How to reduce gun deaths in US

There’s debate as to whether access to guns increases suicide rates.

But this thread has nothing to do with that since you’re complaining about criminals using guns to commit crimes, and people committing suicide aren’t criminals.
Something we agree on. :thup:
There's a good reason for comparing us to other countries. It's because their rates of gun crimes are significantly lower than ours. But that doesn't mean the guns of law abiding citizens are going to be "grabbed" in this country.

Not anymore. Gun crime rates are exploding all over Europe as they import ever more violent 3rd world people.

You need to get current.
No one ever walked into a grade school and mowed down dozens of kids with a bottle of whiskey.

No one ever robbed a gas station with a can of beer.

Gun and gun crime is out of control in this country.

Everything is out of control in this country because there are no stabilizing social programs to ensure people housed, fed, treated medically, educated, employed, etc.
Most countries of the world are better because they have minimal safety nets for everything.
If you want a job in Russia, you just go into the government and apply.
They will find you a guaranteed job, even if they have to make one up just for you.
That is what all countries should do since they took away our inherent right to hunt, gather, camp, etc.
No first world country comes within spitting distance of our rate of gun crime and deaths.

In ten years they are set to surpass us. As a whole Europe is far more violent than the US, and their gun crime rates are skyrocketing.

We have had to deal with a huge population of violent 3rd worlders for decades.

Europe didn't.

Then they decided to import a few million, and viola, they are on track to surpass us in 10 years, or less.

Your beloved gun laws be damned.
No one ever walked into a grade school and mowed down dozens of kids with a bottle of whiskey.

No one ever robbed a gas station with a can of beer.

Gun and gun crime is out of control in this country.
But they have driven busloads off cliffs.

Hell...people rob banks with nothing but a note.

Gun crime is out of control in urban areas. But strangely not out where everyone legally owns a gun.

This is a culture problem...not a gun problem.

Rednecks are armed to the teeth...and Rednecks are as violent as they come...but...Rednecks are mostly God-fearing folks. So gun violence in rural areas is nearly unheard of.

Not so in urbania. Their culture is shoot everyone for "disrespecting", being in the wrong neighborhood, associating with the wrong crew.

That's where we need to start. Even if you need an occupation force to restore order. Cause it isn't getting better on its own.
This is not one of those things. The rest of the world has proven it.

Just about the dumbest comparison ever.

I “thanked” your post. I think anyone arrested of a gun crime should spend their full sentence in jail myself.

I’ve never heard of a gun pact. I’m sure this is another conspiracy theory on your part.

But what you are forgetting that guns are a net positive, as they not only prevent over a million serious crimes a year, but our whole country owes its existence not only to the fact the population was armed, but willing to kill dictators.
The government we have now clearly is not stable, and has become more of a dictatorship every single year.
So another rebellion someday is inevitable.
And that means we must never allow gun rights to be taken away from the population.
If we are to remain any sort of semblance of a republic, then the authority to have guns by the police and military, has to be from the right of all citizens to have guns.
And that should be obvious, since those who are too out of control to be safe with a gun, also can not be allowed explosives, toxins, flammables, cars, edged weapons, projectile weapons like crossbows, etc.
Gun control alone not only is too draconian by itself, but clearly does nothing to reduce the hazard from really dangerous people.
In fact, the really dangerous people will consistently ignore gun control laws, and simply get them illegally.

This woman is a convicted felon who was carrying a firearm illegally

The penalty for that should be a MANDATORY 5 years on jail, with no chance for parole or early release, and cannot non wavered by some asshole lib judge

If gun grabbing libs are serious about reducing gun deaths this is the place to start

By changing the gun culture.

If you take horse and carts, and the early cars, everyone went everywhere all over the road. Then which side of the road you stuck to, licences, driving tests and so on and so on came into effect, transportation morphed over 100 years.

Take guns. Take American guns. Take gun ownership. Take a proportion of American gun owners. Stuck in the year of 1776. They believe they're the good guy thinking it's acceptable to shoot others.

And I've just outlined America's gun problem.

The good guy, blindly, passes themselves off as the good guy, they contribute equally with the bad guy to create the gun problem. It'll be easier to set up a colony on Mars than change the retarded brain cells of an American gun nut.
You didn't answer.

It's a simple question...why avoid it?

Is the AR-15 a gun?

The AR-15 is a gun, but one of the weakest, least powerful, and least lethal gun made.
Its whole point is that by being so weak, the recoil is also very weak, so it is much easier to keep pulling the trigger than it is with more powerful and lethal weapons.
But speed between shots is nothing limited to AR-15 type guns.
If a person carries 2 pistols, they can fire much more quickly and be far more lethal then with an AR-15 (at close range).
By changing the gun culture.

If you take horse and carts, and the early cars, everyone went everywhere all over the road. Then which side of the road you stuck to, licences, driving tests and so on and so on came into effect, transportation morphed over 100 years.

Take guns. Take American guns. Take gun ownership. Take a proportion of American gun owners. Stuck in the year of 1776. They believe they're the good guy thinking it's acceptable to shoot others.

And I've just outlined America's gun problem.

The good guy, blindly, passes themselves off as the good guy, they contribute equally with the bad guy to create the gun problem. It'll be easier to set up a colony on Mars than change the retarded brain cells of an American gun nut.

I do not see your point?
When has there been a gun problem due to someone thinking of themselves as a "good guy"?
The main times I see that happening is the police.
They feel entitled to shoot unarmed people, those fleeing, etc., all the time.
So enhancing the dictatorial power of police by more gun control on everyone else, is backwards.
If you want less gun play, then you have to start at the source, which is the police.
They routinely violate the law by pointing loaded guns at people who have violated no law.
By changing the gun culture.

If you take horse and carts, and the early cars, everyone went everywhere all over the road. Then which side of the road you stuck to, licences, driving tests and so on and so on came into effect, transportation morphed over 100 years.

Take guns. Take American guns. Take gun ownership. Take a proportion of American gun owners. Stuck in the year of 1776. They believe they're the good guy thinking it's acceptable to shoot others.

And I've just outlined America's gun problem.

The good guy, blindly, passes themselves off as the good guy, they contribute equally with the bad guy to create the gun problem. It'll be easier to set up a colony on Mars than change the retarded brain cells of an American gun nut.

You, as usual, have it backasswards. There is no gun culture.

There are cultures followed by farmers, hunters, police, military, thugs, and target shooters, and collectors, and all of those cultures happen to entail gun use.

But of ALL of those different cultures you will notice only one uses guns to commit crimes.


So, if you want to decrease gun crimes the answer is to eliminate THUGS.

This woman is a convicted felon who was carrying a firearm illegally

The penalty for that should be a MANDATORY 5 years on jail, with no chance for parole or early release, and cannot non wavered by some asshole lib judge

If gun grabbing libs are serious about reducing gun deaths this is the place to start

Nahhhhh.... just start executing people convicted of killing someone while committing a crime.

Six months from arrest to execution... no twenty or thirty years' worth of bulll$hit... if they're proven guilty... that's the end of it.

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