How To Start Real Change

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.
I have a daughter that would disagree with your first sentence. White people spout off racist stuff to her all the time not knowing her background.

It's not something I ever hear normally, from people my age. Once in a while you'll hear an old person say something racist ... but you just roll your eyes because you know you're not going to get them to change their mind anyway.

I don't hang out with hillbillies or low-lives so I don't know how they deal with each other.

There in lies your specific problem. You think its sufficient to simply roll your eyes. This is why I know whites are not willing to do what it takes to end their collective racism. If they were truly commited to ending racism this response would not be sufficient.

It's one of those things where they came from a different time period. My grandparents are in their eighties. You really think my talking back to them when they say something uncool is going to change 80+ years of their way of thinking? Even if by some miracle it did, what difference would it make? They're powerless middle-class white people who are going to die within the next ten years anyway.

Stop making excuses!

Millennials are just as racist as their parents

White millennials are just as racist as their grandparents

Millennials Are More Racist Than They Think

The hidden racism of young white Americans

In the Age of Trump White Millennials Shatter Idea That Young People Are Progressive

Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Start doing the work needed to end white racism. Its isn't going to end when old white people die because old white people are not the only racists.

That has not been my experience. Maybe in the sticks it's different.
Youre simply making an excuse and allowing them to influence others unchallenged. Saying something to them may or may not work but it does send a message that racism is not tolerated. Youre not going to change anyone. That has to come from within. However, if you were truly committed you would let them know its not acceptable to you.

They have a great-granddaughter who is half black, who they love and treat very kindly. So it has been an issue in the past, when they talk negatively about blacks with her nearby. They have been spoken to about how it's not fair to her.

I have politely disagreed with them on the issue, but they always go back to their old tricks. They aren't even malevolent about it; it's simply the way the world is to them. Grass is green. The sky is blue. Blacks and Mexicans are lesser beings. It's not as simple as just arguing with them and getting them to see the light. The best we can do is for the current generations, not the one that is on the way out.

"They have a great-granddaughter who is half black, who they love and treat very kindly."

Do you honestly believe they love her if they think blacks are lesser beings? I mean come dude.

I think that changes when it's someone you know and is related to you, rather than just some strangers.
If it changes then why are they still believing Blacks and Mexicans are lesser beings?

The problem with your solution is that not all Black people want to have a child with a white person. Interbreeding cant be a solution. Takes too long and by then the goal posts will have moved in defining race.

I don't know why they think that way, man. I'm not them. I don't know how you can both believe those things and at the same time treat your mixed great granddaughter so well. I haven't asked. It's just one of those things people don't talk about.

In terms of a solution, it is time. A truly equal society probably won't be possible until long after I'm dead, and I'm 28.
Hate to bust you bubble but if it was about time it would have already occurred. The fallacy in that theory is the proof that whites grasped onto their current beliefs because it was beneficial to their systems and policies of acquiring wealth.
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But after 400 years of whites doing unfriendly things to us, you expect us to take whites seriously. That's arrogance.

Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.
I have a daughter that would disagree with your first sentence. White people spout off racist stuff to her all the time not knowing her background.

It's not something I ever hear normally, from people my age. Once in a while you'll hear an old person say something racist ... but you just roll your eyes because you know you're not going to get them to change their mind anyway.

I don't hang out with hillbillies or low-lives so I don't know how they deal with each other.

There in lies your specific problem. You think its sufficient to simply roll your eyes. This is why I know whites are not willing to do what it takes to end their collective racism. If they were truly commited to ending racism this response would not be sufficient.

It's one of those things where they came from a different time period. My grandparents are in their eighties. You really think my talking back to them when they say something uncool is going to change 80+ years of their way of thinking? Even if by some miracle it did, what difference would it make? They're powerless middle-class white people who are going to die within the next ten years anyway.

Stop making excuses!

Millennials are just as racist as their parents

White millennials are just as racist as their grandparents

Millennials Are More Racist Than They Think

The hidden racism of young white Americans

In the Age of Trump White Millennials Shatter Idea That Young People Are Progressive

Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Start doing the work needed to end white racism. Its isn't going to end when old white people die because old white people are not the only racists.

That has not been my experience. Maybe in the sticks it's different.

It has been your experience. Your posts say so.
Youre simply making an excuse and allowing them to influence others unchallenged. Saying something to them may or may not work but it does send a message that racism is not tolerated. Youre not going to change anyone. That has to come from within. However, if you were truly committed you would let them know its not acceptable to you.

They have a great-granddaughter who is half black, who they love and treat very kindly. So it has been an issue in the past, when they talk negatively about blacks with her nearby. They have been spoken to about how it's not fair to her.

I have politely disagreed with them on the issue, but they always go back to their old tricks. They aren't even malevolent about it; it's simply the way the world is to them. Grass is green. The sky is blue. Blacks and Mexicans are lesser beings. It's not as simple as just arguing with them and getting them to see the light. The best we can do is for the current generations, not the one that is on the way out.

"They have a great-granddaughter who is half black, who they love and treat very kindly."

Do you honestly believe they love her if they think blacks are lesser beings? I mean come dude.

I think that changes when it's someone you know and is related to you, rather than just some strangers.
If it changes then why are they still believing Blacks and Mexicans are lesser beings?

The problem with your solution is that not all Black people want to have a child with a white person. Interbreeding cant be a solution. Takes too long and by then the goal posts will have moved in defining race.

I don't know why they think that way, man. I'm not them. I don't know how you can both believe those things and at the same time treat your mixed great granddaughter so well. I haven't asked. It's just one of those things people don't talk about.

In terms of a solution, it is time. A truly equal society probably won't be possible until long after I'm dead, and I'm 28.

Oh boy, another little kid trying to argue. If you want a equal society you can make that happen in the next 50 years of your life.
Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?
And there certainly has been real positive change. Those that deny that there has not been change are simply not credible. That is not to say that there is no need for more change. There will always be room for improvement because the human condition is not perfect.
My big brother IM2 already perfectly explained it to you. But yet, you continue to paint what he stated as "there not being ANY change."

Again, he used the apt analogy of a house being built and only gotten to the level of the foundation being poured. To the person needing the house built, that is not "much change", it's some change, it's little change, but here you are categorizing the change as MUCH CHANGE.

Are you understanding this or what?
No change means no change. If anything, you are attempting to move the goal posts. The OP of this thread is about beginning change. My response to the OP that prompted this part of the conversation is that there has already been change, so it has already started.

There has been tremendous change over hundreds of years. In fact there has been a lot of change over the last 60 years. Humans will never reach perfection, so those that want to bicker and complain will always have something to bicker and complain about.

Your house analogy falls flat. I see it more like building a housing development this will eventually be a neighborhood of 100 houses. Having 80, 50 or even 20 of the houses completed out of the 100 is significant change.
Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

All I recall from you is the idea that white people are bad and should feel bad. Okay. Not gonna win many hearts or minds that way.

Unless you are actually just in the business of lecturing people and patting yourself on the back. In which case, good work. Keep it up.
It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
And there certainly has been real positive change. Those that deny that there has not been change are simply not credible. That is not to say that there is no need for more change. There will always be room for improvement because the human condition is not perfect.
My big brother IM2 already perfectly explained it to you. But yet, you continue to paint what he stated as "there not being ANY change."

Again, he used the apt analogy of a house being built and only gotten to the level of the foundation being poured. To the person needing the house built, that is not "much change", it's some change, it's little change, but here you are categorizing the change as MUCH CHANGE.

Are you understanding this or what?
No change means no change. If anything, you are attempting to move the goal posts. The OP of this thread is about beginning change. My response to the OP that prompted this part of the conversation is that there has already been change, so it has already started.

There has been tremendous change over hundreds of years. In fact there has been a lot of change over the last 60 years. Humans will never reach perfection, so those that want to bicker and complain will always have something to bicker and complain about.

Your house analogy falls flat. I see it more like building a housing development this will eventually be a neighborhood of 100 houses. Having 80, 50 or even 20 of the houses completed out of the 100 is significant change.
The OP is about beginning real change. So far that hasnt occurred.
It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
No thats racist. Racism is actually 2 words. race ism. Ism is a system or policy. Race speaks for itself. Together racism is simply a system based on race that benefits one race to the detriment of all others. In order to practice racism you have to have power.
Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
No thats racist. Racism is actually 2 words. race ism. Ism is a system or policy. Race speaks for itself. Together racism is simply a system based on race that benefits one race to the detriment of all others. In order to practice racism you have to have power.

Racism is the belief. You're referring to systematic discrimination, which can affect any group for any reason.
But after 400 years of whites doing unfriendly things to us, you expect us to take whites seriously. That's arrogance.

Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.
IM2's hobby IMHO is to complain about white racism. It seems like most any white person that disagrees with him is a racist in his eyes. White people that are not constantly getting down on their knees and begging for forgiveness for all the racial injustice that has happen to blacks since the colonization of North America are racists. All of the positive changes in race relations are insignificant as long as their are some white racist loons that spar with him on this message board.
I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
No thats racist. Racism is actually 2 words. race ism. Ism is a system or policy. Race speaks for itself. Together racism is simply a system based on race that benefits one race to the detriment of all others. In order to practice racism you have to have power.

Racism is the belief. You're referring to systematic discrimination, which can affect any group for any reason.

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"
Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.
IM2's hobby IMHO is to complain about white racism. It seems like most any white person that disagrees with him is a racist in his eyes. White people that are not constantly getting down on their knees and begging for forgiveness for all the racial injustice that has happen to blacks since the colonization of North America are racists. All of the positive changes in race relations are insignificant as long as their are some white racist loons that spar with him on this message board.
I think youre going a little overboard. No one wants whites to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. Frankly that not worth jack shit to me because its really just words. It has no real consequences and does little to change the situation. If I were to be swayed into believing whites want real change we would see reparations being paid, whites changing their attitudes, listening to Blacks for a solution etc. People who fight against these things get the label of racist because the evidence is apparent.

The reason many whites get angry at black people is because many of them think


Has anyone ever said this to you?
No white person has said to me "That he wants black people to die"

But the likes of Taz, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope, harmonica, Claudette, @Rambunctious,kaz, abu afak, squeeze berry talk real tough about black people on the net.

But would they have the courage to walk up to a black man and start saying what they say about black people on here to a black man's face ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

They'd only do that if they had an advantage. (Police, Manager, Or in a gang etc) yeah they might be brave then.

Even in my own life, when a white person has been funny with me at work. I'd follow him home at night. I'd corner him. It would be just me and him. I'd simply put it on him "You have problem with me ? Well let's sort it. Right now"

They sh*t themselves.

And that's where all "O. No. Dude. I was joking. It wasn't me. I'm not like that"

They wimp out.

See when whites have this silly mentality of whites being special and white people being superior. They are afraid the black man's potency. Because when you look at a black man you are looking at a real man. See when you feel inferior you have to push the impression that your superior

And that's why white supremacists create all the weapons, all the bombs, all artillery, all the planes, and the drones and all the arms, the media, it's always has to be OVER THE TOP show of bravado, OVER THE TOP show of strength

In person, I've been pretty nasty to a few Blacks in the past, but only because they were so rude.
That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?

I've detailed what you have done that is racist. Son, I've lived your life twice. I know what racism is. You are a racist. You do not represent all of any thing so everything can't be racism to me just because I point out an individual case of it.

Your generation has grown up with a screwed up notion of what racism is. For you to be a snot nosed 28 year old punk telling a man double his age that he needs to listen to him because he's white is the prime example of a belief in you superiority based on race. That's what racism is and it's why I say you are a racist.
Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
No thats racist. Racism is actually 2 words. race ism. Ism is a system or policy. Race speaks for itself. Together racism is simply a system based on race that benefits one race to the detriment of all others. In order to practice racism you have to have power.

Racism is the belief. You're referring to systematic discrimination, which can affect any group for any reason.

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

Right ... an adjective or noun, in terms of a person. Not a noun in terms of an idea.

If you want to describe it as a particular kind of systematic discrimination. then you're pretty much throwing everything under the same definition when it's not necessarily the case that a law or rule that negatively affects blacks exists simply because of a racist belief.
It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?

I've detailed what you have done that is racist. Son, I've lived your life twice. I know what racism is. You are a racist. You do not represent all of any thing so everything can't be racism to me just because I point out an individual case of it.

Your generation has grown up with a screwed up notion of what racism is. For you to be a snot nosed 28 year old punk telling a man double his age that he needs to listen to him because he's white is the prime example of a belief in you superiority based on race. That's what racism is and it's why I say you are a racist.

Well you're wrong. Haha. Enjoy your fourth old-timer.

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