organs from executed people and compels women to have abortions is a great business partner we should be sending American jobs to.

you know what, guy, the more you shoot off your stupid mouth, the more you make me want to vote for Trump.

Trump's not a bigot.

But you are.
Updating the Make America Great Again list
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Get your military advice watching TV shows
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Be a crazy birfer
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Be a rassler
  • Stereotype Jews as not wanting to give anyone money
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Praise the mob for the work they did for you.
  • Bask in the adulation of an anti-American who kills journalists and opposition politicians, shuts down the press, annexes the territory of a sovereign nation, and support those who shoot down passenger planes, then apologize for him by equivocating that America is no better because the US "does a lot of killing too."
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
  • Believe that "Our military is a disaster."
  • Force Apple to build "their computers and damn things in the country."
  • Imply that your supporters are mindless drones who lack moral character by saying that they'd still support you even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot people.
You're the FOREIGNER who wanted to turn my beloved country, the one I wore the uniform of, to a psychotic cult of nuts because you thought you could make more money doing so.

Er, no.

I've made more money under Obama than any other President.

And I'll make even more under the next President, no matter who she is.


Isn't that awesome?
The thread implies we were at one time great. Hasn't been in my 77 years living here. When was it?
Poor Toro, not getting why Trump is popular.

Frankly, your list makes me want to vote for the guy... just to piss people like you off.

I get why he's popular.

The difference between you and me is that I will make money no matter what the circumstance or who is President, whereas you'll just bitch and complain and whine about how unfair life has been to you because of these evil people or those evil people without ever taking responsibility for your actions.

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