How to Square a knot


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Besides portenting to be the Next Harry Houdini.
That is the square the current Presidency is tied INTO.
One huge persnickety Knot.
3 U.S. Troops Killed and dozens injured in Jordan.
Hardly a time for skepticism or looking the other way.
Trump responded as a President should.With a diehard
unequivocal declaration.How a Potus is supposed to reply.
No hemming and hawing or brief statement that doesn't
affirmatively react as what American Patriots expect.
As Nutty James Carville { just lied about Trump's Rape case }
Accusing Trump of being a Rapist.NO! in the first E.Jean Carroll
case where she was rewarded $ 5 Million ... Former Potus
Trump was found NOT Guilty of Rape but instead sexual abuse.
Like a guy { who cares at this point How Catholic Carville is }
he's a nut.With a face not even a Mom could snuggle up to.
I bet Carville's face will be among the first things Martians
will want to get a close look at.
Then of course this nutty New Yorker { E.Jean Carroll }.
No shortage of nuts in Biden world.You can bank on dat.
Before banks face the reality of a real Recession.
In ... You got it ...
Biden world!

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