How to really lower campus rape

Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

And what happens when he punches her in the face?

Where? You can't just walk up and punch someone in public and I believe the training teaches you how to not be caught in a situation like that in private. Self defense is part of the training. Quite amazing results really.

If a man corners a woman on a dark street somewhere, in my home, etc., and wants to rape her, a lot of times he isn't going to mess around. He is just going to punch in the face. What do you think would happen in that situation? Do you honestly think that a woman is going to be able to fight him off with her brute strength?

In some cases yes. It certainly has happened many times. Do you not want to lower rapes? Look at the results. Even attempted rapes are much lower.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

No Brain, if a man is determined to rape a woman and punches her in the face, she is not going to be able to physically fight him off in most cases. THAT is why men rape women to begin with!!! Because they can! Also, some women are killed because of trying to fight off their attacker. I would take my chances with shooting him in the nuts, thank you.

Hey, I'm all in favor of teaching girls not to take chances with their safety and not to put themselves into risky situations (like getting drunk at frat parties). I'm all in favor of teaching them to fight back physically, if only to give themselves an extra second or two to draw their weapon. But there's no way in Hell I would teach any girl I care about to depend ONLY on her ability to keep herself safe unarmed.
And what happens when he punches her in the face?

Where? You can't just walk up and punch someone in public and I believe the training teaches you how to not be caught in a situation like that in private. Self defense is part of the training. Quite amazing results really.

If a man corners a woman on a dark street somewhere, in my home, etc., and wants to rape her, a lot of times he isn't going to mess around. He is just going to punch in the face. What do you think would happen in that situation? Do you honestly think that a woman is going to be able to fight him off with her brute strength?

In some cases yes. It certainly has happened many times. Do you not want to lower rapes? Look at the results. Even attempted rapes are much lower.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

No Brain, if a man is determined to rape a woman and punches her in the face, she is not going to be able to physically fight him off in most cases. THAT is why men rape women to begin with!!! Because they can! Also, some women are killed because of trying to fight off their attacker. I would take my chances with shooting him in the nuts, thank you.

That's a very rare type of rape. Why do so many men drug women if they can just easily fight them? And if he's already punched you in the face he will probably just take your gun too. You arent locked in the cage fighting to the death. You just have to get away and get help. Very big difference. The results show this is a very effective means of avoiding rape I'd hope everyone would be behind that.

So what if it's rare or not? I would want to have that advantage over my attacker. Not all women can fight off an attacker. It all depends on the attacker and the victim. Why would I ever want to be at a disadvantage? To make a person like YOU happy that I am unarmed? I don't think so.
Where? You can't just walk up and punch someone in public and I believe the training teaches you how to not be caught in a situation like that in private. Self defense is part of the training. Quite amazing results really.

If a man corners a woman on a dark street somewhere, in my home, etc., and wants to rape her, a lot of times he isn't going to mess around. He is just going to punch in the face. What do you think would happen in that situation? Do you honestly think that a woman is going to be able to fight him off with her brute strength?

In some cases yes. It certainly has happened many times. Do you not want to lower rapes? Look at the results. Even attempted rapes are much lower.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

No Brain, if a man is determined to rape a woman and punches her in the face, she is not going to be able to physically fight him off in most cases. THAT is why men rape women to begin with!!! Because they can! Also, some women are killed because of trying to fight off their attacker. I would take my chances with shooting him in the nuts, thank you.

That's a very rare type of rape. Why do so many men drug women if they can just easily fight them? And if he's already punched you in the face he will probably just take your gun too. You arent locked in the cage fighting to the death. You just have to get away and get help. Very big difference. The results show this is a very effective means of avoiding rape I'd hope everyone would be behind that.

So what if it's rare or not? I would want to have that advantage over my attacker. Not all women can fight off an attacker. It all depends on the attacker and the victim. Why would I ever want to be at a disadvantage? To make a person like YOU happy that I am unarmed? I don't think so.

This seems to be a very effective way to lower rape. Are you just mad because it doesn't sell more guns? Why are you so against something that is actually very effective? You seem to be proving that repubs want to sell guns, not stop rapes.
I thought the solution to campus rape was going to be a right wing suggestion that women put their heads in plastic bags for an hour...
They didn't just issue firearms?

No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
They didn't just issue firearms?

No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News
They didn't just issue firearms?

No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

That's not a rape dumb dumb.
They didn't just issue firearms?

No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

That's not a rape dumb dumb.
How stupid of me, you're correct. Dead is a much better outcome than rapped.....

At least you didn't deny your stupidity
No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

That's not a rape dumb dumb.
How stupid of me, you're correct. Dead is a much better outcome than rapped.....

At least you didn't deny your stupidity

You proved you don't even know what the topic is. Bravo
They didn't just issue firearms?

No I think they are aware that isn't the answer. That would be suggested if you were say owned by the NRA and wanted to sell more guns. This is more of an actual answer to the problem.
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

This training probably says you shouldn't date criminals with a history of abusing girlfriends.
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

And where is there any mention of fire arms?
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.
What is the rate of rape if the female is trained and is carrying a gun?
Nonsense. The perp would just move on to a weak victim. Shoot the fucker & he's done

You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

That's not a rape dumb dumb.
How stupid of me, you're correct. Dead is a much better outcome than rapped.....

At least you didn't deny your stupidity

You proved you don't even know what the topic is. Bravo
The topic is women's safety and I DESTROYED your idiotic position. Now just shut up before you embarrass yourself further.
You don't seem to understand rape statistics. Most aren't even defendable with a gun.
You don't seem to understand how stupid you are. Don't worry though, everyone else can see it.

No one helped her NJ woman murdered by ex while awaiting gun permit Fox News

That's not a rape dumb dumb.
How stupid of me, you're correct. Dead is a much better outcome than rapped.....

At least you didn't deny your stupidity

You proved you don't even know what the topic is. Bravo
The topic is women's safety and I DESTROYED your idiotic position. Now just shut up before you embarrass yourself further.

No the topic is women avoiding rape. You posted a woman who dated a criminal with a history of abusing girlfriends who was killed by him. That's not very shocking.
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.
What is the rate of rape if the female is trained and is carrying a gun?

Probably not very good. Most rapes are not defendable with a gun. This training however had very good results.
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

And where is there any mention of fire arms?

Some people are promoting guns as the answer to rape when in reality most aren't defendable with a gun. This training however was very effective and is an actual means of lowering rape.
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

And where is there any mention of fire arms?

Some people are promoting guns as the answer to rape when in reality most aren't defendable with a gun. This training however was very effective and is an actual means of lowering rape.

Ah. So the OP article isn't about firearms. I misread your claims.
Here is something that actually lowers rape rather than just sells more guns.

Women trained to resist sexual assault far less likely to be raped study CTV News

Female university students who completed 12 hours of training on resisting sexual assaults experienced far fewer rapes and attempted rapes, according to a new Canadian study.

The study involved 893 female Canadian students who were either given the training -- known as the Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (EAAA) -- or formed a control group where they were asked to read brochures.

One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

And where is there any mention of fire arms?

Some people are promoting guns as the answer to rape when in reality most aren't defendable with a gun. This training however was very effective and is an actual means of lowering rape.

Ah. So the OP article isn't about firearms. I misread your claims.

Yes guns were not used to lower rape. This training however did have great results.
One year later, those who took the EAAA had experienced 46 per cent fewer completed rapes (5.2 per cent versus 9.8 per cent) and 63 per cent fewer attempted rapes (3.4 per cent versus 9.3 per cent) than the control group.

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