How To Start Real Change

That's the question you need to ask yourself. Because this isn't about me wanting whites to disappear. This is about you and other whites taking the responsibility to erase racism from your community. That's how we will all get along better. You seem to think whites don't need to change but everybody else does. No, whites need to change because whites have been the problem.

It's not that simple man. Racists don't just come out to other white people and start spouting off racist rhetoric. It doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of racist people I know are old. Like 60 + years old. I'm not going to be able to get those tigers to change their stripes.

It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.
IM2's hobby IMHO is to complain about white racism. It seems like most any white person that disagrees with him is a racist in his eyes. White people that are not constantly getting down on their knees and begging for forgiveness for all the racial injustice that has happen to blacks since the colonization of North America are racists. All of the positive changes in race relations are insignificant as long as their are some white racist loons that spar with him on this message board.
I think youre going a little overboard. No one wants whites to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. Frankly that not worth jack shit to me because its really just words. It has no real consequences and does little to change the situation. If I were to be swayed into believing whites want real change we would see reparations being paid, whites changing their attitudes, listening to Blacks for a solution etc. People who fight against these things get the label of racist because the evidence is apparent.

This chump is just mad because I don't genuflect at his suggestion. Too bad, I won't. The objective is to end the racism. Nothing is satisfactory until that happens.
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”

Yeah. How about that.

Answer: No. Moving on.
You want to give it a swing at your own question? What is racism to you?

The belief, expressed or otherwise, in the inherent superiority of one race over another. Simple.
No thats racist. Racism is actually 2 words. race ism. Ism is a system or policy. Race speaks for itself. Together racism is simply a system based on race that benefits one race to the detriment of all others. In order to practice racism you have to have power.

Racism is the belief. You're referring to systematic discrimination, which can affect any group for any reason.

  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

Right ... an adjective or noun, in terms of a person. Not a noun in terms of an idea.

If you want to describe it as a particular kind of systematic discrimination. then you're pretty much throwing everything under the same definition when it's not necessarily the case that a law or rule that negatively affects blacks exists simply because of a racist belief.

Your lack of knowledge is really apparent here.
It is that simple. There are racists in your community of every age. Whites you hang out with every day are racists just as you are.

Stop calling me a racist. I'm not one and the fact that you call me one proves you either don't know what a racist is or see all white people as racist, which makes you extremely paranoid and an unreliable person to talk to.

I know what a racist is, that's why you got called one. I know all whites aren't racists and I have told you that. You are being treated as the individual you want to be treated as. What you have produced in your posts are the same thing as racists produce. I need to go back to Africa if things are so bad here. You male the same excuses when asked to work to nd white racism . You think that we must listen to you but you don't have to listen to us and that we must say things in a particular way whites like hearing which is a display of white supremacy. You need to learn who you are dealing with junior. I am a well educated degreed man with my specialty being issues of race and racism. I worked in the field as a professional for over30 years and in fact sill do but on my own time by request. So you can drop the standard white victim language and either talk to me like you got some sense or just be quiet.

Nothing I've said is racist.

Do you know what racism is? Or is everything racism to you?

I've detailed what you have done that is racist. Son, I've lived your life twice. I know what racism is. You are a racist. You do not represent all of any thing so everything can't be racism to me just because I point out an individual case of it.

Your generation has grown up with a screwed up notion of what racism is. For you to be a snot nosed 28 year old punk telling a man double his age that he needs to listen to him because he's white is the prime example of a belief in you superiority based on race. That's what racism is and it's why I say you are a racist.

Well you're wrong. Haha. Enjoy your fourth old-timer.

Well unless I missed the last 28 years I am most certainly right.
This is how you make real change.

I couldn't give a shit whether you think it's an opinion or whether I proposed it. Fucking hell, how pedantic can you get?

Apparently less than you.

Why is it, every time I talk to you, it descents into complete nonsense very quickly.

I'm thinking the ignore button might suit you better.

It descends into nonsense because you think you can tell me about black people and that what you say is the correct answer when it's not. I am black, I think I know the answers to problems blacks face better than you do.
Now take that sentiment and apply it to your thoughts about white people.

It just doesn't work that way junior. I spent 20 years of my life being educated by white standards in majority white schools which means you learn about whites while doing so. I have worked with whites, had white teammates in sports and have had many discussions with whites you probably have not had with blacks. I've lived for 57 years in cities that are mostly white. We as blacks do not live isolated from whites to the extent whites can from us and yet as they do, whites want to give us advice on what the problems are in the black community and what we need to do to fix things.
Clearly black people arent able to solve their problem with rampant violence, otherwise it would have been fixed long ago.
You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

I'm not the one who complains all the time.

And Russia isn't even close to being all white. Wtf are you talking about?

I just figure, we're so bad, and the country is so racist, why would you even want to live here? Why wouldn't you want to live with all black people, where those mean white people can't pick on you anymore?

Yeah I guess Ukranians and Chechens aren't white. ...

Figures a rabid racist like you would lack the character to just admit you were wrong, Prime Time.

Poor showing, champ.
It's not something I ever hear normally, from people my age. Once in a while you'll hear an old person say something racist ... but you just roll your eyes because you know you're not going to get them to change their mind anyway.

I don't hang out with hillbillies or low-lives so I don't know how they deal with each other.

There in lies your specific problem. You think its sufficient to simply roll your eyes. This is why I know whites are not willing to do what it takes to end their collective racism. If they were truly commited to ending racism this response would not be sufficient.

It's one of those things where they came from a different time period. My grandparents are in their eighties. You really think my talking back to them when they say something uncool is going to change 80+ years of their way of thinking? Even if by some miracle it did, what difference would it make? They're powerless middle-class white people who are going to die within the next ten years anyway.

Stop making excuses!

Millennials are just as racist as their parents

White millennials are just as racist as their grandparents

Millennials Are More Racist Than They Think

The hidden racism of young white Americans

In the Age of Trump White Millennials Shatter Idea That Young People Are Progressive

Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Start doing the work needed to end white racism. Its isn't going to end when old white people die because old white people are not the only racists.

That has not been my experience. Maybe in the sticks it's different.

It has been your experience. Your posts say so.

You’re telling someone what their experience has been? Even you can’t be that illogical, Prime Time.
So, I state there needs to be a change, and you say I'm wrong because I propose something that will allow enough black national representation.

Go figure.

You really did not propose anything, you stated an opinion. What you think will not do what you think it will. That's what I'm trying to say. There are states where blacks live in small numbers where they may never get a black representative in congress, In order for anything to change for them they are going to have to work with whites to get them to listen in order to get the changes they want. Why do whites like you always think that what you suggest is the ultimate answer for blacks?

I couldn't give a shit whether you think it's an opinion or whether I proposed it. Fucking hell, how pedantic can you get?

Apparently less than you.

Why is it, every time I talk to you, it descents into complete nonsense very quickly.

I'm thinking the ignore button might suit you better.

It descends into nonsense because you think you can tell me about black people and that what you say is the correct answer when it's not. I am black, I think I know the answers to problems blacks face better than you do.

What race am I?

I've asked you plenty of times and you've failed to respond.

Your problem is you think you understand things, and when you don't get your way, you respond with complete crap.

I really don't think you know the answers better simply because you're black, but you certainly know arrogance better than I do.

But why do you bother coming on here then, if you know all the answers and you're not willing to listen to other people.

Your argument is this. "Black people know the answers to the problems black people have better." If this were so, why aren't black people doing really well?

That's not to say that there aren't white people out there trying to keep black people down. However you think you're owed stuff. You think that because in the past people suffered, that you should have money thrown at you.

That is the very attitude which sees black people continue to do badly in society.
Not to worry, if I met you on the street and you got in my face, I'd whoop your ass.
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved
I deserved to have my brains bashed in by a brutha because I'm white? :cuckoo:
I said "deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completely undeserved"

That "Black men may hurt me" drives most of your racism.

And what drives your racism?
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?
Then tell me where is BLM after the murders of Blacks by Blacks?

And I don't have any brothers white or otherwise.

And if all these people have been doing something about the violence why so it so prevalent in inner cities still?
Not to worry, if I met you on the street and you got in my face, I'd whoop your ass.
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved
I deserved to have my brains bashed in by a brutha because I'm white? :cuckoo:
I said "deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completely undeserved"

That "Black men may hurt me" drives most of your racism.

And what drives your racism?
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are and have been the main evil.

I don't hate white people....but then again....I don't hate Tigers...but I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just there nature. I understand the nature of white people (white supremacists)

The reason many whites get angry at black people is because many of them think


Has anyone ever said this to you?
No white person has said to me "That he wants black people to die"

But the likes of Taz, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope, harmonica, Claudette, @Rambunctious,kaz, abu afak, squeeze berry talk real tough about black people on the net.

But would they have the courage to walk up to a black man and start saying what they say about black people on here to a black man's face ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

They'd only do that if they had an advantage. (Police, Manager, Or in a gang etc) yeah they might be brave then.

Even in my own life, when a white person has been funny with me at work. I'd follow him home at night. I'd corner him. It would be just me and him. I'd simply put it on him "You have problem with me ? Well let's sort it. Right now"

They sh*t themselves.

And that's where all "O. No. Dude. I was joking. It wasn't me. I'm not like that"

They wimp out.

See when whites have this silly mentality of whites being special and white people being superior. They are afraid the black man's potency. Because when you look at a black man you are looking at a real man. See when you feel inferior you have to push the impression that your superior

And that's why white supremacists create all the weapons, all the bombs, all artillery, all the planes, and the drones and all the arms, the media, it's always has to be OVER THE TOP show of bravado, OVER THE TOP show of strength

In person, I've been pretty nasty to a few Blacks in the past, but only because they were so rude.
If there was a black man in front of you.

You would not do a thing.

The same goes Taz, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope, harmonica, Claudette, @Rambunctious,kaz, abu afak


It's like when I see you white people fighting with the Alt-Right. I'm just sit back with my popcorn and let the Normal Racist White People fight the Extremely Racist White People.

Let them duke it out.

If they really don’t like Racism, let them eradicate it.

It's white people put their skin color above GOD’S Kingdom & in return GOD is going to destroy the US by giving white people everything they ask for.

Nazi Christopher Cantrell, was real gangster on TV bragging about their terror attack is now crying about an arrest warrant

What you crying for ? You're a bad ass ain't ya ? He was talking all that good shit on VICE. Now he wanna cry like the bitch he is. This is the same man who said he was “ready for violence” This is same man who said all n.i.g.gers and Jews must die..

And then A Jew and brother cop was beating on his door next day with an arrest warrant.

Or last year a Georgia couple were in court, were riding past black people kids houses, making death threats, pointing guns at black kids.

Real tough

Here's what they were like when they got caught in court


Fucking pathetic.

They should take lessons from our great black hero Nat Turner.

He led a slave rebellion in the 1800's and managed to kill around 60 odd white people (I wish he could have multiplied that by 100)


And when they caught him and he was on the gallows about to be hung because he was a god fearing man they said to

"Where is your god now..boy"

And he said calmly showing no emotion "Even Jesus had to die for his freedom" and yet white people are in bits about having to spend a few months in jail..

That's how you go out.

You go out a FUCKIN LIKE A BOSS.
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Shouldnt black people start at the local level, in their own communities?
Yea, maybe they should start there. Maybe they should fix their own problems, caused by their own actions, instead of blaming "the white man"
I understand white people treated you badly, but my gawd. Move on
Table 21
Oh, speaking of treating blacks badly..
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
It isnt just america where blacks are treated poorly by some :eusa_whistle:
Because whenever blacks start gaining a foothold and really do for themselves, whites swoop in a rage to burn the whole damn thing down...
It's Been 96 Years Since White Mobs Destroyed Tulsa's Black Wall Street | Colorlines
Yesterday at the ATM, I saw a black man driving a 40K dollar car.
I guess me and my ilk forgot to oppress him :(
I didn't say it should be excluded. I said IF ____ THEN it should, and will, be excluded from consideration. I don't know that much about it except that I'm sure I've read NOI leaders saying flagrantly anti-white and pro-segregationist things in the past. If that has changed, so be it.
There is nothing wrong with being pro segregation as long as its not forced segregation. Yes the NOI says anti white things because whites as a group are the enemies. Now why would you think Black people would feel such a thing was true if whites were so trustworthy?

So ... why would white people take a group seriously that hates them by default? Makes no damn sense. It's like black people wanting to be friendly with the modern-day KKK.

But after 400 years of whites doing unfriendly things to us, you expect us to take whites seriously. That's arrogance.

Do you want real change, or not (thread title)? Do you want blacks and whites to get along better, or do you just want white people to vanish in a puff of smoke? Because the latter isn't likely to happen. Especially not in your lifetime.
Personally I dont like your options. I just want whites to stop whining about Black self determination, self segregation, self promotion. Its not up to Blacks to make it easier for whites. They are the ones that fucked up. They need to fix their shit if they want better relations.
OMFG the irony :rofl:
You really did not propose anything, you stated an opinion. What you think will not do what you think it will. That's what I'm trying to say. There are states where blacks live in small numbers where they may never get a black representative in congress, In order for anything to change for them they are going to have to work with whites to get them to listen in order to get the changes they want. Why do whites like you always think that what you suggest is the ultimate answer for blacks?

I couldn't give a shit whether you think it's an opinion or whether I proposed it. Fucking hell, how pedantic can you get?

Apparently less than you.

Why is it, every time I talk to you, it descents into complete nonsense very quickly.

I'm thinking the ignore button might suit you better.

It descends into nonsense because you think you can tell me about black people and that what you say is the correct answer when it's not. I am black, I think I know the answers to problems blacks face better than you do.

What race am I?

I've asked you plenty of times and you've failed to respond.

Your problem is you think you understand things, and when you don't get your way, you respond with complete crap.

I really don't think you know the answers better simply because you're black, but you certainly know arrogance better than I do.

But why do you bother coming on here then, if you know all the answers and you're not willing to listen to other people.

Your argument is this. "Black people know the answers to the problems black people have better." If this were so, why aren't black people doing really well?

That's not to say that there aren't white people out there trying to keep black people down. However you think you're owed stuff. You think that because in the past people suffered, that you should have money thrown at you.

That is the very attitude which sees black people continue to do badly in society.

Your argument is this. "Black people know the answers to the problems black people have better." If this were so, why aren't black people doing really well?

Are you really that dumb? Seriously? First off blacks are doing better than you think. But things could be better if not for public policy.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”

But I guess this doesn't exist in your world. Blacks just don't know so we need the great white father to educate us on how to do it.

I think that after 30 plus years of working in the black community, that I might have some grasp on the problem, yes. The fact is blacks are owed money. It's not about what we think, it is about what people have shown us we are owed.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

n 1865, toward the end of the Civil War, Union Army General William Tecumseh Sherman promised slaves that they’d receive 40 acres and a mule. Land was even set aside, but the promise was recanted by President Andrew Johnson. Ever since, the issue of reparations has come up many times, often fiercely debated. Although most Americans generally don’t support reparations, according to University of Connecticut researcher Thomas Craemer, it matters greatly how the question is worded, who would get reparations and in what form. For example, the idea of reparations paid in educational benefits are more popular than others, Craemer says.

On the other hand, one of the cases often made against reparations is that it'd be impractically difficult to calculate how to fairly take and give so many years after the fact. But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Previous estimates of reparations have ranged from around $36 billion to $10 trillion (in 2009 dollars), Craemer says. Those calculations mostly looked at wealth created by slaves as opposed to services provided, resulting in underestimates. Craemer believes that “the economic assumptions underlying [his method] are more sound” than those used in previous papers.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Now you seem to miss how this nation was built and wealth was accumulated that still circulates in todays economy. You are arguing that silly argument of past suffering all while whites today live off the fruits created by a system based on slavery. Then you ignore the 100 years after slavery that impacts MY LIFE and the suffering blacks living today have faced.

You ask all of us blacks that criticize your ignorance that same stupid question about what race do we think you are and how we don't know. What difference does it make? If you are black you are just as wrong. I don't have to agree with things that I have seen are wrong just because they are your ideas. For you ignore far too many things and your belief that blacks don't want to work hard but want things given to them does not fit the reality I have seen for my entire life.

Blacks have only been able to compete in the American system for basically 53 years as "equals. Those like you are mystified as to why blacks aren't on absolute equal footing with whites after 53 years. This is where your willingness to forget your own history comes back to bite you. After 53 years of existence here, whites were still a colony dependent upon Britain. Even with no laws or policies made to deny them continuing attempts to end laws/policies providing them equal opportunity, it took whites169 years to get off the British teat.
Not to worry, if I met you on the street and you got in my face, I'd whoop your ass.
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved
I deserved to have my brains bashed in by a brutha because I'm white? :cuckoo:
I said "deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completely undeserved"

That "Black men may hurt me" drives most of your racism.

And what drives your racism?
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are and have been the main evil.

I don't hate white people....but then again....I don't hate Tigers...but I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just there nature. I understand the nature of white people (white supremacists)
So now you're saying that not all white people are bad for blacks? Then go tell IM2, he's still quite confused.
Not to worry, if I met you on the street and you got in my face, I'd whoop your ass.
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved
I deserved to have my brains bashed in by a brutha because I'm white? :cuckoo:
I said "deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completely undeserved"

That "Black men may hurt me" drives most of your racism.

And what drives your racism?
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white people are and have been the main evil.

I don't hate white people....but then again....I don't hate Tigers...but I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It's just there nature. I understand the nature of white people (white supremacists)


No, you're just a person who seems to be a little unhinged.

You make shit up to fling at people.

I'm done.

Enjoy the ignore list.
"White people like to kill and enslave!"
Yet there are tens of millions of slaves in africa as we speak.
Asians are known for genocide
Africans are known for genocide
Who the fuck are you racists trying to fool?

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